
Showing 61-90 of 96
Journal Article
Eisele, Thomas P, Kim A Lindblade, Kathleen A Wannemuehler, John E Gimnig, Frank Odhiambo, William A Hawley, Feiko O Ter Kuile, Penny Phillips-Howard, Daniel H Rosen, and Bernard L Nahlen. "Effect of sustained insecticide-treated bed net use on all-cause child mortality in an area of intense perennial malaria transmission in western Kenya." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 73, no. 1 (2005): 149-156.
Journal Article
Eisele, Thomas P, Kim A Lindblade, Daniel H Rosen, Frank Odhiambo, John M Vulule, and Laurence Slutsker. "Evaluating the completeness of demographic surveillance of children less than five years old in western Kenya: a capture-recapture approach." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 69, no. 1 (2003): 92-97.
Journal Article
Lindblade, Kim A, Thomas P Eisele, John E Gimnig, Jane A Alaii, Frank Odhiambo, Feiko O Kuile, William A Hawley, Kathleen A Wannemuehler, Penelope A Phillips-Howard, Daniel H Rosen, and others. "Sustainability of reductions in malaria transmission and infant mortality in western Kenya with use of insecticide-treated bednets: 4 to 6 years of follow-up." Jama 291, no. 21 (2004): 2571-2580.
Makoloo, Maurice Odhiambo, Yash P Ghai, and Yash P Ghai. Kenya: Minorities, indigenous peoples and ethnic diversity. : Minority Rights Group International, 2005.
Journal Article
Murray, EL, S Khagayi, M Ope, G Bigogo, R Ochola, P Muthoka, K Njenga, F Odhiambo, D Burton, and KF Laserson. "What are the most sensitive and specific sign and symptom combinations for influenza in patients hospitalized with acute respiratory illness? Results from western Kenya, January 2007-July 2010." Epidemiology and infection 141, no. 01 (2013): 212-222.
Working Paper
Mahembe, Edmore, and Nicholas M Odhiambo. "The dynamics of foreign direct investment in SADC countries: Experiences from five middle-income economies." Problems and Perspectives in Management 11, no. 4 (2013): 35-45.
Journal Article
Odhiambo, Ojijo. "Effects of zero rating value added tax on government revenue in Namibia." African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 6, no. 4 (2015): 343-355.
Journal Article
Lo, TQ, JE Oeltmann, FO Odhiambo, C Beynon, E Pevzner, KP Cain, KF Laserson, and PA Phillips-Howard. "Alcohol use, drunkenness and tobacco smoking in rural western Kenya." Tropical Medicine & International Health 18, no. 4 (2013): 506-515.
Journal Article
Amek, Nyaguara O, Frank O Odhiambo, Sammy Khagayi, Hellen Moige, Gordon Orwa, Mary J Hamel, Annemieke Van Eijk, John Vulule, Laurence Slutsker, and Kayla F Laserson. "Childhood cause-specific mortality in rural Western Kenya: application of the InterVA-4 model." (2014) Global health action.
Odhiambo-Ochiewo, Jacob, Renison K Ruwa, Melckzedec Osore, Diana Mutiso, and Saeed Mwaguni. Estuaries: A Lifeline of Ecosystem Services in the Western Indian Ocean. : Springer, 2016.
Journal Article
Odhiambo, MTO, O Skovmand, JM Vulule, and ED Kokwaro. "Evaluation of polyethylene-based long lasting treated bed net netprotect on anopheles mosquitoes, malaria incidence, and net longivity in Western kenya." (2013) Journal of tropical medicine.
Journal Article
Wandera, Ernest Apondi, Shah Mohammad, John Odhiambo Ouko, James Yatitch, Koki Taniguchi, and Yoshio Ichinose. "Variation in rotavirus vaccine coverage by sub-counties in Kenya." Tropical Medicine and Health 45, no. 1 (2017): 9.
Journal Article
Fagerli, Kirsten, Katherine O'Connor, Sunkyung Kim, Maureen Kelley, Aloyce Odhiambo, Sitnah Faith, Ronald Otieno, Benjamin Nygren, Mary Kamb, and Robert Quick. "Impact of the Integration of Water Treatment, Hygiene, Nutrition, and Clean Delivery Interventions on Maternal Health Service Use." The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 96, no. 5 (2017): 1253-1260.
