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Showing 1-30 of 78
Journal Article
Chong, Erica, Tamar Tsereteli, Susanna Vardanyan, Gayane Avagyan, and Beverly Winikoff.
Knowledge, attitudes, and practice of abortion among women and doctors in Armenia
The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 14, no. 5 (2009): 340-348.
Conference Paper
Haberland, Nicole, Erica Chong, and Hilary Bracken.
Married adolescents: an overview
WHO/UNFPA/Population Council Technical Consultation on Married Adolescents.
Geneva, December, 2003.
Bruce, Judith, and Erica Chong.
The diverse universe of adolescents, and the girls and boys left behind: A note on research, program and policy priorities (Background paper to Public choices, private decisions: Sexual and reproductive health and the Millennium Development Goals)
New York, USA: UN Millennium Project, 2006.
Obaid, Thoraya A, and Erica Chong.
Healing wounds, instilling hope: the Tanzanian partnership against obstetric fistula
New York, USA: The Population Council, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tortarolo, Darío.
Oferta laboral de la mujer y fecundidad. Evidencia causal para América Latina
Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2014.
Journal Article
Torche, Florencia.
Movilidad intergeneracional y desigualdad: El caso latinoamericano
(2014) Annual Review of Sociology.
Journal Article
Chong, Alberto, and Hugo Ñopo.
The mystery of discrimination in Latin America
Economía 8, no. 2 (2008): 79-107.
Erulkar, Annabel S, and Eric Chong.
Evaluation of a savings and micro-credit program for vulnerable young women in Nairobi
: Population Council, 2005.
Journal Article
Chong Gonzalez, Elizabeth Guadalupe, Francisco Herrera Tapia, Cristina Chavez Mejia, and Fabiana Sanchez Plata.
Mercado de trabajo rural y precarizacion: nuevas condiciones socioeconomicas en el sur del Estado de Mexico
Region y sociedad 27, no. 63 (2015).
Journal Article
Martínez-Rodríguez, Julio C, Nestor R García-Chong, Laura E Trujillo-Olivera, and Lucio Noriero-Escalante.
Inseguridad alimentaria y vulnerabilidad social en Chiapas: el rostro de la pobreza
Nutricion Hospitalaria 31, no. n01 (2014): 475-481.
Lau, Xiao Chuan, Kar Hau Chong, Bee Koon Poh, and Mohd Noor Ismail.
Physical activity, fitness and the energy cost of activities: implications for obesity in children and adolescents in the tropics
Working Paper
Yi-chong, Xu.
Models, templates and currents: the World Bank and electricity reform
Review of International Political Economy 12, no. 4 (2005): 647-673.
Journal Article
Leng, Chee Heng, Khor Geok Lin, and Tee E Siong.
Nutritional assessment of rural villages and estates in Peninsular Malaysia: I. Socio-economic profile of households
(1997) Malaysian Journal of Nutrition.
Journal Article
Chuan, Chong Shyue, Cheong Wah Wan, Sia Bik Kai, and Ng Kean Kok.
Perception of financial risk tolerance of older urban Chinese in Malaysia
(2012) International Journal of Academic Research.
Journal Article
Chong C, Mario.
Diseño de un Modelo de Gestión para el Desarrollo de las Pequeñas Unidades Agrícolas Rurales del Perú: Talleres de Asociatividad
Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial 15, no. 1 (2012): 45-52.
Working Paper
Andreula, Nicolo, Alberto Chong, and Jorge Guillen.
Institutional Quality and Fiscal Transparency
IDB WP Series , no. 125 (2009).
Journal Article
Yu, Chong Ho, Charles Kaprolet, Angel Jannasch-Pennell, and Samuel DiGangi.
A Data Mining Approach to Comparing American and Canadian Grade 10 Students’ PISA Science Test Performance
(2012) Journal of Data Science.
Journal Article
Sharif, Razinah, Kar Hau Chong, Nur Hadiyani Zakaria, Min Li Ong, John J Reilly, Jyh Eiin Wong, Hazizi Abu Saad, and Bee Koon Poh.
Results From Malaysia’s 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents
Journal of physical activity and health 13, no. Suppl 2 (2016): S201-S205.
Thesis or Dissertation
Aguila Mero, Silvia A, and Erwin G Chong-QuI Moreira.
Propuesta tecnológica de un aplicativo para la generación de anexo transaccional del SRI en las PYMES del sector norte de Guayaquil
Thesis, Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chong Rios, Alexci Igor, and Tessy Gabriela Tapullima Torres.
Evaluación econométrica de la función de producción Cobb Douglas aplicado al sector agropecuario en Loreto periodo 1992 - 2013
economista, Universidad Nacional De La Amazonía Peruana, 2015.
Journal Article
Suntikul, Wantanee, Stephen Pratt, Wallace I Kuan, Chao In Wong, Choi Cheng Chan, Wai Leng Choi, and Oi Fong Chong.
Impacts of tourism on the quality of life of local residents in Hue, Vietnam
Anatolia 27, no. 4 (2016): 405-420.
Journal Article
Nealon, Joshua, Anne-Frieda Taurel, Maria Rosario Capeding, Ngoc Huu Tran, Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, Tawee Chotpitayasunondh, Chee Kheong Chong, Anh T Wartel, Sophie Beucher, and Carina Frago.
Symptomatic dengue disease in five southeast Asian countries: epidemiological evidence from a dengue vaccine trial
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10, no. 8 (2016): e0004918.
Kleutsch, Lauren, Erica Rosser, Howard Choi, John Holley, and Steven A Harvey.
Willingness to use and pay for a new diagnostic test for syphilis screening in pregnant women: Results from Benin, Peru, and Tanzania
Seattle, USA: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2009.
Rosser, Erica, Lauren Kleutsch, Howard Choi, John Holley, Sumana Brahman, and Steven A Harvey.
Willingness to use and pay for a new diagnostic test for bacterial acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) in children under 5: Results from Benin, Peru, and Tanzania
Seattle, USA: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2009.
Working Paper
Ashraf, Nava, Erica Field, and Jean Lee.
Household bargaining and excess fertility: An experimental study in zambia
(2010) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
Rosser, Erica, Howard Choi, Deborah Murdoch, Waverly Rennie, Leslie R Lugo, Tonja C Balogun, and Steven A Harvey.
Willingness to use and pay for a new diagnostic test for gonorrhea and chlamydia in high risk asymptomatic populations: Results from Benin, Peru, and Tanzania
Seattle, USA: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , 2009.
Luccaro, Tim, and Erica Gaston.
Women’s Access To Justice In Afghanistan
Journal Article
Field, Erica.
Property Rights, Community Public Goods, and Household Time Allocation in Urban Squatter Communities: Evidence from Peru
William & Mary Law Review 45, no. 3 (2004): 837-887.
Journal Article
Chanturidze, Tata, Tako Ugulava, Antonio Durán, Tim Ensor, and Erica Richardson.
Georgia: Health system review
Health Systems in Transition 11, no. 8 (2009).
Journal Article
Popovich, Larisa, Elena Potapchik, Sergey Shishkin, Erica Richardson, Alexandra Vacroux, and Benoit Mathivet.
Russian Federation. Health system review
Health Systems in Transition 13, no. 7 (2011).
Showing 1-30 of 78