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Showing 601-630 of 4749
Working Paper
Cury, Samir, Allexandro E Mori Coelho, and Euclides Pedrozo.
The Impacts of Income Transfer Programs on Income Distribution and Poverty in Brazil: An Integrated Microsimulation and Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
Working Paper
Rodriguez, María Carla.
Caracterización del parque habitacional de vivienda social adjudicada y su población residente en la ciudad de Rosario (Argentina)
(2005) Santiago: CEPAL, Serie Web.
Journal Article
Self, Sharmistha.
Spousal-Differences in Perception of Female Autonomy in Household Decision-Making in Nepal
Development Journal of the South 1, no. 1 (2015).
Working Paper
Ismaila, Yakubu, and Vikky May.
How information and communication technologies can improve the quality of maternal and newborn care in low and middle income countries: A structured literature review
Working Paper
Raihan, Selim, Rabeya Khatoon, Jami M Husain, and Suriya Rahman.
Modelling Gender Impacts of Policy Reforms in Bangladesh: A Study in a Sequential Dynamic CGE Framework
Book Section
Ali, Ayub.
Measuring Multidimensionality State of Poverty in Bangladesh 2013
(2013) Social exclusion and poverty in Bangladesh.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mosala, Thabo.
Economic risk as an impediment to the commercialisation of maize production in Lesotho
Master of Commerce, University og Johhanesburg, 2014.
Working Paper
Sharma, Jeevan Raj, and Sanjay Sharma.
Enumerating Migration in Nepal
(2011) Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility.
Journal Article
Casas, Paola, Luis Varela, Tania Tello, Pedro Ortiz, and Helver Chávez.
Perfil Clínico del Adulto Mayor Atendido Ambulatoriamente en un Hospital General
Revista Medica Herediana 23, no. 4 (2012): 229-234.
Working Paper
Sun, Xiuli, and Haizheng Li.
Firm-level Human Capital and Innovation: Evidence from China
Book Section
Pedersen A, Morten.
Mongols from country to city
(2006) Where is the centre? The spatial distribution of power in post-socialist rural Mongolia.
Conference Paper
Amunga, Hellen Agnes.
Information literacy in the 21st century universities: The Kenyan experience
8 th International CALIBER .
Journal Article
Mutisya, Titus Wambua, Luo Zejiao, and Nenkari Juma.
Soil and Water Conservation in Kenya-Operations, Achievements and Challenges of the National Agriculture and Livestock Extension Programme (NALEP)
Journal of American Science 6, no. 3 (2010): 7-15.
Journal Article
Rola, Agnes C, and Ian Coxhead.
Does nonfarm job growth encourage or retard soil conservation in Philippine uplands?
Philippine Journal of Development 29, no. 1 (2002): 55-83.
Journal Article
Poma, Jaquelyn, Miguel Gálvez, Jaime Zegarra, Mónica Meza, Luis Varela, and Helver Chávez.
Morbimortalidad de Pacientes Mayores de 60 Años en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos de un Hospital General
Revista Medica Herediana 23, no. 1 (2012): 16-22.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lopez Galvez, Jose A, and Pedro J Bernilla Carlos.
Evaluación Funcional y Constructiva de Viviendas con Adobe Estabilizado en Cayalti. Programa COBE-1976
Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2012.
Equality, Promote Gender, and Empower Women.
Millennium Development Goals
: New York: UNIFEM, 2002.
Journal Article
Bocsan, Ioan S, Irina Brumboiu, Alexandru Coman, Ramona Tarba, Virginia Zanc, and Marian Mihaiu.
Rabies surveillance in the rural population of Cluj County, Romania
(2005) Rural and remote health.
Working Paper
Pehoiu, Gica.
Geodemographical evolutions in Dâmbovita county between 1992-2004
Journal Article
Mounier-Jack, Sandra, James W Rudge, Rattanaxay Phetsouvanh, Chansouk Chanthapadith, and Richard Coker.
Critical interactions between Global Fund-supported programmes and health systems: a case study in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Health policy and planning 25, no. 1 (2010): i37-i42.
Journal Article
Hoeven, Marinka, Annamarie Kruger, and Minrie Greeff.
Differences in health care seeking behaviour between rural and urban communities in South Africa
International Journal for Equity in Health 11, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Jacobsen, Kathryn H, and Takahiro Hasumi.
Satisfaction with healthcare services in South Africa: results of the national 2010 General Household Survey
(2014) The Pan African medical journal.
Working Paper
Srikantan K, Sivaswamy.
An Evaluation of the Fiji Fertility Survey Based on the Postenumeration Survey.
World Fertility Survey Occasional Papers , no. 2 (1979).
Journal Article
Appunni, Sathiya Susuman, Renette Blignaut, and Siaka Lougue.
TB/HIV risk factors identified from a General Household Survey of South Africa in 2006
Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS 11, no. 1 (2014): 37-41.
Journal Article
Morris, Megan, Merlyn Glass, Tina-Marie Wessels, and Jennifer GR Kromberg.
Mothers’ Experiences of Genetic Counselling in Johannesburg, South Africa
Journal of genetic counseling 24, no. 1 (2015): 158-168.
Journal Article
Okokon, Ita B, Afiong O Oku, Thomas U Agan, Udeme E Asibong, Ekere J Essien, and Emmanuel Monjok.
An Evaluation of the Knowledge and Utilization of the Partogragh in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Care Settings in Calabar, South-South Nigeria
(2014) International journal of family medicine.
Journal Article
Iloeje, AF, and AI Emenike.
Assessment of spatial variation of environmental and socio-economic impact of crude oil spill in the Niger delta, Nigeria
Asian journal of science and technology 6, no. 11 (2015): 1945-1954.
Journal Article
Barennes, Hubert, Maniphet Phimmasane, and Christian Rajaonarivo.
Insect Consumption to Address Undernutrition, a National Survey on the Prevalence of Insect Consumption among Adults and Vendors in Laos
PloS one 10, no. 8 (2015).
Working Paper
Brito Gonzalez, Jacinto.
Conocimiento, geografía e instituciones : una aproximación a la problemática del crecimiento en el archipiélago canario
(2004) " Documentos de trabajo conjuntos; DT 2004-03".
Working Paper
James-Bryan, Meryl.
Youth in the anglophone Caribbean: the high cost of dependent development
(1986) Economic Commission fo r Latin America and the Caribbean .
Showing 601-630 of 4749