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Showing 931-960 of 5229
Journal Article
Akyeampong K, Albert.
Aid for self help effort? A sustainable alternative route to basic education in Northern Ghana
Journal of International Co-operation in Education 7, no. 1 (2004).
Journal Article
Babalola, Stelia, Claudia Vondrasek, Jane Brown, and Regina Traoré.
The impact of a regional family planning service promotion initiative in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from Cameroon
(2001) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Fiedler, John.
Child survival and the role of the ministry of health in Ecuador: progress, constraints and reorganization
Health Policy and Planning 6, no. 1 (1991): 32.
Journal Article
Nyarko, K B, E Awuah, and D Ofori.
Local initiative in community water supply: Case study in ashanti region, Ghana
Desalination 248, no. 1–3 (2009): 650 -657.
Working Paper
Alkire, Sabina, Jose M Roche, and Suman Seth.
Sub-national disparities and inter-temporal evolution of multidimensional poverty across developing countries
(2011) Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative.
Kadzandira, John M, and Alister C Munthali.
The Coverage and Utilisation of Insecticide Treated Nets and Malaria Prevention and Treatment Practices at the Community Level in Malawi
Journal Article
Nishtar, Sania.
Pakistan: The impact of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative on health systems
(2009) Interaction between global health initiatives and health systems: Evidence from countries.
Journal Article
Chau, C.N., K.H. Jacobsen, and Bao Ngoc Vu.
Maternal reports of child health practices in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
(2011) Journal of Rural and Tropical Public Health.
Starling, Mary, Ruairi Brugha, Gill Walt, Annie Heaton, and Regina Keith.
New products into old systems: The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) from a country perspective
London, UK: Save the Children, 2002.
Journal Article
Reynolds, Teri A, Juma A Mfinanga, Hendry R Sawe, Michael S Runyon, and Victor Mwafongo.
Emergency care capacity in Africa: A clinical and educational initiative in Tanzania
(2012) Journal of Public Health Policy.
Levy, Dan, and Jim Ohls.
Evaluation of Jamaica’s PATH program: final report
Kingston 4, West Indies , Jamaica : Ministry of Labour and Social Security , 2007.
Journal Article
Ferede, Yirgu G, and Birukkidus T Tewolde.
Improving maternity care in Ethiopia through facility based review of maternal deaths and near misses
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 127, no. Suppliment 1 (2014): s29-s34.
Thesis or Dissertation
Donkoh M, Gifty.
Association between Facility Status – Baby Friendly and Non-Baby Friendly Hospitals and Infant Feeding Practices
Thesis, University of Ghana , 2013.
Journal Article
Kakai, Hygin Faust, Alban Gilles Kakai, and Armelle Grey Tohouegnon.
Agriculture urbaine et valorisation des déchets au Bénin: une approche de développement durable
VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement 10, no. 2 (2010).
Journal Article
Mejía Acosta, Andrés.
Analysing success in the fight against malnutrition in Peru
IDS Working Papers 2011, no. 367 (2011): 2-49.
Journal Article
Ferroussier, O, RA Dlodlo, D Capo-Chichi, F Boillot, M Gninafon, A Trébucq, and PI Fujiwara.
Résultats de l’intégration rapide et couronnée de succès du diagnostic et des soins du VIH dans les services de tuberculose au Bénin
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 17, no. 11 (2013): 1405-1410.
Journal Article
Jaldesa W, Guyo.
Contribution of obstetrics and gynecology societies in East, Central, and Southern Africa to the prevention of unsafe abortion in the region
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 126, no. S1 (2014): S13-S16.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rismiati, Catur.
Teachers' Concerns Regarding the Implementation of Integrated Thematic Instruction: A Study of Primary Grade Teachers in Kanisius Catholic Schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Degree of Doctor of Education, Loyola University Chicago, 2012.
Journal Article
Motkuri, Venkatanarayana.
Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Tribes (STs) in Andhra Pradesh: A Situation Assessment Analysis
Musonda, Flora Mndeme.
Migration Legislation in East Africa
Owusu-Banahene, Foster Mensah, Serena Coetzee, AK Cooper, Victoria Rautenbach, Kisco M Sinvula, Emma Nangolo, and Martin Hippondoka.
A description of spatial data infrastructure stakeholders in Ghana using the ICA model
Journal Article
Gallegos R, René.
A Major Transition for a Great Transformation: Reflections from the Yasuní-ITT Initiative
New Society Magazine , no. 237 (2012).
Working Paper
Blasco, Lorea, Stephen Devadoss, and Leroy Stodick.
A general equilibrium analysis of the effects of Doha Round Declaration and African Cotton Initiative on Zambian cotton sector
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 18, no. 1 (2009): 115-137.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaitán Marín, Yezid.
La utopía de la soberanía popular “Reflexiones sobre la efectividad del Referendo Constitucional de Iniciativa Popular”
Magister en Derecho, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Magomu, Jude.
Social Justice in Uganda: Is Universal Primary Education Enough to Ensure Social Justice for All Ugandans?
Master Thesis, Lund University, 2009.
Journal Article
Brown, Stephen, K K Adarkwa, and R A Oppong.
Poverty reduction through the creation of a liveable housing environment: A case study of Habitat for Humanity International housing units in rural Ghana
Property Management 25, no. 1 (2007): 7-26.
Conference Paper
Toktalieva, Aikanysh.
Prevalence of Tobacco Use among Youth of the Kyrgyz Republic Aged 15-24 Yeas
The 13th World Conference on Tobacco OR Health.
Washington, DC, July 12-15, 2006.
Journal Article
Dukhi, Natisha, and Sunitha Srinivas.
Combating increasing Chronic Non Communicable Diseases: The need, progress and way forward for Health Promoting Schools in South Africa
Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice 7, no. 3 (2014): 2-9.
Working Paper
Dixon, R, and K Dixon.
The Fiji Education Support Program (FESP): An international development initiative
Bodenbender, Mirka, Christoph Messinger, and Roman Ritter.
Mission report energy scoping Myanmar
: euei, 2012.
Showing 931-960 of 5229