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Working Paper
Anh, Le Thi Kim, Vu Hoang Lan, Bassirou Bonfoh, and Esther Schelling. "Public health in Vietnam: Here's the data, where's the action? An analysis of interprovincial migration in Vietnam from 1989 to 2009." (2016)
Journal Article
Elisante, Eliapenda, and Alfred NN Muzuka. "Sources and seasonal variation of coliform bacteria abundance in groundwater around the slopes of Mount Meru, Arusha, Tanzania." Environmental monitoring and assessment 188, no. 7 (2016): 1-19.
Journal Article
Nazli, Hina, Syed Hamza Haider, Stephanie Hausladen, Asjad Tariq, Hassan Shafiq, Saqib Shahzad, Amina Mehmood, Asma Shahzad, and Edward Whitney. "Pakistan rural household panel survey 2012 (Round 1): household characteristics." (2012) International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Journal Article
Ujoh, Fanan. "Population Growth and Land Resource Conflicts in Tivland, Nigeria." Resources and Environment 4, no. 1 (2014): 67-78.
Thesis or Dissertation
Adedini, Sunday Adepoju. "Contextual determinants of infant and child mortality in Nigeria." Doctor of Philosophy in Demography and Population Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2014.
Journal Article
Feldhaus, Isabelle, Amnesty E LeFevre, Chandra Rai, Jona Bhattarai, Deirdre Russo, Barbara Rawlins, Pushpa Chaudhary, and Kusum Thapa. "Optimizing treatment for the prevention of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in Nepal: is calcium supplementation during pregnancy cost-effective?." Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 14, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Ziaei, Shirin. "Women’s status and child nutrition: Findings from community studies in Bangladesh and Nicaragua." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Moala-Tupou, Lupe. "The Social Impacts of seasonal migration on left-behind children: An exploratory study from Lifuka, Tonga." Masters of Social Sciences, University of Waikato, 2016.
Journal Article
Khor, Geok Lin, Sue Yee Tan, Kok Leong Tan, Pauline S Chan, and Maria Sofia V Amarra. "Compliance with WHO IYCF Indicators and Dietary Intake Adequacy in a Sample of Malaysian Infants Aged 6-23 Months." Nutrients 8, no. 12 (2016).
Book Section
Vicarelli, Marta, Rohini Kamal, and Maria Fernandez. "Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation in Practice." (2016) Cost Benefit Analysis for Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions: A Review of Best Practices and Existing Studies.
Journal Article
Singh, Neha S, Luis Huicho, Hoviyeh Afnan-Holmes, Theopista John, Allisyn C Moran, Tim Colbourn, Chris Grundy, Zoe Matthews, Blerta Maliqi, and Matthews Mathai. "Countdown to 2015 country case studies: Systematic tools to address the “black box” of health systems and policy assessment." BMC Public Health 16, no. 2 (2016).
Book Section
Tiwari, Piyush, Jyoti Rao, and Jennifer Day. "Development Paradigms for Urban Housing in BRICS Countries." (2016) Housing Development in a Developing India.
Journal Article
Cichello, Paul, Hala Abou-Ali, and Daniela Marotta. "What happened to real earnings in Egypt, 2008 to 2009?." IZA Journal of Labor & Development 2, no. 10 (2013): 1-38.
Journal Article
Osei-Akoto, Isaac, Ama Pokuaa Fenny, Clement Adamba, and Dela Tsikata. "Client Power and Access to Quality Health Care: An Assessment of Ghana’s Health Insurance Scheme." Journal of African Development 15, no. 1 (2013): 73-97.
Journal Article
Dryden-Peterson, Scott, Heluf Medhin, Malebogo Kebabonye-Pusoentsi, George R Seage III, Gita Suneja, Mukendi KA Kayembe, Mompati Mmalane, Timothy Rebbeck, Jennifer R Rider, and Myron Essex. "Cancer incidence following expansion of HIV treatment in Botswana." PLoS One 10, no. 8 (2015): e0135602.
Journal Article
Letamo, Gobopamang. "The influence of gender role attitudes on risky sexual behaviour: evidence from the 2008 Botswana AIDS impact survey III." African Population Studies 25, no. 2 (2011): 402-418.
Journal Article
Arscott-Mills, Tonya, Ari Ho-Foster, Margaret Lowenstein, Haruna Jibril, Japhter Masunge, Phanuel Mweemba, Paul Nashara, Robert Makombe, Joconiah Chirenda, and Harvey M Friedman. "Yield of Screening for TB and HIV among Children Failing to Thrive in Botswana." Journal of tropical pediatrics 60, no. 1 (2013): 27-32.
Journal Article
Balekang, Galekgatlhe Bailey, and Kakanyo Fani Dintwa. "A comparison of risky sexual behaviours between circumcised and uncircumcised men aged 30-44 years in Botswana." African Health Sciences 16, no. 1 (2016): 105-115.
Journal Article
Gabaitiri, Lesego, Henry G Mwambi, Stephen W Lagakos, and Marcello Pagano. "A likelihood estimation of HIV incidence incorporating information on past prevalence." South African Statistical Journal 47, no. 1 (2013): 15-31.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bagapi, Khuteletso. "Sexual behaviour of adolescents in the era of HIV in Botswana." Master of Arts, Mahidol University, 2011.
Journal Article
Letamo, Gobopamang. "Factors associated with condom use in the era of HIV/Aids in Botswana: The application of the Health Belief Model." Southern African Journal of Demography 13, no. 1 (2012): 83-110.
Thesis or Dissertation
Duffy, Craig William. "The population genetics and genomics of the African Salivarian trypanosomes." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Glasgow, 2012.
Garcia, Oscar A, Fumiko Nakai, and William Skinner. Islamic Republic of The Gambia Country Programme Evaluation. 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vélez, José Tacuri D, and Lorena Paredes M Pulla. "Análisis Del Comportamiento De Los Flujos De Efectivo De Las Empresas Manufactureras Después Del Pago Del Anticipo Del Impuesto A La Renta Año 2012 En La Ciudad De Cuenca Según Las NIIF." Titulo De Contador Publico, Universidad De Cuenca, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Makhumalo, Onneetse Kym. "Social support needs of single mothers in low-income urban communities." Master of Social Work, Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kasule, Mary. "A model for obtaining parental informed consent for HIV clinical trials research with pediatric patients." Doctor of Public Health , University of the Western Cape , 2013.
Showing 1171-1200 of 1509