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Showing 391-420 of 468
Journal Article
Kuepie, Mathias, and Nicaise Misangumukini.
Environnements économique et éducatif des ménages et difficultés scolaires des enfants au Mali
L'Actualité économique 88, no. 4 (2012): 403-428.
Journal Article
Tsala, Jacques-Philippe Tsala.
L'enseignement technique au Cameroun: le parent pauvre du systeme?
Carrefours de L'education 18, no. 2 (2004): 176-193.
Working Paper
Tchouassi, Gerard, Ousmanou Djikam, and Lydie Bamou.
Efficacite des unites de micro assurance au Cameroun
Thesis or Dissertation
Michele, Evina Kuisu Christine.
Prise en compte d’un plan de sondage complexe dans l’evaluation de la pauvrete au Cameroun
Master de Statistique Appliquée, 2012.
Journal Article
Mfouapon, Alassa, Moise Moupou, Jeannine Mefire, and Jean-Noel Ngapgue.
Risques économico-environnementaux liés aux emballages traditionnels pour vivres frais utilisés dans le bassin maraîcher de Foumbot (Cameroun)
La revue electronique en sciences de l’environnement 14, no. 3 (2014).
Journal Article
Galicia, Luis, Daniel López de Romaña, Kimberly B Harding, Luz María De-Regil, and Rubén Grajeda.
Tackling malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean: challenges and opportunities
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 40, no. 2 (2016): 138-146.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wandera E, Apondi.
Rotavirus Disease Epidemiology And Molecular Characteristics Of Circulating Strains Before And After Vaccine Introduction In Kenya
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Nagasaki University, 2017.
Working Paper
Khan, Muhammad J, and G. M Arif.
Household Charity in Pakistan: Magnitude, Determinants and Its Importance for the Well-being of Society
PIDE WP , no. 141 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Rehman, Abdul.
Empirical Essays on Migration and Remittances in Pakistan
Doctor of Science, University of East Anglia, 2015.
Book Section
Yana, Simon D, Jean-Mari Wautelet, and Samuel Kelodjoue.
Les spectres de Malthus
(1991) Pression démographique et production alimentaire : L'exemple de trois regions du Cameroun .
Journal Article
Dury, Sandrine, Jean-Claude Medou, Divine Foudjem Tita, and Christian Nolte.
Limites du systeme local d'approvisionnement alimentaire urbain en Afrique subsaharienne: le cas des feculents au Sud-Cameroun
Cahiers Agricultures 13, no. 1 (2004): 116-124.
Journal Article
Ramirez, Andrea, Oscar Bernal, Jesus Rodriguez, and Jose David Pinzon.
Morbidity Due to Obesity, Hypertension and Diabetes II Attributable to Non-Breastfeeding and Low Birth Weight during the 1000 Days of Life: Estimation of the Population Attributable Fraction
Health 8, no. 05 (2016): 386-401.
Journal Article
Issofou, Njifen.
Evaluation du phenomene de sureducation au Cameroun
La Recherche en Education , no. 10 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Kouam Kenmogne, Guy Romain.
Vers une gestion rationnelle de l'eau dans une situation complexe d'urbanisation anarchique dans un pays en developpement : Cas du Bassin Versant de l'Abiergue (Yaounde-Cameroun)
Docteur en Sciences, Universite de Liege, Liege, Belgique, 2013.
Working Paper
Ngoufo, Roger, Nouhou Njoumemi, and Marc Parren.
État des lieux de la situation économique, écologique et sociale actuelle de l’espace Camerounais du TRIDOM
Journal Article
Meva’a Abomo, Dominique.
Le fardeau de la lutte contre le paludisme urbain au Cameroun : état des lieux, contraintes et perspectives
Revue Canadienne de Géographie Tropicale 3, no. 2 (2016): 26-42.
Journal Article
Fogwe, Zephania N, and Jude Kwei.
