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Journal Article
Khan, Ejaz A, Rownak Khan, Muhammad Tariq Iqbal, Quamrul Hasan, Saadia Farrukh, Muhammad Safdar Rana, and Wasiq Mehmood Khan. "Risk characterization of maternal and neonatal Tetanus in view of tetanus vaccination campaigns in Pakistan." Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad 27, no. 1 (2015): 220-2.
Journal Article
Khan, Moazzam Ali, Zubia Qureshi, Kauser Aftab Khan, and Fouzia Nadeem Gill. "Patterns and determinants of breast feeding among mother infant pairs in Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan." Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad 28, no. 4 (2016): 750-754.
Journal Article
Khan, Rana Ejaz Ali, and Muhammad Ali Raza. "Utilization of prenatal-care in India: an evidence from IDHS." Journal of Social and Economic Development 18, no. 1-2 (2016): 175-201.
Book Section
Khan, Muhammad Amir, Shirin Mirza, and Ejaz Qadeer. "Handbook of Global Tuberculosis Control." (2017) TB Control in Pakistan.
Journal Article
Khan, Rana Ejaz Ali, and Khadija Malik Bari. "Revealing Ideal Number of Children by Women: A Socioeconomic Analysis Using Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey.." Pakistan Journal of Commerce & Social Sciences 8, no. 3 (2014): 887-899.
Journal Article
Khan, Rana Ejaz Ali, Khadija Malik Bari, and Sultan Mehmood. "Women Education and Empowerment: The Implications for Child Vaccination in Pakistan." Journal of Educational Research 19, no. 1 (2016): 10-23.
Journal Article
Khan, Yawar Saeed. "Strategies of Higher Education in Pakistan Based on Endogenous Growth." (2009)
Journal Article
Chaudhry, Abid Ghafoor, Asha Gul, Shaheer Ellahi Khan, Nida Khan, and Maha Khan. "Fertility levels in relation to education in Pakistan." The Professioal Medical Journal 21, no. 6 (2014): 1103-1112.
Thesis or Dissertation
Iqbal, Nadeem. "Financing and Managing Poverty Reduction in Rural Pakistan; A Case of DG Khan and Rajan Pur Districts." PhD thesis, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, 2014.
Journal Article
Saleem, Muhammad, Raghib Iqbal, Mubarak Ali, and Zahid Khan. "Pattern of Neonatal Admissions & its outcome in a tertiary care hospital of Southern Punjab (a 5 years study)." Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 8, no. 4 (2014): 916-921.
Journal Article
Ghani, Ejaz. "Development disparities and peculiarities." (2010) POOR HALF BILLION IN SOUTH ASIA What is Holding Back Lagging Regions?.
Book Section
Ghani, Ejaz, William R Kerr, and Stephen O’Connell. "Reshaping Tomorrow, Is South Asia Ready for the Big Leap?." (2010) Promoting Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Job CreationAvoiding Lopsided Spatial Transformation.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ejaz, Mehak. "Determinants Of Female Labor Force Participation In Pakistan: An Instrumental Variable Approach.." Degree of M.Phil Economics, Lahore Schoool of Economics, 2010.
Ahmed, Sadiq, and Ejaz Ghani. Making regional cooperation work for South Asia's poor. 2008.
Journal Article
Ghani, Ejaz, William Kerr, and Stephen O'Connell. "What makes cities more competitive? spatial determinants of entrepreneurship in India." Spatial Determinants of Entrepreneurship in India (September 1, 2012). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 6198 (2012).
Journal Article
Desmet, Klaus, Ejaz Ghani, Stephen O'Connell, and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg. "The Spatial Development of India." (2012) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Journal Article
Ghani, Ejaz, William R Kerr, and Stephen O'connell. "Spatial determinants of entrepreneurship in India." Regional Studies 48, no. 6 (2014): 1071-1089.
Working Paper
Ejaz, Abdullah, and Petr Polak. "Short term momentum profits and their source: a business indicators’ approach." Agricultural Economics-CZECH 59, no. 2013 (2013): 563-577.
Working Paper
Lalani, Amin S, Ejaz Wasay, and Hira Saeed. "An Insight into Pakistan’s e-Tail Sector." (2012)
Thesis or Dissertation
Ejaz, Mehak. "Gender Differences in the Labour Market Status, Wages and Occupations in Pakistan." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sheffield, 2015.
Journal Article
Ejaz, Amna, Haseeb Ali, Mubarik Ali, and Umar Farooq. "Combating nutrient deficiency in Pakistan." Pakistan Development Review 55, no. 4 (2016): 921-944.
Journal Article
Haider, Adnan, Musleh Din, and Ejaz Ghani. "Monetary policy, informality and business cycle fluctuations in a developing economy vulnerable to external shocks." (2012) The Pakistan Development Review.
Journal Article
Fatima, Razia, Ejaz Qadeer, Aashifa Yaqoob, Mahboob Haq, Suman S Majumdar, Hemant D Shewade, Robert Stevens, Jacob Creswell, Nasir Mahmood, and Ajay MV Kumar. "Extending ‘Contact Tracing’into the Community within a 50-Metre Radius of an Index Tuberculosis Patient Using Xpert MTB/RIF in Urban, Pakistan: Did It Increase Case Detection?." PloS one 11, no. 11 (2016): e0165813.
Khan, Atiqur R, and Mufaweza Khan. Population programs in Bangladesh: problems, prospects and policy issues. 2011.
Working Paper
Khan, Atiqur Rahman, and Mufaweza Khan. "Population Stabilization in Bangladesh: Problems, Prospects And Policy Issues." (2013)
Working Paper
Khan, Adnan A, Momina Saleem, Huma Qureshi, Rashid Jooma, and Ayesha Khan. "Comparison of need and supply of syringes for therapeutic injections in Pakistan." (2011)
Journal Article
Zaidi, Anita K, Hassan Khan, Razzaq Lasi, and Waheed Mahesar. "Surveillance of pneumococcal meningitis among children in Sindh, southern Pakistan." Clinical Infectious Diseases 48, no. Supplement 2 (2009): S129-S135.
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