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Showing 1-30 of 83
Journal Article
Herman, Edward S, and David Peterson.
Genocide Denial and Genocide Facilitation: Gerald Caplan and The Politics of Genocide
(2010) Taylor-report.com.
Journal Article
Alderman, Harold, and Gerald Shively.
Economic reform and food prices: Evidence from markets in Ghana
World Development 24, no. 3 (1996): 521-534.
Working Paper
Alderman, Harold, and Gerald Shively.
Prices and Markets in Ghana
Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program , no. 10 (1991).
Rios, Ana R, Gerald L Shively, and William A Masters.
Agricultural prices and income distribution among farmers: a whole-household, multi-country, multi-year analysis
Rios, Ana R, William A Masters, and Gerald E Shively.
Linkages between market participation and productivity: results from a multi-country farm household sample
Conference Paper
Rios, Ana, Gerald Shively, and William Masters.
Farm productivity and household market participation: evidence from LSMS data
Shively, Gerald, and Jing Hao.
A review of agriculture, food security and human nutrition issues in Uganda
West Lafayette, USA: Department of Agricultural Economics Purdue University, 2012.
Working Paper
Shively, Gerald, Jared Gars, and Celeste Sununtnasuk.
A review of food security and human nutrition issues in Nepal
(2011) Purdue University Department of Agricultural Economics Staff Paper.
Journal Article
Jagger, Pamela, and Gerald Shively.
Land Use Change, Fuel Use and Respiratory Health in Uganda
(2015) Energy Policy.
Journal Article
Shively, Gerald, Celeste Sununtnasuk, and Molly Brown.
Environmental variability and child growth in Nepal
(2015) Health & place.
Journal Article
Shively, Gerald, and Celeste Sununtnasuk.
Agricultural Diversity and Child Stunting in Nepal
The Journal of Development Studies 51, no. 8 (2015): 1078-1096.
Conference Paper
Rios, Ana R, Gerald E Shively, and William A Masters.
International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, August, Beijing
International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Beijing, China, August 16-22, 2009.
Beijing, China, 2009.
Working Paper
Block, Steven, William A Masters, Prajula Mulmi, and Gerald Shively.
Climatic conditions and child height: Sex-specific vulnerability and the protective effects of sanitation and food markets in Nepal
Journal Article
Shively, Gerald, and Ganesh Thapa.
Markets, transportation infrastructure, and food prices in Nepal
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99, no. 3 (2017): 660-682.
Working Paper
Webb, Patrick, Jerry Shively, and Prajula Mulmi.
Sanitation in Nepal: Links to Nutrition and Research Priorities
Nutrition CRSP.
Journal Article
Shively, G., P. Jagger, D. Sserunkuuma, A. Arinaitwe, and C. Chibwana.
Profits and Margins along Uganda's Charcoal Value Chain
International Forestry Review 12, no. 3 (2010): 270-283.
Working Paper
Levinsohn, James.
Globalization and the returns to speaking English in South Africa
(2004) Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan, Discussion Paper No. 523.
Working Paper
Ahmed, Tanvir, Gerald Bloom, Mohammad Iqbal, Henry Lucas, Sabrina Rasheed, Linda Waldman, Azfar S Khan, Rubana Islam, and Abbas Bhuiya.
E-health and M-health in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges
Working Paper
Xing-yuan, Gu, Gerald Bloom, Tang Sheng-lan, and Henry Lucas.
Health Expenditure and Finance in Three Poor Counties of China
Journal Article
Karmorh Jr, Benjamin S, Abdulai Jalloh, Gerald C Nelson, and Timothy S Thomas.
West African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis.
Working Paper
Epstein, Gerald, and James Heintz.
Monetary Policy and Financial Sector Reform For Employment Creation and Poverty Reduction in Ghana
PERI Working Paper , no. 113 (2006).
Journal Article
Manthalu, Gerald, Dominic Nkhoma, and Sanderson Kuyeli.
Simple versus composite indicators of socioeconomic status in resource allocation formulae: the case of the district resource allocation formula in Malawi
BMC Health Services Research 10, no. 1 (2010): 6.
Working Paper
Simms, Chris, John Milimo, and Gerald Bloom.
The reasons for the rise in childhood mortality during the 1980s in Zambia
Journal Article
Lucas, Henry, Ding Ding, and Gerald Bloom.
What do we mean by ‘major illness’? The need for new approaches to research on the impact of ill-health on poverty
(2008) Health and social protection: experiences from Cambodia, China, and Lao PDR. Studies in Health Services Organisation & Policy, Antwerp.
Working Paper
van der Meulen Rodgers, Yana, and Nidhiya Menon.
Self-employment in household enterprises and access to credit: Gender differences during India’s rural banking reform
(2009) International Policy Center, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan.
Journal Article
Bloom, Gerald, Barun Kanjilal, and David H Peters.
Regulating health care markets in China and India
Health Affairs 27, no. 4 (2008): 952-963.
Journal Article
Breisinger, Clemens, Tingju Zhu, Perrihan Al Riffai, Gerald Nelson, Richard Robertson, Jose Funes, and Dorte Verner.
Global and local economic impacts of climate change in Syria and options for adaptation
(2011) International Food Policy Research Institute, Discussion Paper.
Journal Article
Giesecke, James Andrew, Nhi Hoang Tran, Gerald Anthony Meagher, and Felicity Pang.
A decomposition approach to labour market forecasting
(2014) Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.
Conference Paper
Virola, Romulo A, Jessamyn O Encarnacion, Gerald Junne L Clariño, and Joseph Albert Niño M Bulan.
Finding Your Romeo and Juliet Using Evidence-Based Approaches
12th National Convention on Statistics.
Mandaluyong City, Philippines, October 1-2, 2013.
Working Paper
Nzuma, Jonathan Makau, Michael Waithaka, Richard Mbithi Mulwa, Miriam Kyotalimye, and Gerald Nelson.
Strategies for adapting to climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review of data sources, poverty reduction stategy programs (PRSP) and national adaptation plans for agriculture (NAPAs) in ASARECA member countries
IFPRI Discussion Paper , no. 01013 (2010).
Showing 1-30 of 83