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Showing 1531-1560 of 3641
Thesis or Dissertation
Dhital, Raji.
Rural urban agriculture market System: challenges and opportunities a case study: Eastern Nepal
Masters, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science , 2004.
Minot, Nicholas W, and Bob Baulch.
The spatial distribution of poverty in Vietnam and the potential for targeting
Sen, Gitanjali.
Considering the effects of poverty and schooling returns on child labour in Vietnam
Chan, Nguyen, and Tran Kim Dung.
The impact of trade liberalization on household welfare in Vietnam
Journal Article
Hare, Denise.
The origins and influence of land property rights in Vietnam
Development Policy Review 26, no. 3 (2008): 339-3.
Journal Article
Haughton, Jonathan, and H Van Kinh.
Does devaluation worsen income distribution? Evidence from Vietnam
(2004) Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts.
Sahn E, David.
Poverty profile without poverty lines: Romania, 1994 to 1997
: Cornell University, 2001.
Pasnicu, Daniela, and David H Fretwell.
Country report on Romania
: World Bank, 2003.
Journal Article
Meyerhoefer, Chad D, Christine K Ranney, and David E Sahn.
Consistent estimation of censored demand systems using panel data
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87, no. 3 (2005): 660-672.
Working Paper
Andrén, Daniela.
"In every rank, or great or small, 'Tis industry supports us all": Romanians and ethnic Hungarians, and their wages, in transition
(2010) Orebro University Swedish Business School.
Working Paper
Bhorat, Haroon, and Murray Leibbrandt.
Correlates of vulnerability in the South African labour market
DPRU Working Paper , no. 99/27 (1999).
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy, Murray Leibbrandt, and Nicoli Nattrass.
Income inequality after Apartheid
CSSR Working Paper No. 75 , no. 75 (2004).
Working Paper
Bhorat, Haroon.
Public expenditure and poverty alleviation in the South African labour market
DPRU Working Paper , no. 99/26 (1999).
Conference Paper
Bhorat, Haroon.
Are wage adjustments an effective mechanism for poverty alleviation? Some simulations for domestic and farm workers.
Trade and Industrial Policy Secretariat (TIPS), 2000 Annual Forum’, Cape Town: Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town.
Muldersdrift, South Africa, 2000.
Working Paper
Butcher, Kristin F, and Cecelia E Rouse.
Wage effects of unions and industrial councils in South Africa
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 2520 (2001).
Working Paper
van der Berg, Servaas, and Haroon Bhorat.
The present as a legacy of the past: The labour market, inequality and poverty in South Africa
DPRU Working Paper , no. 99/029 (1999).
Sekwati, Welcome M, Ros Hirschowitz, and Statistics South Africa.
The youth of South Africa: Selected findings from Census ’96
Pretoria, South Africa: Statistics South Africa, 2001.
Journal Article
Bhorat, Haroon.
Public expenditure and poverty alleviation: Simulations for South Africa
Development Southern Africa 17, no. 5 (2000): 791-805.
Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth, Anthea Jeffrey, Herma Forgey, Cheryl Chipps, Terence Corrigan, Thabo Mophuthing, and Andrea Helman.
South Africa survey 1997/98
johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 1998.
Working Paper
Ardington, Cally, David Lam, Murray Leibbrandt, and Matthew Welch.
The sensitivity of estimates of post-apartheid changes in South African poverty and inequality to key data imputations
CSSR Working Paper 106 , no. 106 (2005).
Journal Article
Hamad, Rita, Lia C Fernald, and Dean S Karlan.
Health education for microcredit clients in Peru: a randomized controlled trial
BMC Public Health 11, no. 1 (2011): 51.
Journal Article
Earle, Nicci, and Andrew Paterson.
The shape of demand for high-level agricultural skills in the South African labour market
Development Southern Africa 24, no. 4 (2007): 575-593.
Working Paper
Van der Berg, Servaas, and Megan Louw.
Labour trends observed in South Africa: 1995-2002.
(2004) World Bank.
Working Paper
Esson, Ross.
Savings and savers: An analysis of saving behaviour among Cape Town’s poor
CSSR Working Paper , no. 59 (2003).
Journal Article
Magruder, Jeremy, and Nicoli Nattrass.
Exploring attrition bias: The case of the Khayelitsha Panel Study (2000-2004)
South African Journal of Economics 74, no. 4 (2006): 769-781.
Journal Article
Anderson, Kermyt G, Ann M Beutel, and Brendan Maughan-Brown.
HIV risk perceptions and first sexual intercourse among youth in Cape Town, South Africa
International Family Planning Perspectives 33, no. 3 (2007): 98-105.
Journal Article
Wright, G., and M. Noble.
The South African Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007 at Municipality Level
(2009) Department: Social Development Republic of South Africa.
Journal Article
Shaikh, Najma, and Haroon Bhorat.
Poverty and labour market markers of HIV positive households in South Africa: An exploratory methodological analysis
(2005) South African Journal of Economics.
Working Paper
Coetzee, Marisa.
Finding the benefits: Estimating the impact of the South African child support grant
Stellenbosch Economic Working Paper , no. 16/11 (2011).
Journal Article
Pronyk, P M, J C Kim, J R Hargreaves, M B Makhubele, L A Morison, C Watts, and J D Porter.
Microfinance and HIV prevention: Emerging lessons from rural South Africa
Small Enterprise Development 16, no. 3 (2005): 26-38.
Showing 1531-1560 of 3641