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Showing 241-270 of 482
Journal Article
Yansaneh, Aisha I, Asha S George, Alyssa Sharkey, William R Brieger, Lawrence H Moulton, Fatu Yumkella, Peter Bangura, Augustin Kabano, and Theresa Diaz.
Determinants of utilization and community experiences with community health volunteers for treatment of childhood illnesses in rural Sierra Leone
Journal of community health 41, no. 2 (2016): 376-386.
Journal Article
Pedregal, Virginie Diaz, Blandine Destremau, and Bart Criel.
Health Policy in Cambodia: To What Extent Is an Aid-Dependent Country Able to Determine Its Own Policy?
Journal of Social Policy 44, no. 1 (2015): 171-187.
La Cava, Gloria, Paula Lytle, Alexadre Kolev, Zeynep Ozbil, Carine Clert, and Diana Marginean.
Young people in South-Eastern Europe: From risk to empowerment
Washington, DC, United States of America: World Bank, 2006.
Journal Article
Mahal, Ajay, Diana Bowser, and Andrew Mitchell.
USAID/Dialogue for social investment in Guatemala
Stukel, Diana M, and Yassamin Feroz-Zada.
Ten data quality studies on the impact of using household surveys versus administrative data combined with population census data for monitoring educational participation
Montreal, Canada: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2008.
Working Paper
Nyaga, Robert K, Diana N Kimani, Germano Mwabu, and Mwangi S Kimenyi.
HIV/AIDS in Kenya: A review of research and policy issues
Conference Paper
Alarcón, Diana, and Marcos Robles.
The challenges of measuring child mortality when birth registration is incomplete
Rome, Italy, 2007.
Journal Article
Okonofua, Friday E, Diana Harris, Adetanwa Odebiyi, Thomas Kane, and Rachel C Snow.
The social meaning of infertility in Southwest Nigeria
(1997) Health Transition Review.
Journal Article
Johnston, Heidi Bart, Diana Lara, Sylvia Mario, and Edith Pantelides.
Data Triangulation: Using multiple methods to estimate and validate abortion incidence and prevalence
(2010) Methodologies for Estimating Abortion Incidence and Abortion-Related Morbidity: A Review.
Journal Article
Lhamsuren, Khandsuren, Tserendolgor Choijiljav, Enkhtuya Budbazar, Surenchimeg Vanchinkhuu, Diana Chang Blanc, and John Grundy.
Taking action on the social determinants of health: improving health access for the urban poor in Mongolia
International Journal for Equity in Health 11, no. 15 (2012).
Bossert, Thomas, Andrew Mitchell, Ricardo Cardona, and Diana Bowser.
USAID/Dialogue for social investment in Guatemala : Resource allocation options for financing in the health sector: International experience and lessons for Guatemala
Guatemala: USAID, 2009.
Bossert, Thomas, Diana Bowser, and Leonor Corea.
Studies of decentralization of the health system in Nicaragua: Final report
Cambridge, MA, USA: USAid and Harvard School of Public Health, 2001.
Journal Article
Rutaremwa, Gideon, James P Ntozi, and Nambatya Diana.
Has high knowledge of HIV/AIDS among the youth translated into positive sexual behavior in Northern Uganda?
Journal Article
Ticona Rendón, Manuel, Diana Huanco Apaza, Johnny Paz Valderrama, and Julio Neyra Pinto.
Inequidades en la atención perinatal en el Perú
(2006) Revista Peruana de Pediatría.
Working Paper
Vargas, Tahira, and Diana López.
Migración, remesas y desarrollo local sensible al género: El caso de la República Dominicana
Thesis or Dissertation
Salas Arriaga, Angela Marlene, and Diana Elisa Salvatierra Aguilera.
Resultados maternos de la violencia intrafamiliar en gestantes adolescentes. Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho periodo diciembre 2011-febrero 2012
Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos, 2012.
Pinto, Diana M, and Ana Lucía Muñoz.
Colombia: Sistema general de seguridad social en salud. Estrategia del BID 2011-2014
Ticona Rendón, Manuel, Diana Huanco Apaza, Miguel Oliveros Donohue, and Percy Pacora Portella.
Crecimiento Fetal y Neonatal en el Perú
Lima, Perú: EPF Imprenta Reynoso E.I.R.L., 2008.
Journal Article
John, Gregor, Diana Ollo, Patrick Meyer, Caroline F Samer, and Alexandra Calmy.
Pulmonary embolism and iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome after co-administration of injected-triamcinolone and ritonavir
AIDS 27, no. 17 (2013): 2827-2828.
Working Paper
Motta, Diana M, Charles C Mueller, and Marcelo O Torres.
A Dimensão Urbana do Desenvolvimento Econômico - Espacial Brasileiro
IPEA , no. 530 (1997).
Moreno Angarita, Marisol, Sara Ximena Rubio, and Diana Cristina Angarita Rodriguez.
Valoración de la pérdida de la capacidad laboral y ocupacional en colombia Antecedentes, realidades y perspectivas de actualización
: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Desarrollo Humano (Dis), Discapacidades y Diversidades, 2011.
Book Section
Mata-Codesal, Diana.
The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism
(2013) Towards a Gender-Sensitive Approach to Remittances in Ecuador.
Journal Article
Negrin da Silva, Diana.
Guadalajara de las Indias: Quinientos anos de construccion etnica en la Perla Tapatia
Lucero 21, no. 1 (2010).
Jagwe, John, Emily Ouma, Diana Brandes-van Dorresteijn, Brian Kawuma, and Jeff Smith.
Pig Business Planning and Financial Management: Uganda Smallholder Pig Value Chain Capacity Development Training Manual
: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), 2015.
Journal Article
Waterhouse, JAH, and Diana H Brabban.
Inquiry into fertility of immigrants: Preliminary report
The Eugenics review 56, no. 1 (1964): 7.
Bossert, Thomas, Diana Bowser, Johnnie Amenyah, and Rebecca Copeland.
Guatemala: Descentralización e Integración en el Sistema Logístico de Salud
Arlington, USA: Inc./DELIVER para USAID, 2003.
Thesis or Dissertation
Balladares I, Diana Paguay.
Impacto de las salvaguardias a las importaciones en el Ecuador período 2010-2015
Título De Economista, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Quirmbach, Diana.
The economics of smoking in Russia: evidence from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE)
Doctor of Philosophy, UCL (University College London), 2015.
Gallo, Diana A, Patricia B Palacios, Rocío M Flores, and Anahí D Guevara.
Línea de base de brechas sociales por origen étnico en el Perú
Lima, Perú: Ministerio de Cultura, 2015.
Working Paper
Torres, Katia Gallegos G, and Milagros O’Diana P Rocca.
Elección del mercado de venta como determinante del margen de ganancia del pequeño productor de papa: un estudio para los departamentos de Huánuco y Junín
Economía aplicada: Ensayos de investigación económica 2013 , no. 98 (2013).
Showing 241-270 of 482