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Showing 121-150 of 317
Journal Article
West, Philippa A, Natacha Protopopoff, Mark Rowland, Emma Cumming, Alison Rand, Chris Drakeley, Alexandra Wright, Zuhura Kivaju, Matthew J Kirby, and Franklin W Mosha.
Malaria risk factors in North West Tanzania: the effect of spraying, nets and wealth
PLoS One 8, no. 6 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Barnett, Emma Priscilla.
A capability analysis of education policies in quintile 1 schools in the Frances Baard district of the Northern Cape Province
Doctor in education, University of the Western Cape, 2014.
Huyer, Sophia.
Gender and Climate Change in Macedonia
Journal Article
Exley, Josephine, Emma Pitchforth, Edward Okeke, Peter Glick, Isa Sadeeq Abubakar, Amalavoyal Chari, Usman Bashir, Kun Gu, and Obinna Onwujekwe.
Persistent barriers to care; a qualitative study to understand women’s experiences in areas served by the midwives service scheme in Nigeria
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16, no. 1 (2016): 232.
Conference Paper
Macabebe, Erees Queen B, Reynaldo C Guerrero, Aleta C Domdom, Aison S Garcia, Emma E Porio, Samuel Matthew G Dumlao, and Teresita R Perez.
A review of community-based solar home system projects in the Philippines
MATEC Web of Conferences 70.
Journal Article
Mafwiri, Milka Madaha, Emma Jolley, Joanna Hunter, Clare Elizabeth Gilbert, and Elena Schmidt.
Mixed methods evaluation of a primary eye care training programme for primary health workers in Morogoro Tanzania
BMC Nursing 15, no. 1 (2016): 41.
Journal Article
See, Justine Charles G, and Emma E Porio.
Assessing Social Vulnerability to Flooding in Metro Manila Using Principal Component Analysis
(2015) Philippine Sociological Review.
Working Paper
Kuteya, Auckland N, Nicholas J Sitko, Antony Chapoto, and Emma Malawo.
An In-depth Analysis of Zambia’s Agricultural Budget: Distributional Effects and Opportunity Cost
(2016) Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI).
Journal Article
Majule, Amos Enock, Emma Teresa Liwenga, and Henry Joseph Ndangalasi.
Socio economics of non-wood food forest products to the community in the southern coastal areas of Tanzania
Revista Romana de Geografie Politica XII, no. 2 (2010): 309-328.
Journal Article
Greeson, Dana, Emma Sacks, Tsitsi B Masvawure, Katherine Austin-Evelyn, Margaret E Kruk, Mubiana Macwan’gi, and Karen A Grepin.
Local adaptations to a global health initiative: penalties for home births in Zambia
Health Policy and Planning 31, no. 9 (2016): 1262-1269.
Working Paper
Hoy, Christopher, Stephan Klasen, Emma Samman, Rivayani Darmawan, Maria-Carmela Lo Bue, Ramona Rischke, and Laura Rodriguez-Takeuchi.
Middle-income transitions and inequality: is there a link?
Journal Article
Thomas, Emma G, Hannah E Barrington, Kamalini M Lokuge, and Geoffry N Mercer.
Modelling the spread of tuberculosis, including drug resistance and HIV: a case study in Papua New Guinea’s Western Province
The ANZIAM Journal 52, no. 1 (2010): 26-45.
Journal Article
Smith, Chris, Thoai D Ngo, Judy Gold, Phil Edwards, Uk Vannak, Ly Sokhey, Kazuyo Machiyama, Emma Slaymaker, Ruby Warnock, and Ona McCarthy.
Effect of a mobile phone-based intervention on post-abortion contraception: a randomized controlled trial in Cambodia
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 93, no. 12 (2015): 842-850A.
Santcross, Nick, Keith Hinchliffe, Anthea Williams, Sulleiman Adediran, and Felicia Onibon.
Country case study: Nigeria
van Klaveren, Maarten, Kea Tijdens, Melanie Hughie-Williams, and Nuria R Martin.
An overview of women’s work and employment in Azerbaijan
Amsterdam, Netherlands: University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), 2010.
van Klaveren, Maarten, Kea Tijdens, Melanie Hughie-Williams, and Nuria R Martin.
An overview of women’s work and employment in Malawi
Amsterdam, Netherlands: University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), 2009.
van Klaveren, Maarten, Kea Tijdens, Melanie Hughie-Williams, and Nuria R Martin.
An overview of women’s work and employment in India
Amsterdam, Netherlands: University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), 2010.
Aregawi, Maru, Richard Cibulaskis, Mac Otten, and Ryan Williams.
World Malaria Report 2009
: WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2009.
Klaveren, Maarten, Kea Tijdens, Melanie Hughie-Williams, and Nuria R Martin.
An overview of women’s work and employment in Angola
Amsterdam, Netherlands: University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), 2009.
van Klaveren, Maarten, Kea Tijdens, Melanie Hughie-Williams, and Nuria R Martin.
Visao geral do trabalho e emprego das mulheres em Angola
Amsterdam, Netherlands: University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), 2009.
Journal Article
Cebulskis, Richard E, Maru Aregawi, Ryan Williams, Mac Otten, and Christopher Dye.
Worldwide incidence of malaria in 2009: estimates, time trends, and a critique of methods
Public Library of Science Medicine 8, no. 12 (2011): 0-0.
Gonzales, Patrick, Lisette Partelow, Erin Pahlke, Leslie Jocelyn, David Kastberg, Trevor Williams, and Juan Carlos Guzmán.
Highlights from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2004.
Conference Paper
Regmi, Madhav, Krishna Paudel, and Deborah Williams.
Push and Pull Factors Associated with Migration in Nepal: An Economic Perspective
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting.
Minneapolis, USA, July 27-29, 2014.
Aregawi, Maru, Richard Cibulaskis, Mac Otten, Ryan Williams, and Christopher Dye.
World Malaria Report 2008
Geneva: World Health Organisation, 2008.
Working Paper
Alleyne, Dillon, and Colin Williams.
Remmitances, poverty and the simulation effects of a decline in remittances
Zack-Williams, Tunde.
When the State Fails: Studies on Intervention in the Sierra Leone Civil War
London, UK: Pluto Press, 2012.
Working Paper
Van Klaveren, Maarten, Kea Tijdens, Melanie Hughie-Williams, and Ramos N Martin.
An overview of women's work and employment in Kazakhstan
Working Paper
Chatterji, Somnath, Paul Kowal, Sharon Williams, Yong Jiang, Wu Fan, and P Arokiasamy.
Aging, Health, and Chronic Conditions in China and India: Results from the Multinational Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE)
Korboe, David, and Aba Williams.
Young Women: Life Choises and Livelihoods in Urban Areas in Ghana
Book Section
Williams, Eddie.
Dreams and Realities: Developing Countries and the English Language
(2011) Language Policy, Politics and Development in Africa .
Showing 121-150 of 317