Cameroonian protected Kilium-Ijim forests for the development of Oku forest fringe community
Journal of Environmental Research and Management 6, no. 5 (2015): 293-303.
Cheumani, Charlotte, and Guy Merlin Wetie.
Evaluation du Programme national de développement participatif (PNDP) – C2D Cameroun
Journal Article
Yessoufou, G, K Yessoufou, B Gbaguidi, A Sezan, and A R Agbere.
Evaluation anthropométrique de l’état nutritionnel des enfants de 0-59 mois reçus à l’Unité de vaccination du CHR Lomé-Commune (Togo)
Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Universite de Lome 17, no. 1 (2015): 21-32.
Thesis or Dissertation
Louis, Ndumbe Njie.
Markets and market chain analysis for eru (Gnetum spp.) in South West and Littoral Regions of Cameroon
Master of Science in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, University of Buea, 2010.
Murithi, Lydia K, Pranita Achyut, Priya Nanda, Nizamuddin Khan, and Ravi Verma.
Understanding the Social and Cultural Context of Gender Dynamics, Sexual Relationships and Method Choice: Impact on Family Planning Use in Malawi and Zambia
Journal Article
Conroy A, Amy.
Marital infidelity and intimate partner violence in rural Malawi: A dyadic investigation
Archives of Sexual Behavior 43, no. 7 (2014): 1303-1314.
Journal Article
Barrett, Sam.
Local level climate justice? Adaptation finance and vulnerability reduction
Global Environmental Change 23, no. 6 (2013): 1819-1829.
Journal Article
Umubyeyi, Aline, Margareta Persson, Ingrid Mogren, and Gunilla Krantz.
Gender inequality prevents abused women from seeking care despite protection given in gender-based violence legislation: a qualitative study from Rwanda
PloS one 11, no. 5 (2016): e0154540.
Journal Article
Diop, Saliou, Fabienne Soudre, Moussa Seck, Youssou Bamar Gueye, Tandakha Ndiaye Dieye, Awa Oumar Toure Fall, Abibatou Sall, Doudou Thiam, and Lamine Diakhate.
Sickle-cell disease and malaria: evaluation of seasonal intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Senegalese patients—a randomized placebo-controlled trial
Annals of Hematology 90, no. 1 (2011): 23-27.
Journal Article
Hmone, Myat Pan, Mu Li, Ashraful Alam, and Michael J Dibley.
Mobile Phone Short Messages to Improve Exclusive Breastfeeding and Reduce Adverse Infant Feeding Practices: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial in Yangon, Myanmar
JMIR research protocols 6, no. 6 (2017).
Journal Article
Ndiaye, Yaye Die, Cyrille K Diedhiou, Amy K Bei, Baba Dieye, Aminata Mbaye, Nasserdine Papa Mze, Rachel F Daniels, Ibrahima M Ndiaye, Awa B Deme, and Amy Gaye.
High resolution melting: a useful field-deployable method to measure dhfr and dhps drug resistance in both highly and lowly endemic Plasmodium populations
Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017): 153.
Conference Paper
Beguy, Donatien.
L’effet du travail féminin sur l’espacement des grossesses à Dakar et à Lomé
Population et travail. Dynamiques demographiques et activites, Colloque international d’Aveiro, AIDELF.
Journal Article
Helova, Anna, Kristine R Hearld, and Henna Budhwani.
Associates of Neonatal, Infant and Child Mortality in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan: A Multilevel Analysis Using the 2012-2013 Demographic and Health Surveys
Maternal and Child Health Journal 21, no. 2 (2017): 367-375.
Journal Article
Khan, Md Nuruzzaman, Md Mizanur Rahman, Asma Ahmad Shariff, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Md Shafiur Rahman, and Md Aminur Rahman.
Maternal undernutrition and excessive body weight and risk of birth and health outcomes
Archives of Public Health 75, no. 1 (2017).
Showing 391-420 of 468