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Showing 331-360 of 468
Book Section
Schulz, Karsten, and Rapti Siriwardane.
Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability in Rural West Africa
(2016) The Risk Frontier: Perceiving Social Transformations in Rural and Peri-urban West Africa Through a Territorial Lens.
Journal Article
Regmi, Pramod, A Aryal, and Edwin Van Teijlingen.
Child birth in the exam centres in Nepal: An overlooked Public Health issue!
Health Prospect 15, no. 1 (2016): 20-21.
Working Paper
Rumbaut G, Ruben.
Pigments of our imagination: on the racialization and racial identities of ‘Hispanics’ and ‘Latinos’
Journal Article
Garg, Mahi, and Michael C Seeborg.
The Effect Of Place Of Origin On The Relative Earnings Of Immigrant Women
International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER) 9, no. 2 (2010).
Thesis or Dissertation
Frisoli, Alessia.
The South African Elderly: Neglect, Social Contribution and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Master of Arts, The City University of New York, 2016.
Journal Article
Alvarez-Uria, Gerardo, Manoranjan Midde, and Praveen K Naik.
Mortality in HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis treated with streptomycin and a two-week intensified regimen: data from an HIV cohort study using inverse probability of treatment weighting
(2016) PeerJ.
Journal Article
Haroun, Dalia, Ola ElSaleh, and Lesley Wood.
Dietary and activity habits in adolescents living in the United Arab Emirates: A Cross-sectional Study
(2016) Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise.
Journal Article
Akinjare, Omolade Adedoyin, Ayotunde Olawande Oni, and Chukwuemeka Osmond Iroham.
HVOTL Structures and Residential Property Investments in Suburban Lagos, Nigeria
Transnational Journal of Science and Technology 4, no. 2 (2014): 17-29.
Journal Article
Ikechukwu, II, and OC Nwankwo.
Socio-economic determinants of farmland management practices in Umuahia north local government area, Abia state, Nigeria
Journal of Agriculture and Social Research .
Journal Article
Joshi, Janak, Mohammad Ali, and Robert P Berrens.
Valuing farm access to irrigation in Nepal: A hedonic pricing model
(2017) Agricultural Water Management.
Working Paper
Abou-Ali, Sultan, and Hala Abou-Ali.
Trends in inclusive growth in Egypt 1991-2011
Journal Article
Lee, Yo Han, Seok-Jun Yoon, Young Ae Kim, Ji Won Yeom, and In-Hwan Oh.
Overview of the burden of diseases in North Korea
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 46, no. 3 (2013): 111-117.
Working Paper
AlAzzawi, Shireen.
Did the Cost of Living Rise Faster for the Rural Poor? Evidence from Egypt
The Economic Research Forum (ERF) , no. 1091 (2017).
Working Paper
Nankhuni, Flora, and Gloria Paniagua.
Meta-evaluation of Private Sector Interventions in Agribusiness
(2013) Washington DC: World Bank.
Journal Article
Afzal, Uzma, and Anam Yusuf.
The state of health in Pakistan: An overview
(2013) The Lahore Journal of Economics.
Working Paper
Guarcello, Lorenzo, I Kovrova, and Furio C Rosati.
Child labour as a response to shocks: evidence from Cambodian villages
(2008) Rome: Understanding Children's Work Programme Working Paper Series.
Book Section
Dibene, Juan Carlos, Yazmin Maldonado, Carlos Vera, Leonardo Trujillo, Mauricio Oliveira, and Oliver Schütze.
NEO 2015
(2017) The Ambulance Location Problem in Tijuana, Mexico.
Journal Article
Dominguez-Salas, Paula, P Alarcón, B Häsler, IR Dohoo, K Colverson, EW Kimani-Murage, S Alonso, E Ferguson, EM Fèvre, and J Rushton.
Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey
BMC Nutrition 2, no. 1 (2016).
Masset, Edoardo.
Northern Ghana Millennium Villages Impact Evaluation: Analysis Plan
Working Paper
Decancq, Koen.
Measuring Inequality of Well-Being with a Correlation-Sensitive Multidimensional Gini Index.
Working Paper
Vernhout, NJ.
Development policy in Ghana. A political, economic and social history of a country in transition since independence
Thesis or Dissertation
Legwegoh, Alexander.
Urban food security in Gaborone, Botswana
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography, The University of Guelph, 2012.
Journal Article
Weiser, Sheri D, Abigail M Hatcher, Lee L Hufstedler, Elly Weke, Shari L Dworkin, Elizabeth A Bukusi, Rachel L Burger, Stephen Kodish, Nils Grede, and Lisa M Butler.
Changes in health and antiretroviral adherence among HIV-infected adults in Kenya: Qualitative longitudinal findings from a livelihood intervention
AIDS and Behavior 21, no. 2 (2017): 415-427.
Buyungo, Mr Peter, and Kathryn O’Connell.
Outlet Survey Republic of Uganda 2009 Survey Report
Journal Article
Faizi, Nafis, Zulfia Khan, Iqbal M Khan, Ali Amir, Suhail A Azmi, and Najam Khalique.
A study on nutritional status of school-going adolescents in Aligarh, India
Tropical doctor 47, no. 3 (2017).
Working Paper
Kigali, Rwanda.
The assessment of economic impacts of the 2012 wet season flooding in Rwanda
Abbott, Pamela.
Promoting Children's Rights in Rwanda: Progress under EDPRS1 and Priorities for EDPRS2
: Kigali: UNICEF, 2013.
Journal Article
Musbah, Eliyas, and Amare Worku.
Influence of Maternal Education on Child Stunting in SNNPR, Ethiopia
Health 2, no. 2 (2016): 71-82.
Journal Article
Workayehu, Tenaw.
Legume-based cropping for sustainable production, economic benefit and reducing climate change impacts in southern Ethiopia
Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research 2, no. 1 (2014): 11-21.
Journal Article
Kripke, Katharine, Karin Hatzold, Owen Mugurungi, Gertrude Ncube, Sinokuthemba Xaba, Elizabeth Gold, Kim Seifert Ahanda, Natalie Kruse-Levy, and Emmanuel Njeuhmeli.
Modeling Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Increased Efforts to Attract Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Clients Ages 20-29 in Zimbabwe
PloS one 11, no. 10 (2016).
Showing 331-360 of 468