Journal Article
Akullian, Adam, Mathews Onyango, Daniel Klein, Jacob Odhiambo, and Anna Bershteyn. "Geographic coverage of male circumcision in western Kenya." Medicine 96, no. 2 (2017).
Conference Paper
Ongwae, Gichana James, Elegwa Mukulu, and Romanus Odhiambo. "Innovation Activity and Firm Growth Across Key Sectors of the Kenyan Economy." First SHRD Annual Research Conference 12-13 September 2013 JKUAT MAIN CAMPUS. 2013.
Journal Article
Odhiambo, Jacob O, Timothy A Kellogg, and Andrea A Kim. "Antiretroviral treatment scale-up among persons living with HIV in Kenya: results from a nationally representative survey." Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 66, no. Suppl 1 (2014): S116.
Journal Article
Desai, Meghna, Ann M Buff, Sammy Khagayi, Peter Byass, Nyaguara Amek, Annemieke Eijk, Laurence Slutsker, John Vulule, Frank O Odhiambo, and Penelope A Phillips-Howard. "Age-specific malaria mortality rates in the KEMRI/CDC health and demographic surveillance system in western Kenya, 2003-2010." PloS One 9, no. 9 (2014): e106197.
Journal Article
Chifamba, Ronald T, and Ojijo Odhiambo. "An Analysis of the Potential of Manufacturing and Services Sectors as Drivers of Economic Growth and Development in Namibia." Business and Management Studies 1, no. 2 (2015): 167-178.
Journal Article
Kohler, Pamela K, John Okanda, John Kinuthia, Lisa A Mills, George Olilo, Frank Odhiambo, Kayla F Laserson, Brenda Zierler, Joachim Voss, and Grace John-Stewart. "Community-based evaluation of PMTCT uptake in Nyanza Province, Kenya." PLoS One 9, no. 10 (2014): e110110.
Journal Article
Owiti, Elizabeth Anyango, and Martine Odhiambo Oleche. "Costing of Antiretroviral Treatment in Mbagathi District Hospital, Kenya." International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 4, no. 3 (2015).
Working Paper
Puffer, Eve S, Eric P Green, Kathleen J Sikkema, Sherryl A Broverman, Rose A Ogwang-Odhiambo, and Jessica Pian. "A church-based intervention for families to promote mental health and prevent HIV among adolescents in rural Kenya: Results of a randomized trial."
Journal Article
Odundo, Paul A, Urbanus Kioko, Evanson M Muriithi, Thomas Odhiambo, and Samwel O Mwanda. "Peer Education and Behaviour Change on Hiv/Aids Prevention in Secondary Schools in Rachuonyo District, Kenya: Prospects and Policy.." Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research 14, no. 4 (2014): 5-12.
Thesis or Dissertation
Odhiambo, Mark. "Determinants of contraceptive use: a comparative study of disabled and non-disabled women in Kenya." Master of Science, University of Nairobi, Kenya, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Odhiambo, Felix Blair. "Factors Associated with Utilization of Voluntary Counselling and Testing Services among Boda Boda Operators in Ndhiwa Constituency, Homa Bay County, Kenya." Master of Science, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2014.
Journal Article
Guillaine, Neza, Wilberforce Mwizerwa, Jackline Odhiambo, Bethany L Hedt-Gauthier, Lisa R Hirschhorn, Placidie Mugwaneza, Jean Paul Umugisha, Felix Rwabukwisi Cyamatare, Christine Mutaganzwa, and Neil Gupta. "A Novel Combined Mother-Infant Clinic to Optimize Post-Partum Maternal Retention, Service Utilization, and Linkage to Services in HIV Care in Rural Rwanda." International Journal of MCH and AIDS 6, no. 1 (2017): 36-45.
Thesis or Dissertation
Odhiambo, Aggrey Aluso. "Engendered socialization, sexuality and the feminization of HIV amongst the Luo of Ngunya Sub-Location of Ugunja constituency." Master of Arts, University of Nairobi, 2015.
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