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Showing 1981-2010 of 11711
Journal Article
Scheel, John R, Yamile Molina, Donald L Patrick, Benjamin O Anderson, Gertrude Nakigudde, Constance D Lehman, and Beti Thompson.
Breast Cancer Downstaging Practices and Breast Health Messaging Preferences Among a Community Sample of Urban and Rural Ugandan Women
Journal of global oncology 3, no. 2 (2016): 105-113.
Thesis or Dissertation
Scheel R, John.
Patient Factors Contributing to Late-Stage Breast Cancer Presentation
Master of Public Health, University of Washington, 2017.
Journal Article
Unterhalter, Elaine.
The impact of apartheid on women's education in South Africa
Review of African Political Economy 17, no. 48 (1990): 66-75.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sheyapo, Mirjam.
Perspectives of lecturers on pedagogical inclusion of students with visual impairments at higher education institutions in Namibia
Master of Education, University of Namibia, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shimpanda, Frieda.
Assessing the effects of social safety nets on poverty in Namibia: analysis of food expenditure of elderly persons
Master of Science, University of Namibia, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ndimwedi, Jesaja Nghitila.
Educational barriers and employment advancement among the marginalized people in Namibia: the case of the OvaHimba and OvaHemba in the Kunene Region
Master of Education, University of Western Cape, 2016.
Working Paper
Murangi, Heroldt V, and Jan J Nitschke.
The role of open schooling in improving the quality of life of young Namibians
Journal Article
Mwangi, M, C Mbeki, and J Clewett.
A peer education programme for San adolescents in Namibia.
Exchange on HIV/AIDS Sexuality and Gender , no. 2 (2007).
Journal Article
Exavery, Amon, Almamy Malick Kanté, Kassimu Tani, Ahmed Hingora, and James F Phillips.
Sociodemographic drivers of multiple sexual partnerships among women in three rural districts of Tanzania
(2015) HIV/AIDS (Auckland, NZ).
Book Section
Eynon, DE.
Women, Economic Development, and Higher Education
(2017) Women and Higher Education: The Successes and Challenges.
Conference Paper
Abazi, Hyrije, and Viktorija Atanasovska.
Female labour force participation: the case of Macedonia
The 2016 WEI International Academic Conference.
Journal Article
Finn, Arden, Murray Leibbrandt, and Vimal Ranchhod.
Patterns of persistence: Intergenerational mobility and education in South Africa (updated)
(2017) Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit.
Book Section
Krstevska-Papic, Biljana, and Veton Zekolli.
Integrated Education in Conflicted Societies
(2013) Integrated Education in the Republic of Macedonia.
Journal Article
Ajayi, Oluwakemi Rachel, Glenda Beverley Matthews, Myra Taylor, Jane Dene Kvalsvig, Leslie Davidson, Shuaib Kauchali, and Claude Mellins.
structural equation Modeling of the effects of Family, Preschool, and stunting on the cognitive Development of school children
(2017) Frontiers in Nutrition.
Journal Article
Ivanovska, Biljana.
The education system in the Republic of Macedonia - is (was) there bilingualism in it?
(2013) Scientific Bulletin-Education Sciences Series.
Journal Article
Dahlui, Maznah, Nazar Azahar, Awang Bulgiba, Rafdzah Zaki, Oche Mansur Oche, Felix Oluyemi Adekunjo, and Karuthan Chinna.
HIV/AIDS related stigma and discrimination against PLWHA in Nigerian population
PloS one 10, no. 12 (2015): e0143749.
Journal Article
Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis, and Erhabor Idemudia.
Diversities in timing of sexual debut among Nigerian youths aged 15-24 years: parametric and non-parametric survival analysis approach
African Health Sciences 17, no. 1 (2017): 39-51.
Journal Article
Sarmiento, Ivan, German Zuluaga, and Neil Andersson.
Traditional medicine used in childbirth and for childhood diarrhoea in Nigeria9s Cross River State: interviews with traditional practitioners and a statewide cross-sectional study
BMJ Open 6, no. 4 (2016).
Czaplinski, Marcin Piotr.
Conflict Prevention and the Issue of Higher Education in the Mother Tongue: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia
Book Section
Mirchevska, Lenche, Doncho Donev, and Snezhana Mojsoska.
Health Promotion And Disease Prevention
(2007) Level of Education and Health Status of Different Social Groups: Case Study Macedonia .
Journal Article
Mehrass, Amat Al-Khaleq O, Intisar A Ahmed, Abdullatif D Ali, and Abdulelah H Al-Adhroey.
Early Marriage and Less Education as Independent Predictors for High Fertility in Yemen
Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research 7, no. 4 (2017): 251-255.
Journal Article
Chami, AA.
Roles of Socio-Economic Incentives towards Sustainable Environmental Conservation of Kondoa Rehabilitated Rural Areas, Dodoma
Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography 6, no. 3 (2016): 210.
Journal Article
Ogundipe, OK, OS Ilesanmi, and AJ Adegbulu.
Predictors of Knowledge of Risk Factors of Oral Cancer among Patients Seeking Dental Treatment in a Nigerian Tertiary Institution
(2015) Dental Health: Current Research.
Journal Article
Gobir, AA, IA Joshua, O Audu, AG Salaudeen, IA Bako, and AO Adeyemi.
Social determinants of morbidity among under fives in a rural community of north-western Nigeria.
Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research 14, no. 2 (2015): 40-49.
Journal Article
Adewole, David Ayobami, Saidat Abisola Akanbi, Kayode Omoniyi Osungbade, and Segun Bello.
Expanding health insurance scheme in the informal sector in Nigeria: awareness as a potential demand-side tool
(2017) The Pan African Medical Journal.
Working Paper
Allen, Summer L, Ousmane Badiane, and John Ulimwengu.
Government Expenditures, Social Outcomes, and Marginal Productivity of Agricultural Inputs: A Case Study for Tanzania
Remi Sarr, Leopold, Pema Lhazom, and Syed Rashed Al-Zayed Josh.
Education for all in Bangladesh Where Does Bangladesh Stand in Achieving the EFA Goals by 2015?
: World Bank .
Journal Article
Muyunda, Brian, Mpundu Makasa, Choolwe Jacobs, Patrick Musonda, and Charles Michelo.
Higher educational attainment associated with optimal antenatal care visits among childbearing women in Zambia
(2016) Frontiers in Public Health.
Journal Article
Mokibelo B, Eureka.
Communication strategies in primary schools in Botswana: interventions using cooks, teacher aides and learners
Current Issues in Language Planning 17, no. 2 (2016): 179-190.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lebodi, Pamela.
Knowledge and concerns about HIV/AIDS among childbearing women in Mahalapye, Botswana
Master of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 1999.
Showing 1981-2010 of 11711