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Showing 61-90 of 173
Working Paper
Ronconi, Lucas, and Enrique Kawamura.
Firms' Investment and Savings in Latin America: Stylized Facts from the Enterprise Survey
IDB Working Paper Series , no. IDB-WP-638 (2015).
Working Paper
Anchorena, José, and Lucas Ronconi.
Emprendimiento, Valores empresariales y Políticas Públicas en Argentina
CIAS , no. 5 (2015).
Journal Article
Castillo, Leopoldo L, Fernando M De Lucas, and Justo J Moreno.
La Empresa Industrial de América Latina: Análisis de la Eficiencia Mediante Grupos Estratégicos
(2011) Económica, La Plata.
Journal Article
Amugsi, Dickson A, Raymond A Aborigo, Abraham R Oduro, Victor Asoala, Timothy Awine, and Lucas Amenga-Etego.
Socio-demographic and environmental determinants of infectious disease morbidity in children under 5 years in Ghana
(2015) Global health action.
Journal Article
Lucas, DW, and OJ Fapohunda.
Demographic research in Lagos Nigeria.
(1974) POPLINE.
Working Paper
Lucas, David.
Fertility and family planning in Southern and Central Africa
Studies in Family Planning 23, no. 3 (1992): 145-158.
Working Paper
Bretschger, Lucas, and Vivien Kappel.
Market concentration and the likelihood of financial crises
Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich Working Paper , no. 10/138 (2010).
Working Paper
Alvarez, Roberto, Claudio Bravo-Ortega, and Lucas Navarro.
Innovation, R&D investment and productivity in Chile
Journal Article
Alvarez, Roberto, Claudio Bravo-Ortega, and Lucas Navarro.
Innovación, investigación y desarrollo, y productividad en Chile
Revista CEPAL , no. 104 (2011).
Conference Paper
Almeida, Rita, and Lucas Ronconi.
The Enforcement of Labor Law in the Developing World: Some Stylized Facts from Labor Inspections
Seventh IZA/World Bank Conference on Employment and Developing, New Delhi.
May, 2012.
Working Paper
Fu, Yuming, and Stuart A Gabriel.
Migration and economic growth in China: The role of knowledge and human capital spillovers
(2010) UCLA Anderson School of Management Working Paper.
Journal Article
Lucas, Margarida, and Carlos Santos.
The integration of ICT in the new Timorese General Secondary Curriculum
Indagatio Didactica 7, no. 2 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Moeti, Lucas.
Towards the effective implementation of the expanded public works programme in South African municipalities: a case study of the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
Master of Arts, University of South Africa, 2014.
Katera, Lucas.
Why is it so hard for non-state actors to be heard? Inside Tanzania’s education policies
Journal Article
Shem, Alfred Ouma, Roseline Misati, and Lucas Njoroge.
Factors driving usage of financial services from different financial access strands in Kenya
Savings and Development 36, no. 1 (2012): 91-107.
Journal Article
Reniers, Georges, Benjamin Armbruster, and Aaron Lucas.
Sexual networks, partnership mixing, and the female-to-male ratio of HIV infections in generalized epidemics: An agent-based simulation study
(2015) Demographic Research.
Working Paper
Bouet, Antoine, Carmen Estrades, and David Laborde.
Cooperation vs. non cooperation in the multilateral trading system: the impact on poverty and inequality in developing countries
Thesis or Dissertation
Plúa S, Maria Lucas.
Diseño de un modelo de estructura organizacional, basado en procesos, para la mejora de la productividad de la Empresa Dulces Diseños
Tesis De Magíster, Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Ecuador-Matriz, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Palacios, Génesis Cabrera S, and Miriam Consuegra B Lucas.
Incidencia de las restricciones arancelarias en las operaciones de la empresa "Ropa Gallardo" y estudio de factibilidad financiera para incrementar la producción de sus prendas de vestir
Tesis de Pregrado, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2015.
Working Paper
Lucas, David.
"The Last of the Queen’s Men": A true story of a Lesotho experience?
Dijkxhoorn, Youri, Yeray Saavedra Gonzalez, and Lucas Judge.
Horticulture and floriculture in Rwanda: identification of focus areas for sector development
Journal Article
Sifuna, Peter, Mary Oyugi, Bernhards Ogutu, Ben Andagalu, Allan Otieno, Victorine Owira, Nekoye Otsyula, Janet Oyieko, Jessica Cowden, and Lucas Otieno.
Health & demographic surveillance system profile: the Kombewa health and demographic surveillance system (Kombewa HDSS)
International Journal of Epidemiology 43, no. 4 (2014): 1097-1104.
Journal Article
Estrada-Jabela, Ana Maria, Lewis Enrique Polo-Espinosa, Gerson Javier Perez-Valbuena, and Lucas Wilfried Hahn De-Castro.
Caracterizacon del mercado laboral en el sector hotelero de Cartagena y las principales areas metropolitanas
(2016) Banco de la Republica-Centro de Estudios Economicos Regionales (CEER) Cartagena.
Ronconi, Lucas, and Jorge Colina.
Simplification of Labor Registration in Argentina: Achievements and Pending Issues
Journal Article
Klausbruckner, Carmen, Harold Annegarn, Lucas RF Henneman, and Peter Rafaj.
A policy review of synergies and trade-offs in South African climate change mitigation and air pollution control strategies
(2016) Environmental Science & Policy.
Journal Article
Bonnel, Rene, N’Della N’Jie, Lucas Godoy-Garraza, Alloys Orago, Patrick Murithi, and Joseph Fruh.
Evaluating the Effects of Community-based Organization Engagement on HIV and AIDS-related Risk Behavior in Kenya
(2013) AIDS Care.
Journal Article
Correa, Lucas, Susana Martinez-Restrepo, Erika Enriquez, Maria C Pertuz, Soraya Montoya, and Martha I Acevedo.
Las personas mayores victimas del conflicto armado
(2015) Mision Colombia Envejese.
Journal Article
Petit, Véronique, and Lucas Tchetgnia.
Les enjeux de la sexualité transactionnelle pré-maritale en milieu urbain camerounais
Autrepart 1, no. 49 (2009): 205-222.
Journal Article
Qiu, Mary, Jhony Juarez, Adelaide Carvalho, Frederico Joao Carlos Juliana, Lucas Nhamba, Isilda Neves, Vita Vemba, Ligia Alves, Abreu Pecamena, and Peter Winch.
Contraceptive Implant Discontinuation in Huambo and Luanda, Angola: A Qualitative Exploration of Motives
(2017) Maternal and Child Health Journal.
Journal Article
Restrepo Yepes, Olga Cecilia, and Lucas Correa Montoya.
El derecho a no tener hambre en Colombia?` D¿Derecho Fundamental o Derecho Económico, Social y Cultural?
(2017) Via Inveniendi Et Iudicandi Vol. 5, Num. 2 (2008) pp. 2-20.
Showing 61-90 of 173