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Showing 61-90 of 211
Working Paper
Slonimczyk, Fabian.
The effect of taxation on informal employment: evidence from the Russian flat tax reform
Journal Article
Lettow, Monique, Hannock Tweya, Nora E Rosenberg, Clement Trapence, Virginia Kayoyo, Florence Kasende, Blessings Kaunda, Mina C Hosseinipour, Michael Eliya, and Fabian Cataldo.
Baseline characteristics of study sites and women enrolled in a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial: PMTCT uptake and retention (pure) Malawi
Reproductive Health 14, no. 1 (2017): 82.
Journal Article
Herrera-Morales, Fabian.
Políticas De Vida, Prácticas De Sí, En Los Contextos De Fragmentación Institucional
(2015) Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de Familia.
Journal Article
Rohner, Fabian, James P Wirth, Bradley A Woodruff, Faraja Chiwile, Hannah Yankson, Fatmata Sesay, Aminata S Koroma, Nicolai Petry, Solade Pyne-Bailey, and Elisa Dominguez.
Iodine Status of Women of Reproductive Age in Sierra Leone and Its Association with Household Coverage with Adequately Iodized Salt
Nutrients 8, no. 2 (2016).
Journal Article
Pasha, Omrana, Sarah Saleem, Sumera Ali, Shivaprasad S Goudar, Ana Garces, Fabian Esamai, Archana Patel, Elwyn Chomba, Fernando Althabe, and Janet L Moore.
Maternal and newborn outcomes in Pakistan compared to other low and middle income countries in the Global Network’s Maternal Newborn Health Registry: an active, community-based, pregnancy surveillance mechanism
Reproductive Health 12, no. 2 (2015): S15.
Journal Article
Ngowi, Agatha Fabian, Switbert R Kamazima, Steven Kibusi, Ainory Gesase, and Theodora Bali.
Women’s determinant factors for preferred place of delivery in Dodoma region Tanzania: a cross sectional study
Reproductive Health 14, no. 1 (2017).
Reddy, Vijay, Haroon Bhorat, Marcus Powell, MM Visser, and Fabian Arends.
Skills supply and demand in South Africa
: the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP), 2016.
Journal Article
Mburu, Gitau, Ian Hodgson, Sam Kalibala, Choolwe Haamujompa, Fabian Cataldo, Elizabeth D Lowenthal, and David Ross.
Adolescent HIV disclosure in Zambia: barriers, facilitators and outcomes
Journal of the International AIDS Society 17, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Marfurt, Franziska, Fabian Käser, and Samuel Lustenberger.
Local perceptions and vertical perspectives of a large scale land acquisition project in Northern Sierra Leone
Homo oeconomicus 33, no. 3 (2016): 261-279.
Ureta, Sebastian.
Variations on expenditure on communications in developing countries: A synthesis of the evidence from Albania, Mexico, Nepal and South Africa (2000-2003)
: World Dialogue on Regulation for Network Economies (WDR), 2005.
Galiani, Sebastian.
World Bank Evaluation Report
Washington, DC, United States of America: World Bank, 2006.
Working Paper
Harttgen, Kenneth, and Sebastian Vollmer.
Inequality decomposition without income or expenditure data: Using an asset index to simulate household income
(2011) UNDP Human Development Research Paper.
Harttgen, Kenneth, and Sebastian Vollmer.
Using an asset index to simulate household income
Goettingen, Germany: University of Goettingen, 2012.
Book Section
Bhagat, R B, and Sebastian I Rajan.
Migration, identity and conflict: India migration report 2011
(2011) Chapter 2. Internal migration in India: are the underclass more mobile?.
Working Paper
Leitner, Sebastian, and Robert Stehrer.
Subgroup and shapely value decompositions of multidimensional inequality: An application to South East European countries
(2011) The wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers.
Thesis or Dissertation
André Villamar, Sebastián Alejandro, and Rafael Alejandro Larrú Gálvez.
Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la elaboración de pastas secas no rellenas a base de quinua, kiwicha y cañihua
Tesis para optar el Título de Ingeniero Industrial, Pontiifica Universidad Católica Del Perú. Facultad De Ciencias E Ingeniería, 2013.
Working Paper
Grazzi, Matteo, and Sebastian Vergara.
Determinants of ICT access
(2011) ICT in Latin America. A Microdata Analysis.
Working Paper
McPake, Barbara, Tim Ensor, Neath Net, Sarah Ssali, Sebastian Baine, Vincent Kawooya, Joseph Edem-Hotah, Mohammed H Rogers, Stephen Buzuzi, Brian Chandiwana, and Shungu Munyati.
Project 1-Health financing. The Impact of Heath Financing Policy on the Budgets of the Poorest Households
Conference Paper
Levine, Sebastian.
Preliminary results from the poverty analysis in Namibia
Workshop on Macro-Economic Analysis and Programming in Support of MDG-Based Planning in Africa Lusaka, Zambia.
Journal Article
Levi, Sebastian.
Rural change and circular migration to the United States. A case study from Michoacan, Mexico
(1991) Investigaciones Geograficas.
Website Document
Bhagat, R B, K C Das, Daliya Sebastian, and Soumya Mohanty.
Levels, Trends and Structure of Workforce in India: Census Based Study 1981-2001
Journal Article
Zug, Sebastian.
Monga-seasonal food insecurity in Bangladesh: bringing the information together
(2006) The Journal of Social Studies.
Journal Article
Velazquez, Guillermo Angel, and Sebastian Gomez Lende.
Dinámica migratoria: coyuntura y estructura en la Argentina de fines del XX
Amerique Latine Histoire et Memoire. Les Cahiers ALHIM. Les Cahiers ALHIM , no. 9 (2004).
Conference Paper
Bruno F, Sebastian.
Movilidad territorial y laboral de los migrantes paraguayos en el Gran Posadas.
IX Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
Posadas, 2009.
Journal Article
Bruno F, Sebastian.
Migrantes paraguayos en Argentina: Población, instituciones y discursos
(2013) Cuadernos Migratorios N° 4.
Journal Article
Bruno F, Sebastian.
Insercion laboral de migrantes paraguayos en areas urbanas de Argentina.(O como las diferencias se transforman en desigualdades)
(2009) ponencia presentada en el II Taller “Paraguay como objeto de estudio de las ciencias sociales”, Asuncion, Paraguay.
Conference Paper
Maguid, Alicia, and Sebastian Bruno.
Mercado de trabajo y movilidad ocupacional: el caso de los bolivianos y paraguayos en el Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires
X Jornadas Argentinas de Estudios de Poblacion, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina.
Working Paper
Ledezma, Sebastian Torres.
An empirical analysis of economic growth for Uruguay and the Latin American region: 1950-2000
(2003) ISS Working Paper Series/General Series.
Working Paper
Olavarría, José, and Sebastián Madrid.
Sexualidad, Fecundidad y Paternidad en Varones Adolescentes en América Latina y el Caribe
Working Paper
Lapid, Patrick, and Sebastian Tello.
The Effects of Business Cycle Fluctuations on Fertility in Mexico
Showing 61-90 of 211