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Showing 1801-1830 of 5229
Journal Article
Adinma, JIB, ED Adinma, and OS Umeononihu.
Nutrition Policy and Practice Landscape on Adolescent, Pre Pregnancy and Maternal Nutrition in Nigeria
JOJ Nurse Health Care 1, no. 2 (2017): 1-6.
Journal Article
Estimé, Michelle Sahal, Brian Lutz, and Ferdinand Strobel.
Trade as a structural driver of dietary risk factors for noncommunicable diseases in the Pacific: an analysis of household income and expenditure survey data
Globalization and health 10, no. 1 (2014).
Working Paper
Fung, Winnie, Lenis Saweda O Liverpool-Tasie, Nicole Mason, and Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere.
Can Crop Purchase Programs Reduce Poverty and Improve Welfare in Rural Communities? Evidence from the Food Reserve Agency in Zambia
Journal Article
Sitko, Nicholas J, and Brian Chisanga.
6 How multinational investments in grain trading are reshaping Zambia’s market
Competition Law and Economic Regulation.
Conference Paper
Rashid, Dewan Arif, Lisa Smith, and Tauhidur Rahman.
Determinants of Dietary Quality: Evidence from Bangladesh
the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, July 23-26, 2006 .
Journal Article
Hayes, RE, Rodah Morezio Zulu, DK Mulenga, and MT Kaputo.
Quality characteristics and acceptability of low cost weaning blends by Zambian mothers
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 17, no. 3 (2017): 12256-12279.
Journal Article
Maruapula, Segametsi, and Karen Chapman-Novakofski.
Health and dietary patterns of the elderly in Botswana
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 39, no. 6 (2007): 311-319.
Journal Article
Kit, Ayano, and Mayumi Ohnishi.
An evaluation of strategies to promote health to tackle food restriction in postpartum women in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
(2017) 保健学研究.
Journal Article
Ezeama, Nkiru N, Prosper OU Adogu, Christian C Ibeh, and Echendu D Adinma.
Comparative Analysis of the Nutritional Status of Under-five Children and their Mothers in Rural and Urban Areas of Anambra State, Nigeria.
European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety 5, no. 3 (2013): 190-201.
Nwuneli, Ndidi, Ewan Robinson, John Humphrey, and Spencer Henson.
The role of businesses in providing nutrient-rich foods for the poor: Two case studies in Nigeria
Journal Article
Rijal, Shiba Prasad.
Land Holding and Livelihoods: A Synthesis from Modi Khola Watershed, Nepal
(2009) The Third Pole: Journal of Geography Education.
Journal Article
Zimmerer, Karl S, and Hector Luis Rojas Vaca.
Fine-grain spatial patterning and dynamics of land use and agrobiodiversity amid global changes in the Bolivian Andes
Regional Environmental Change 16, no. 8 (2016): 2199-2214.
Journal Article
Pries, Alissa M, Sandra L Huffman, Mary Champeny, Indu Adhikary, Margaret Benjamin, Aminata Ndeye Coly, El Hadji Issakha Diop, Khin Mengkheang, Ndeye Yaga Sy, and Shrid Dhungel.
Consumption of commercially produced snack foods and sugar-sweetened beverages during the complementary feeding period in four African and Asian urban contexts
Maternal & Child Nutrition 13, no. S2 (2017).
Amissah-Arthur, Jabesh, and Jojo Anamuah Amonoo.
Study of the Social and Poverty Impacts of Energy Interventions on Rural Communities in Ghana - Study performed under the auspices of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) and sponsored by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
: Kumasi Institute of Technology and Environment, 2004.
Working Paper
Ahuja, Vinod, and Elizabeth Redmond.
Economic and policy issues in livestock service delivery to the poor
(2001) Background paper for the FAO project memorandum “Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative: Fostering the Policy Dialogue in Support of Equitable, Safe and Clean Livestock Farming.
Journal Article
Sulieman, Adam Ahmed, and Ali Adam Hassan.
The effectiveness of an integrated, multi-sectoral, and community - driven approach for the delivery of bacic services in fragile states. Case study: the child friendly community initiative in Southern Darfur State/Western Sudan
Journal Article
Sabitu, K, Z Iliyazu, and L S Mohammed.
The impact of baby friendly hospital initiative on maternal knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding in Azare, Northern Nigeria
Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences 1, no. 1 (2010).
Di Tata, Juan Carlos, Matthew Fisher, Praful Patel, and Danny Leipziger.
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Enhanced heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) initiative—preliminary document
Washington, D.C., USA: IMF, 2007.
Working Paper
Fotso, Jean C, James O Ajayi, Elizabeth E Idoko, Ilene Speizer, David A Fasiku, Blessing Mberu, and Michael Mutua.
Family planning and reproductive health in urban Nigeria: Levels, trends and differentials
(2011) Measurement, Learning & Evaluation Project for the Urban Reproductive Health Initiative.
Knippenberg, Rudolf, Fatoumata T Nafo, Raimi Osseni, Yero B Camara, Abdelwahid El Abassi, and Agnes Soucat.
Increasing client’s power to scale up health services for the poor: the Bamako initiative in West Africa; background paper to the World Development Report
Washington DC, USA: World Bank, 2003.
Working Paper
Sahn, David E, and Stephen Younger.
Living Standards in Africa
(2009) Initiative for Policy Dialogue Working Paper Series .
Conference Paper
Kabubo-Mariara, Jane, and Godfrey Ndeng’e.
Measuring and monitoring poverty: The case of Kenya
Poverty Analysis and Data Initiative (PADI) Workshop on Measuring and Monitoring Poverty.
Mombasa, Kenya, 2004.
Journal Article
Delafield, Sylvia.
Activity report 128: Planning tools for the Nepal Public Private Partnership for Handwashing initiative
Kelley, Allison G, Edward Kelley, Cheick H Simpara, Ousmane Sidibe, and Marty Makinen.
The Equity Initiative in Mali (IPE): Reducing barriers to the use of basic health services: findings on demand, supply and quality of care in Sikasso and Bla
Bethesda, MA, USA: Abt Associates Partnerships for Health Reform, 2001.
Journal Article
Das, Abhijit.
Public-private partnerships for providing healthcare services
Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 4, no. 4 (2007): 174-175.
Working Paper
Srivastava, Ravi.
Internal migration in India: An overview of its features and policy challenges
(2011) Internal Migration in India Initiative National Workshop on Internal Migration and Human Development in India.
Working Paper
Deshingkar, Priya, and Matteo Sandi.
Migration and human development in India
(2011) Internal Migration in India Initiative National Workshop on Internal Migration and Human Development in India.
Working Paper
Bhagat, Ram.
Migrants’ (denied) right to the city
(2011) Internal Migration in India Initiative National Workshop on Internal Migration and Human Development in India.
Working Paper
Agnihotri, Indu, Indrani Mazumdar, and Neetha N.
Gender and migration in India
(2011) Internal Migration in India Initiative National Workshop on Internal Migration and Human Development in India.
Working Paper
Srivastava, Ravi.
Internal migrants and social protection in India
(2011) Internal Migration in India Initiative National Workshop on Internal Migration and Human Development in India.
Showing 1801-1830 of 5229