
Showing 1-2 of 2
Journal Article
Doherty, Tanya, Mickey Chopra, Mark Tomlinson, Nicholas Oliphant, Dubuzile Nsibande, and John Mason. "Moving from vertical to integrated child health programmes: experiences from a multi-country assessment of the Child Health Days approach in Africa." Tropical Medicine & International Health 15, no. 3 (2010): 296-305.
Journal Article
Oliphant, Nicholas P, John B Mason, Tanya Doherty, Mickey Chopra, Pamela Mann, Mark Tomlinson, Duduzile Nsibande, and Saba Mebrahtu. "The contribution of Child Health Days to improving coverage of periodic interventions in six African countries." Food and Nutrition Bulletin 31, no. 3 (2010).
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