
Showing 1-30 of 36
Thesis or Dissertation
Godoy, Geraldine. "Analysis of the interrelationship between energy and the economy, society and environment: A model for sustainable energy development in Belize." Masters Thesis, International Master’s Program in Environmental Sustainable Development, National Central University, Taiwan ROC, 2009.
Working Paper
Zeng, Wu, Karla R Jovel, Eduardo A Undurraga, James Broesch, Dan T Eisenberg, Colleen Nyberg, Susan Tanner, Victoria Reyes-Garcia, Thomas W McDade, William R Leonard, Yuan Ma, Tomas Huanca, and Ricardo Godoy. "Sib composition and child educational attainment: Theory and evidence from native Amazonians in Bolivia." (2010) TAPS Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Dewbre, Joe, and Dalila Cervantes-Godoy. "Economic importance of agriculture poverty reduction: Indonesia & Vietnam." (2010)
Journal Article
Godoy M, Amalia Goldberg. "Reestruturação Produtiva e Polarização do Mercado de Trabalho em Paranaguá-PR." Revista Paranaense de Desenvolvimento-RPD , no. 99 (2000).
Journal Article
Barona Zuluaga, Bernardo, and Jorge Alberto Rivera Godoy. "Financiación de nuevas empresas: comparación de las fuentes de financiación en Colombia y Chile." Cuadernos de Administracion 26, no. 46 (2013): 11-35.
Journal Article
Germán, Moncada Godoy, and Mario Alas Solís. "La educación básica en el medio rural estudio de caso: Honduras.." Investigación educativa en la UPNFM: 2006-2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Castañeda, Johanna A, and María A Godoy Casadiego. "Igualdad de género y trabajo no remunerado de cuidado de salud en Colombia: un estudio a partir de la encuesta nacional de uso del tiempo 2012-2013." Título de Maestría, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2015.
Working Paper
Zuluaga, Bernardo Barona, and Jorge Alberto Rivera Godoy. "Microfinanzas y Financiación de Empresas Jóvenes en Colombia." (2013)
Journal Article
Rivera Godoy, Jorge Alberto, and Ana Milena Padilla Ospina. "¿Los medios de comunicación en Colombia son una industria creadora de valor?." Revista Finanzas y Política Económica 5, no. 2 (2013): 89-113.
Journal Article
Godoy, Ruben Dario. "El sistema urbano en la ordenacion del territorio estudio de caso: departamento del atlantico." Revista Colombiana de Geografia , no. 12 (2003).
Journal Article
Godoy, Márcia R, Giacomo B Neto, and Pedro P Barros. "A Regulamentação do Setor de Saúde Suplementar no Brasil e Risco Moral: Uma Aplicação da Regressão Quantílica Para Dados de Contagem." (2009) Berkeley Program in Law & Economics.
Journal Article
Del Solar, Rafael C, Pavel P Godoy, Julio V Escudero, and Isaías R Salazar. "Perfil Socio-Demográfico del Donante de Sangre del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia- Lima: Una Comparación entre 1988 y 1994." Revista Medica Herediana 11, no. 2 (2000): 42-47.
Journal Article
Godoy, Marcia Regina, and Divanildo Triches. "Effects of physical activity on earnings in the Brazilian labor market." (2016) EconomiA.
Journal Article
Chege, Patrick Masemiano, Jeremy Penner, P P Godoy-Ruiz, V V Kapoor, J J Rodas, and K K Rouleau. "Evolution of Family Medicine in Kenya (1990s to date): a case study." South African Family Practice 59, no. 1 (2017): 1-8.
Journal Article
Bonnel, Rene, N’Della N’Jie, Lucas Godoy-Garraza, Alloys Orago, Patrick Murithi, and Joseph Fruh. "Evaluating the Effects of Community-based Organization Engagement on HIV and AIDS-related Risk Behavior in Kenya." (2013) AIDS Care.
Journal Article
Zúñiga, María Godoy E, and Katheryn S Viteri. "Propuesta Sobre Producción De Energía Eléctrica Como Estrategia Sostenible Para El Medio Ambiente. Caso Ecuador." (2017) DELOS.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bobadilla Pérez, Camila F, Francisca C Cid Belmar, and Dannae L Godoy Soto. "Discurso de las cuidadoras de trato directo acerca de la autonomía de los niños, niñas y adolescentes pertenecientes a Fundación Coanil Los Ceibos." Título de Terapeuta Ocupacional, Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello, 2016.
Journal Article
Terblanche, Stephan, and Geraldine Mackenzie. "Mandatory sentences in South Africa: lessons for Australia?." Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 41, no. 3 (2008): 402-420.
Journal Article
Castañeda, María Merino C, and Geraldine Otiniano M Osorio. "Estudio para instalar una planta procesadora de puré instantáneo de zapallo macre." Ingeniería Industrial , no. 32 (2014).
Journal Article
Duthe, Géraldine, Irina Badurashvili, Karine Kuyumjyan, France Mesle, and Jacques Vallin. "Mortality in the Caucasus: An attempt to re-estimate recent mortality trends in Armenia and Georgia." Demographic Research 22, no. 23 (2010): 691-732.
Journal Article
Owusu-Daaku, Frances Thelma, and Geraldine Buanya-Mensah. "Ghanaian pharmacists’ perception of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHIV)." Journal of Pharmacy Practice 23, no. 2 (2010): 135.
Journal Article
Pinchinat, Sybil, Catherine Enel, Gilles Pison, Géraldine Duthe, Emmanuel Lagarde, Francois Simondon, and Kirsten Simondon. "No improvement in weight-for-age of young children in southern Senegal, 1969-1992, despite a drastic reduction in mortality. Evidence from a growth monitoring programme." International journal of epidemiology 33, no. 6 (2004): 1202-1208.
Journal Article
Atienza--Dimaculangan, Geraldine. "Using Regression Analysis to Forecast the Factors Affecting the Enrollment of a Tertiary School." Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 2, no. 1 (2014): 121-130.
Journal Article
Filipi, Kozeta, and Anila Xhani. "Assessment of cervical cytological data in Albanian females." (2014) Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.
Journal Article
Pinauldt, Géraldine. "Le Bétail des Somali d'Éthiopie: La Mondialisation sur les Marges." EchoGeo , no. 31 (2015).
Journal Article
Dugwen, Geraldine Luchuen, Thane W Hancock, James Gilmar, John Gilmatam, Petra Tun, and Gregory G Maskarinec. "Domestic violence against women on Yap, Federated States of Micronesia." Hawaii Journal of Medicine & Public Health 72, no. 9 (2013): 318-322.
Journal Article
Duthe, Geraldine, Irina Badurashvili, Karine Kuyumjyan, France Mesle, and Jacques Vallin. "Mortality in the Caucasus: An attempt to re-estimate recent mortality trends in Armenia and Georgia." (2010) Demographic research.
Journal Article
Helleringer, Stéphane, Gilles Pison, Almamy M Kanté, Géraldine Duthé, and Armelle Andro. "Reporting errors in siblings’ survival histories and their impact on adult mortality estimates: results from a record linkage study in Senegal." Demography 51, no. 2 (2014): 387-411.
Journal Article
Pflieger, Géraldine, and Sarah Matthieussent. "Water and power in Santiago de Chile: Socio-spatial segregation through network integration." Geoforum 39, no. 6 (2008): 1907-1921.
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