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Showing 1591-1620 of 5229
Journal Article
Djeukeu, A. W, Kana-Sop MMK, I. Gouado, N. P Nolla, M. J Mananga, Z. H. P Amvam, and T. P Ekoe.
Feeding Practices and Nutritional Parameters of Children Aged 6-14 Years from Cameroon
Global Journal of Medical Research 13, no. 2 (2013).
Journal Article
Pailler, Sharon, Robin Naidoo, Neil D Burgess, Olivia E Freeman, and Brendan Fisher.
Impacts of community-based natural resource management on wealth, food security and child health in Tanzania
PloS one 10, no. 7 (2015).
Journal Article
Blaney, S, M Beaudry, M Latham, and M Thibault.
Nutritional status and dietary adequacy in rural communities of a protected area in Gabon
Public health nutrition 12, no. 10 (2009): 1946-1959.
Journal Article
Leauthaud, Crystele, Stephanie Duvail, Olivier Hamerlynck, Jean-Luc Paul, Hubert Cochet, Judith Nyunja, Jean Albergel, and Olivier Grunberger.
Floods and livelihoods: The impact of changing water resources on wetland agro-ecological production systems in the Tana River Delta, Kenya
Global Environmental Change 23, no. 1 (2012): 252-263.
Journal Article
Molina A, María.
A Sectoral System of Innovation Analysis of Technological Upgrading in the Food Processing Sector in Argentina, Brazil and Chile
International Journal of Institutions and Economies 3, no. 2 (2011): 287-325.
Journal Article
Andrissi, Laura, Giovanni Mottini, Valeria Sebastiani, Laura Boldrini, and Alessandro Giuliani.
Dietary Habits and Growth: An Urban/rural Comparison in the Andean Region of Apurimac, Peru
Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità 49, no. 4 (2013): 340-346.
Journal Article
Retana Guascón, Oscar Gustavo, Lucia Guadalupe Martínez-Pech, Graciela Niño-Gómez, Eloy Victoria-Chan, Ángeles Cruz-Mass, and Alejandro Uc-Piña.
Patrones y tendencias de uso del venado cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus) en comunidades mayas, Campeche, México
Therya 6, no. 3 (2015): 597-608.
Journal Article
Thamaga-Chitja, Joyce.
How has the rural farming woman progressed since the setting up of the Millennium Development Goals for eradication of poverty and hunger?
Agenda 26, no. 1 (2012): 67-80.
Journal Article
Olayiwola, IO, CA Olarewaju, DA Adelekan, and M Arigbede.
Demographic Characteristics and Dietary Pattern of the Elderly in Ondo State, Nigeria
British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 3, no. 4 (2013): 2173-2188.
Working Paper
Lebbe, SM Ahamed.
Income, Consumption Pattern and Economic Status of Paddy Farming Household
(2015) Small.
Mahgoub, Farida.
Current Status of Agriculture and Future Challenges in Sudan
Working Paper
Acquah, Joseph Kofi.
Peer-to-peer lending and birth outcomes during national economic crises: Lessons from Indonesia.
Booth, Heather, and Revathi Balakrishnan.
Gender database for agriculture and resource management policies in Pacific Island Countries
: RAP, 1999.
Thesis or Dissertation
Delgado, Sónia Regina Soares.
Cooperação internacional e desenvolvimento em Cabo Verde
Dissertações de Mestrado, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lock, Karen.
Public health, nutrition and agriculture: How can burden of disease analyses and health impact assessment inform food and agricultural policy in Europe?
Doctor of Philosophy, University of London, 2006.
Journal Article
Kompas, Tom, Hoa Minh T Nguyen, and Pham Van Ha.
Food and Biosecurity: Livestock Production and Towards a World Free of Foot-and-mouth Disease
Food Security 7, no. 2 (2015): 291-302.
Journal Article
Fase, Anja, Luitfred Kissoly, Kathleen Brussow, Ulrike Grote, Frederick Kahimba, Bashir Makoko, and Elirehema Swai.
Farmers’ Integration in Agriculture Value Chains and the Role for Food Insecurity
(2014) Trans-SEC.
Thesis or Dissertation
Geospatial Economics
Doctor of Philosophy, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, 2014.
Journal Article
Melnikiene, Rasa, and Irena Krisciukaitiene.
The Competitiveness of Lithuanian Farms in the EU
(2008) Farms in Central and Eastern Europe--Today and Tomorrow.
Journal Article
Kadlecíková, Maria, Michal Filo, Zuzana Kapsdorferová, Lucia Farkašová, and Markus Kutscheid.
The priorities and changes of the agri-food sector under the conditions of the common agricultural policy
Journal Article
Insik, MIN, FANG Cheng, and LI Qi.
Investigation of patterns in food-away-from-home expenditure for China
China Economic Review 15, no. 4 (2004): 457-476.
Journal Article
Legg, Christopher, Patrick Kormawa, Bussie Maziya-Dixon, Richardson Okechukwu, Sam Ofodile, Tunrayo Alabi, and N Ibadan.
Report on mapping livelihoods and nutrition in Nigeria using data from the National Rural Livelihoods Survey and the National Food Consumption and Nutrition Survey
(2005) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan.
Fuller, Frank Harland.
Policy and projection model for the meat sector in the People's Republic of China
: Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Iowa State University, 1997.
Conference Paper
Huang, Jikun, and Scott Rozelle.
China's agriculture: drivers of change and implications for China and the rest of world
the 27th International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference Beijing, China August 2009 .
Conference Paper
Liao, Hui, and Wen S Chern.
A Dynamic Analysis of Food Demand Patterns in Urban China
American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Working Paper
Yan, Dong, Fan Hua, and Mr Xinghua Li.
Infrastructure, Growth, and Poverty Reduction in China
(2004) A case study. National Development and Reform Commission. Institute of Comprehensive Transportation. Beijing.
Conference Paper
Liu, Kang Ernest, Hung-Hao Chang, and Wen S Chern.
Changes in Fruit and Vegetable Consumption over Time and across Regions in China: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis with Quantile Regression
American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Journal Article
Sriskandarajah, Abirami, and Anoma Ariyawardana.
Market Orientation in a Sample of Food and Beverage Processing Firms in the Western Province, Sri Lanka
Journal of Asia-Pacific Business 10, no. 4 (2009): 270-280.
Conference Paper
Gregory, Robert, Xin Meng, and Guanhua Wan.
China Urban Poverty and its Contributing Factors, 1986-2000
Paper Presented On The Project Conference" Inequality And Poverty In China, Helsinki, Finland.
Journal Article
Wang, Qingbin, Helen H Jensen, and Stanley R Johnson.
China's nutrient availability and sources, 1950-1991
Food policy 18, no. 5 (1993): 403-413.
Showing 1591-1620 of 5229