
Showing 1-30 of 38
Thesis or Dissertation
Dos Santos, Anete V, and Gabrielle P De Queiroz. "Prevalência e Eficácia do uso dos Espaçadores Artesanal e Industrial na Administração do Salbutamol na Emergência Pediátrica do Hospital Regional da Asa Sul - HRAS." Título de bacharel, Universidade Católica de Brasília, 2010.
Journal Article
Bankole, Akinrinola, Susheela Singh, Rubina Hussain, and Gabrielle Oestreicher. "Condom use for preventing STI/HIV and unintended pregnancy among young men in Sub-Saharan Africa." American Journal of Men's Health 3, no. 1 (2009): 60.
Journal Article
Dell, Evelyn, Susan Erikson, Eddy Andrianirina, and Gabrielle Smith. "Women's knowledge in Madagascar: A health needs assessment study." Global Public Health 7, no. 1 (2012): 29-41.
Working Paper
Bonnet, Gabrielle. "What do Recent Evaluations Tell us about the State of Teachers in sub-Saharan Africa." (2007) Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008.
Conference Paper
Piketty, Marie-Gabrielle. "Regional Economic Development and Transition to Secondary Forests in Indonesia." Management of Secondary and Logged-over Forests in Indonesia: Selected Proceedings of an International Workshop. Indonesia, November 17-19, 1997.
Journal Article
Osei-Ampofo, Maxwell, George Oduro, Rockefeller Oteng, Ahmed Zakariah, Gabrielle Jacquet, and Peter Donkor. "The evolution and current state of emergency care in Ghana." (2012) African Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Journal Article
Burgess, Elisabeth, Benjamin D Mazzotta, Jose Maria, Gabrielle Soltys San Juan, and Anna Valeria Zuccolotto. "Cash Outlook: Mexico." IBGC Working Paper 13, no. 2 (2013).
Journal Article
Lynch, Gabrielle. "Electing the ‘alliance of the accused’: the success of the Jubilee Alliance in Kenya's Rift Valley." Journal of Eastern African Studies 8, no. 1 (2013): 93-114.
Journal Article
Bayer, Angela M, Gabrielle C Hunter, Robert H Gilman, Juan Cornejo G Del Carpio, Cesar Naquira, Caryn Bern, and Michael Z Levy. "Chagas Disease, Migration and Community Settlement Patterns in Arequipa, Peru." PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 3, no. 12 (2009).
Thesis or Dissertation
Van der Stoep, Gabrielle. "Identifying motherhood and its effect on female labour force participation in South Africa: an analysis of survey data." MCom thesis, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2008.
Working Paper
Wills, Gabrielle. "The effects of teacher strike activity on student learning in South African primary schools." (2014) Economic Research Southern Africa Working paper.
Journal Article
Wagner, Anjuli D, Cyrus Mugo, Shay Bluemer-Miroite, Peter M Mutiti, Dalton C Wamalwa, David Bukusi, Jillian Neary, Irene N Njuguna, Gabrielle O’Malley, and Grace C John-Stewart. "Continuous quality improvement intervention for adolescent and young adult HIV testing services in Kenya improves HIV knowledge." (2017) AIDS.
Spaull, Nicholas, Servaas Berg, Gabrielle Wills, Martin Gustafsson, and Janeli Kotze. Laying Firm foundations: Getting reading right. 2016.
Journal Article
Wilson, Kate S, Kristin M Beima-Sofie, Helen Moraa, Anjuli D Wagner, Cyrus Mugo, Peter M Mutiti, Dalton Wamalwa, David Bukusi, Grace C John-Stewart, Jennifer A Slyker, Pamela K Kohler, and Gabrielle O'Malley. "“At our age, we would like to do things the way we want:” a qualitative study of adolescent HIV testing services in Kenya." (2017) AIDS.
Thesis or Dissertation
Daniels J, Gabrielle. "Investigating Fear, Shyness, And Discomfort Related To Menstrual Hygiene Management In Rural Cambodia." Master Thesis, Yale University, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bartnik, Tara, and Gabrielle Hairabedian. "A study of water and sanitation in rural villages of Lamjung District, Nepal: challenges and sustainable solutions." Master’s Thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, {\AA}s, 2016.
Journal Article
Lago, Luciana C, and Luiz Queiroz C Ribeiro. "A Casa Própria em Tempo de Crise: Os Novos Padrões de Provisão de Moradia nas Grandes Cidades." (2013) Anais: Encontros Nacionais da ANPUR.
Working Paper
Ribeiro C, Luiz Queiroz. "Ia Metrópole: Entre a Coesäo ea Fragmentação, a Cooperação eo Conflito." (2011)
Thesis or Dissertation
Junior C, Geraldo. "O trabalho de crianças e adolescentes com ênfase nas piores formas: uma análise dos censos demográficos do Brasil de 2000 e 2010." Meste, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bezerra E, Marcio Garcia. "O Trabalho Infantil Afeta o Desempenho Escolar no Brasil?." Mestre, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz", 2006.
Conference Paper
Turra, Cassio M, and Bernardo L Queiroz. "Intergenerational transfers and socioeconomic inequality in Brazil: a first look." Taller sobre Transformaciones Demograficas,Transferencias Intergeneracionales y Proteccion Social en America Latina, CELADE. Santiago, Chile, 07 06, 2005.
Journal Article
Perez, Elisenda, Bernardo Queiroz, and Cassio Maldonado Turra. "The opportunities we cannot forgo: economic consequences of population changes in Brazil." (2007) Palavras-chave: dividendos demográficos, transição demográfica, conseqüências econômicas.
Journal Article
Queiroz, Bernardo, and Cassio Maldonado Turra. "Window of opportunity: socioeconomic consequences of demographic changes in Brazil." (2010)
Journal Article
Piscoya–Díaz, Mario, and Bernardo L Queiroz. "¿Qué sabemos acerca de la mortalidad y calidad de datos en Perú? Niveles de cobertura de mortalidad y tendencias en décadas recientes." Papeles de población 16, no. 63 (2010): 219-241.
Journal Article
Piscoya-Diaz, Mario, and Bernardo L Queiroz. "What do we know about adult mortality and data quality in Peru? Mortality coverage levels and trends from recent decades." Papeles de Población 16, no. 63 (2010): 219-241.
Journal Article
Francisco de Araujo, Ari J, Márcio A Salvato, and Bernardo L Queiroz. "Desenvolvimento e Fecundidade no Brasil: Reversão da Fecundidade para Municípios Mais Desenvolvidos?." Planejamento e Políticas Públicas , no. 41 (2013).
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