
Showing 1471-1500 of 1760
Thesis or Dissertation
Hagen, Timothy Paul. "Attitudes toward marriage among Albanians: Establishing baseline attitudinal clusters and predictors from the 2008 European Values Study." Doctor of Philosophy, Clemson University, 2016.
Journal Article
Lombana-Coy, Jahir Enrique, Alberto Mario Molina-Rocha, Andres Felipe Munoz-Vergel, and Jaime Alberto Munoz-Vergel. "La industria de la comunicacion grafica en Barranquilla, Colombia: Analisis sectorial desde el enfoque de las cinco fuerzas competitivas." Clio America 10, no. 19 (2016): 73-89.
Journal Article
Klugman, Jeni, and Alexandre Kolev. "The Role of the Safety Net and the Labor Market on Falling Cash Consumption in Russia: 1994-96 A Quintile-Based Decomposition Analysis." Review of Income and Wealth 47, no. 1 (2001): 105-124.
Journal Article
Kinuthia, John, Alison L Drake, Daniel Matemo, Barbra A Richardson, Clement Zeh, Lusi Osborn, Julie Overbaugh, Scott R McClelland, and Grace John-Stewart. "HIV acquisition during pregnancy and postpartum is associated with genital infections and partnership characteristics: A cohort study." AIDS (London, England) 29, no. 15 (2015): 2025-2033.
Luk, Ngo Chun, and Hamied Ahmadali. Report on access to electoral rights: Suriname. 2015.
Journal Article
Hoefte, Rosemarijn. "Bindi: The Multifaceted Lives of Indo-Caribbean Women." New West Indian Guide 88, no. 1 (2014): 143-145.
Journal Article
Larye, Stephanie, Hedwig Goede, and Francoise Barten. "Moving toward universal access to health and universal health coverage: a review of comprehensive primary health care in Suriname." Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 37, no. 6 (2015): 415-421.
Journal Article
Laryea, Stephanie, Hedwig Goede, and Francoise Barten. "Avanzando hacia el acceso universal a la salud y la cobertura universal de salud: un analisis de la atencion primaria de salud integral en Suriname." Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 37, no. 6 (2015): 415-422.
Thesis or Dissertation
Budike, Jurgen. "Suriname’s Social Housing Policy: Challenges & Opportunities of Achieving Affordable Housing for All." Master of Public Administration, Sun Yat-sen University, School of Government , 2016.
Journal Article
Decoster, André, and Erwin Ooghe. "A bounded index test to make robust heterogeneous welfare comparisons." Review of Income and Wealth 52, no. 3 (2006): 361-376.
Working Paper
Patrick, C, B Segwage, and A Aganga. "A review of donkey use in Botswana over a ten-year period." (2000)
Working Paper
Morêki, John Cassius. "Village poultry and poverty alleviation." (2003)
Book Section
Selolwane, Onalenna Doo. "Reconstituting the state in Africa." (2007) Statecraft in Botswana: Renegotiating Development, Legitimacy, and Authority.
Potenza Dal Masetto, Fernanda, and Fabian Repetto. Social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Argentina. 2012.
Journal Article
Seniloli, Kesaia L, and Rupeni B Tawake. "Living arrangements of the elderly in Fiji." The Journal of Pacific Studies 34, no. 2 (2014): 129-152.
Journal Article
Gurung, Anup, Rahul Karki, Ju Sik Cho, Kyung Won Park, and Sang-Eun Oh. "Roles of renewable energy technologies in improving the rural energy situation in Nepal: Gaps and opportunities." (2013) Energy policy.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pacheco Rios, Gladys Elsa. "Idas y venidas: El flujo migratorio entre Colombia y Venezuela 1999-2015." Maestría en gestión de organizaciones, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada , 2017.
Working Paper
Upreti, Bishnu Raj, and KC Sony. "Service delivery in post conflict Nepal: Reflections from the education sector." (2014)
Journal Article
Pfeiffer, Elizabeth J, and Harrison MK Maithya. "Bewitching sex workers, blaming wives: HIV/AIDS, stigma, and the gender politics of panic in western Kenya." (2016) Global Public Health.
Journal Article
Chatterji, Tathagata, and Souvanic Roy. "From margin to mainstream: Informal street vendors and local politics in Kolkata, India." L’Espace Politique. Revue en ligne de geographie politique et de geopolitique , no. 29 (2016).
Mbembe, Achille. Apartheid Futures and the Limits of Racial Reconciliation. : Johannesburg: Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tavenner, Kathleen Anne. "Feminist political ecology of indigenous vegetables in a South African protected area community." Doctor of Philosophy, The Pennsylvania State University, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Spickernell, Gemma. "Guarding whiteness: navigating constructions of white car-guards in postapartheid South Africa." Master of Arts, Stellenbosch University , 2016.
Working Paper
Berlin, Maria Perrotta, Evelina Bonnier, and Anders Olofsgard. "The donor footprint and gender gaps." (2017)
Thesis or Dissertation
Musandirire, Bridget. "Is marriage a haven or a risk for women in Zimbabwe in the era of HIV/AIDS: Interrogating womens reproductive rights in marriage." Master in Women`s Law, University of Zimbabwe, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pradana, Dimas Ariestyo. "Is the Indonesian Manufacturing Industry Ready for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)?." Master in International Studies, Leiden University, 2016.
Working Paper
Gollin, Douglas, and Christopher Udry. "Heterogeneity, Measurement Error, and Misallocation: Evidence from African Agriculture." (2017)
Showing 1471-1500 of 1760