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Showing 31-60 of 406
Martine, George, Gordon McGranahan, Mark Montgomery, and Rogelio Fernandez-Castilla.
The new global frontier: Urbanization, poverty and environment in the 21st century
: Earthscan, 2012.
Working Paper
George, K.K., and N.Ajith Kumar.
Kerala: The land of development paradoxes
Centre for Socio-Economic and Environmental Studies, Working Paper , no. 2 (1997).
Journal Article
Hakkerte, Ralph, and George Martine.
Population, poverty and inequality: a Latin-American perspective
(2003) Population and poverty: achieving equity, equality and sustainability.
Journal Article
Maltsoglou, Irini, and George Rapsomanikis.
The contribution of livestock to household income in Vietnam: a household typology based analysis
Journal Article
Bicego, George.
Estimating adult mortality rates in the context of the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa: analysis of DHS sibling histories
(1997) Health transition review.
Journal Article
Nandy, Shailen, Michelle Irving, David Gordon, Shailen Subramanian, and George Smith.
Poverty, child undernutrition and morbidity: new evidence from India
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83, no. 3 (2005): 210-216.
Journal Article
Subramanian, S.V., Leland Ackerson, George Davey Smith, and Neetu A John.
Association of maternal height with child mortality, anthropometric failure, and anemia in India
JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association 301, no. 16 (2009): 1691.
Thesis or Dissertation
Muvingi, Ismael.
Actualizing human rights norms in distanced spaces; an analysis of the campaign to eliminate conflict diamonds and the capital market sanctions (Sudan) campaigns in the United States
PhD, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, 2007.
Motala, Shireen, Veerle Dieltiens, Nazir Carrim, Paul Kgobe, George Moyo, and Symphorosa Rembe.
Educational access in South Africa: Country analytic review
Johannesburg, South Africa: University of the Witwatersrand, 2007.
Samoilys, Melita, Kennedy Osuka, and George W Maina.
Opportunities and Challenges of Current Legislation for Effective Conservation in the Tana Delta - Pate Island Coast of Kenya
Mombasa, Kenya: Obura DO & Samoilys MA, 2011.
Journal Article
Ogendi, George M, and Isaac M Ong'oa.
Water Policy, Accessibility and Water Ethics in Kenya
Santa Clara Journal of International Law 7, no. 1 (2009): 0-0.
Working Paper
Kaharuza, Frank, Jonathan H Mermin, George W Rutherford, Joshua Musinguzi, Wilford Kirungi, Edson Nuwagaba, Anne Cross, Vinod Mishra, Alex Opio, and Rebecca Bunnell.
Feasibility and Acceptance of Home-based HIV Counseling and Testing during a Population-based HIV Serologic Survey
Conference Paper
Gunaratna, Nilupa S, George P McCabe, and Hugo de Groote.
A simulation-based method for evaluating potential impact of biofortified crops
8th African Crop Science Society Conference, El-Minia, Egypt, 27-31 October 2007.
Working Paper
Brown, Jennifer, Roeland Monasch, George Bicego, Anthony Burton, and J. Ties Boerma.
An assessment of the quality of national child immunization coverage estimates in population-based surveys
(2002) MEASURE Evaluation Project.
Journal Article
Decker, Michele R, George R Seage III, David Hemenway, Anita Raj, Niranjan Saggurti, Donta Balaiah, and Jay G Silverman.
Intimate partner violence functions as both a risk marker and risk factor for women's HIV infection: findings from Indian husband-wife dyads
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 51, no. 5 (2009): 593.
Working Paper
Wodon, Quentin, Clarence Tsimpo , Prospere Backiny-Yetna , George Joseph , Franck Adoho, and Harold Coulomb.
Potential impact of higher food prices on poverty: Summary estimates for a dozen west and central African countries
Book Section
Qiang, Christine Z, George R Clarke, and Naomi Halewood.
2006 Information and Communications for Development: Global Trends and Policies
(2006) The Role of ICT in Doing Business.
Working Paper
Clarke, George RG, Manju Kedia Shah, Marie Sheppard, Julliet Munro, and Roland Pearson.
The profile and productivity of Zambian Businesses
(2010) World Bank: Lusaka, Zambia.
Working Paper
Hill, Kenneth, George Bicego, and Mary Mahy.
Childhood mortality in Kenya: An examination of trends and determinants in the late 1980s to mid 1990s
(2001) Hopkins Population Center Papers on Population WP01-01 .
Journal Article
Clarke R, George.
How Petty is Petty Corruption? Evidence from Firm Surveys in Africa
World Development 39, no. 7 (2011): 1122-1132.
Working Paper
Clarke R, George.
Manufacturing Firms in Africa: Some Stylized Facts About Wages and Productivity
(2012) SSRN eLibrary.
Journal Article
Pariyo, George W, Eleanor Gouws, Jennifer Bryce, and Gilbert Burnham.
Improving Facility-based Care for Sick Children in Uganda: Training is not Enough
Health Policy and Planning 20, no. 1 (2005): i58-i68.
Working Paper
Byanyima, Martha, George Opiyo, Ephrance Tumuboine, Daniel Njiwa, and Dermot Cassidy.
Establishing Priorities for SPS Capacity-Building in Uganda Using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis
Danso, George, Olufunke Cofie, L Annang, Emmanuel Obuobie, and Bernard Keraita.
Gender and urban agriculture: the case of Accra, Ghana
: Resource Centre on Urban Agriculture and Forestry (RUAF), 2004.
Journal Article
Lugalambi, George W, Peter G Mwesige, and Hendrik Bussiek.
Uganda: A Survey by the Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project (AfriMAP), Open Society Initiative for East Africa (OSIEA) and Open Society Media Program (OSMP)
Working Paper
Makaaru, Jacklyn, Kiran Cunningham, Keith E Kisaame, Suzie N Muwanga, and George Bogere.
Public Expenditure Governance in Uganda’s Education Sector: Application of an Innovative Assessment Framework
ACODE Policy Research Series , no. 67 (2015).
Hill, Kenneth, Boaz Cheluget, Siân Curtis, George Bicego, and Mary Mahy.
HIV and increases in childhood mortality in Kenya in the late 1980s to the mid-1990s
: USAID, 2004.
Journal Article
Gladstone, Melissa, Sarah White, George Kafulafula, James P Neilson, and Nynke van den Broek.
Post-neonatal Mortality, Morbidity, and Developmental Outcome after Ultrasound-Dated Preterm Birth in Rural Malawi: A Community-Based Cohort Study
PLoS Medicine 8, no. 11 (2011): e1001.
Journal Article
Koome, Peter, Daudi Nturibi, and George Kichamu.
The effect of declining family planning IEC efforts on contraceptive behaviour
(2003) NCAPD and MEASURE Evaluation, A Closer Look at KDHS.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sinyangwe, George.
Descriptive Study of Surrogate and Clinical Outcomes of Anti-Retroviral Treatment in Selebi Phikwe, Botswana from June 2004 to June 2005
Master Thesis, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2010.
Showing 31-60 of 406