
Showing 1-30 of 109
Conference Paper
Chavoshi, Meimanat Hosseini, Peter McDonald, and MJ Abbasi-Shavasi. "Fertility dynamics in Iran, 1970-2000: Parity progression ratios and measures of starting, spacing and stopping." International Union for the Scientific Study of Population XXV International Population Conference, Tours, France. Tours, France, 2005.
Journal Article
Hosseini-Chavoshi, Meimanat, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, and Peter McDonald. "Fertility, Marriage, and Family Planning in Iran: Implications for Future Policy." Population Horizons 13, no. 1 (2016): 31-40.
Journal Article
Dumas, Sarah E, Luke Lungu, Nathan Mulambya, Whiteson Daka, Erin McDonald, Emily Steubing, Tamika Lewis, Katherine Backel, Jarra Jange, and Benjamin Lucio-Martinez. "Sustainable smallholder poultry interventions to promote food security and social, agricultural, and ecological resilience in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia." Food Security 8, no. 3 (2016): 507-520.
Miller, Candace, Lora Sabin, Bram Brooks, Maxton Tsoka, Heather Rybasack, McDonald Chitekwe, Allan Dyless, Emmanuel Kambalame, and Zione Themba. Evaluation of the child status index tool: a validation study in Malawi. : Boston University, 2010.
Journal Article
Curtis, Slân L, and John W McDonald. "Birth spacing and infant mortality in Brazil." Journal of Biosocial Science 23, no. 3 (1991): 343-352.
Journal Article
Channon, Andrew A, Sabu S Padmadas, and John W McDonald. "Measuring birth weight in developing countries: does the method of reporting in retrospective surveys matter?." Maternal and child health journal 15, no. 1 (2010): 12-18.
Journal Article
McDonald, Andrea M, and Oona M Campbell. "How twins differ: multiple pregnancy and the use of health care in the 2008 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey." (2012) Tropical Medicine & International Health.
Book Section
Mattes, R, D Taylor, W Richmond, and A McDonald. "On borders: perspectives on international migration in southern Africa." (2000) South African attitudes to immigrants and immigration.
Reimondos, Anna, Iwu D Utomo, Peter McDonald, Terence Hull, Heru Suparno, and Ariane Utomo. Smoking and Young Adults in Indonesia. 2010.
Rahayu, Ria, Iwu Utomo, and Peter McDonald. Contraceptive use pattern among married women in Indonesia. 2009.
Working Paper
Jaeni, Nur, Peter McDonald, and Iwu D Utomo. "Determinants of Unintended Pregnancy among Ever-Married Women in Indonesia: An Analysis of the 2007 IDHS." (2009) Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute, Australian National University.
Conference Paper
Polaski, Sandra, Manoj Panda, A. Ganesh Kumar, Scott McDonald, and Sherman Robins. "Policy dilemmas in India: The impact of changes in agricultural prices on rural and urban poverty." 11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis . Helsinki, Finland, 2012.
Working Paper
Hosseini-Chavoshi, Meimanat, Peter McDonald, and Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi. "Fertility and contraceptive use dynamics in Iran: Special focus on low fertility regions." (2007) Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute Working Papers.
Bogetic, Zeljko, Sanjeev Gupta, Marijn Verhoeven, Calvin A McDonald, Gerd Schwartz, and Christian Schiller. Mitigating the social costs of the economic crisis and the reform programs in Asia. : International Monetary Fund, 1998.
Journal Article
Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Peter McDonald, and Meimanat Hossein Chavoshi. "Changes in family, fertility behavior and attitudes in Iran." (2003) Working Papers in Demography.
Working Paper
Rongo, Teina, Jacqueline Evans, Kelvin Passfield, Jessica Cramp, Mareike Sudek, Ben Tautu, Graham McDonald, Teariki C Rongo, and Barbara Hanchard. "Cook Islands Marine Park: Coral reef survey of Aitutaki, Manuae, Mitiaro, Takutea, and Atiu in the southern Cook Islands." (2013)
Journal Article
McDonald, C. M, J. McLean, H. Kroeun, A. Talukder, L. D Lynd , and T. J Green. "Household Food Insecurity and Dietary Diversity as Correlates of Maternal and Child Undernutrition in Rural Cambodia." (2014) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Journal Article
Utomo, Ariane, Anna Reimondos, Iwu Utomo, Peter McDonald, and Terence H Hull. "What happens after you drop out?." (2014) Demographic Research.
Journal Article
Hull, Terence, Peter McDonald, Iwu D Utomo, Ariane Utomo, and Anna Reimondos. "Migration and Transition to Adulthood: Education and Employment Outcomes among Young Migrants in Greater Jakarta."
Journal Article
Utomo, Ariane, Anna Reimondos, Iwu Utomo, Peter McDonald, and Terence H Hull. "Digital Inequalities and Young Adults in Greater Jakarta: A Socio-Demographic Perspective." (2013) International Journal of Indonesian Studies.
Journal Article
Utomo, Ariane, Iwu Utomo, Anna Reimondos, Peter McDonald, and Terence Hull. "Transition into Marriage in Greater Jakarta: Courtship, Parental Influence and Self-Choice Marriage."
Journal Article
McDonald, James Ted, and Ma Rebecca Valenzuela. "The Impact of Skill Mismatching Among Migrants on Remittance Behaviour." (2009)
Conference Paper
Agyemang, Isaac, Adrian McDonald, and Steve Carver. "Application of the DPSIR framework to environmental degradation assessment in northern Ghana." Natural resources forum. July, 2007.
Journal Article
Spoorenberg, Thomas, and Byambaa Enkhtsetseg. "Future low fertility prospects in Mongolia? An evaluation of the factors that support having a child." Journal of population research 26, no. 3 (2009): 227-247.
Journal Article
Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad, and Peter McDonald. "Fertility decline in the Islamic Republic of Iran: 1972-2000." Asian Population Studies 2, no. 3 (2006): 217-237.
Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Peter McDonald, and Meimanat Hosseini-Chavoshi. National and provincial level fertility trends in Iran, 1972-2006. : Springer, 2009.
Journal Article
Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Philip S Morgan, Meimanat Hossein-Chavoshi, and Peter McDonald. "Family change and continuity in Iran: Birth control use before first pregnancy." Journal of Marriage and Family 71, no. 5 (2009): 1309-1324.
Journal Article
Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Peter McDonald, and Meimanat Hosseini-Chavoshi. "Modernization or cultural maintenance: the practice of consanguineous marriage in Iran." Journal of biosocial science 40, no. 06 (2008): 911-933.
Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Meimanat Hossein-Chavoshi, Peter McDonald, and Philip S Morgan. Family Change and Continuity in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Birth Control Use Before the First Pregnancy. 2006.
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