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Conference Paper
Nannan, Nadine, Robert Dorrington, and Debbie Bradshaw.
National and subnational experience with estimating the extent and trend in completeness of birth registration in South Africa
United Nations Expert Group Meeting on "Methodology and lessons learned to evaluate the completeness and quality of vital statistics data from civil registration”.
New York, USA, November 3-4, 2016.
Lehohla, Pali.
Patterns of morbidity and mortality among older persons in South Africa
: Statistics South Africa, 2015.
Working Paper
Harris, Tom, Mark Collinson, and Martin Wittenberg.
Aiming for a moving target: The dynamics of household electricity access in a developing context
Bradshaw, Debbie, Nadine Nannan, Ria Laubscher, Pam Groenewald, Jané Joubert, Beatrice Nojilana, Rosana Norman, Desiréé Pieterse, and Michelle Schneider.
South African national burden of disease study. Mortality estimates for Western Cape Province, 2000
Cape Town, South Africa: Medical Research Council, 2000.
Thesis or Dissertation
Matzopoulos, Richard.
The body count: using routine mortality surveillance data to drive violence prevention
Degree of doctor of philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2012.
Pillay-Van Wyk, Victoria, Ria Laubscher, William Msemburi, Rob E Dorrington, Pam Groenewald, Theo Vos, Richard Matzopoulos, Megan Prinsloo, Beatrice Nojilana, and Nadine Nannan.
Second South African National Burden of Disease Study: Data cleaning, validation and SA NBD List
: Burden of Disease Research Unit, 2014.
Journal Article
Parry, Charles D, Andreas Pluddemann, Krisela Steyn, Debbie Bradshaw, Rosana Norman, and Ria Laubscher.
Alcohol use in South Africa: Findings from the first Demographic and Health Survey
Journal of studies on Alcohol 66, no. 1 (2005): 91-97.
Journal Article
Bradshaw, Debbie, Rosana Norman, Desiréé Pieterse, and Naomi Levitt.
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to diabetes in South Africa in 2000
South African Medical Journal 97, no. 8 (2007): 700-706.
Journal Article
Steyn, Krisela, Thomas A Gaziano, Debbie Bradshaw, Ria Laubscher, and Jean Fourie.
Hypertension in South African adults: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey, 1998
Journal of Hypertension 19, no. 10 (2001): 1717-1725.
Journal Article
Bradshaw, Debbie, and Rob Dorrington.
Child mortality in South Africa - we have lost touch
South African Medical Journal 97, no. 8 (2007): 582-583.
Journal Article
Steyn, Krisela, Debbie Bradshaw, Naomi Levitt, Estelle Lambert, and Karen V Siegel.
Chronic diseases in South Africa
(2011) Sick Societies: Responding to the global challenge of chronic disease.
Journal Article
Bradshaw, Debbie, Rosana Norman, Ria Laubscher, Michelle Schneider, Nolwazi Mbananga, and Krisela Steyn.
An exploratory investigation into racial disparities in the health of older South Africans
(2004) Critical perspectives on racial and ethnic differences in health in late life.
Book Section
Bradshaw, Debbie, Audrey Pettifor, Catherine MacPhailii, and Rob Dorringtoniii.
South African Health Review
(2004) Trends in Youth Risk for HIV.
Journal Article
Jewkes, Rachel, Jonathan Levin, Nolwazi Mbananga, and Debbie Bradshaw.
Rape of girls in South Africa
The Lancet 359, no. 9303 (2002): 319-320.
Journal Article
Puoane, Thandi, Krisela Steyn, Debbie Bradshaw, Ria Laubscher, Jean Fourie, Vicki Lambert, and Nolwazi Mbananga.
Obesity in South Africa: The South African Demographic and Health Survey
Obesity 10, no. 10 (2002): 1038-1048.
Journal Article
Steyn, Krisela, Debbie Bradshaw, Rosana Norman, and Ria Laubscher.
Determinants and treatment of hypertension in South Africans: The first Demographic and Health Survey
South African Medical Journal 98, no. 5 (2008): 1-5.
Journal Article
Joubert, Jané, Rosana Norman, Debbie Bradshaw, Julia Goedecke, Nelia Steyn, and Thandie Puoane.
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to excess body weight in South Africa in 2000
South African Medical Journal 97, no. 8 (2007): 683-690.
Bradshaw, Debbie, Michelle Schneider, Ria Laubscher, and Beatrice Nojilana.
Cause of death profile South Africa 1996
Cape Town, South Africa: South African Medical Research Council, 2002.
Bradshaw, Debbie, Pam Groenewald, Ria Laubscher, Nadine Nannan, Beatrice Nojilana, Rosana Norman, Desiréé Pieterse, and Michelle Schneider.
Initial burden of disease estimates for South Africa 2000
: Medical Research Council, 2003.
Journal Article
Nannan, Nadine, Ian Timaeus, Ria Laubscher, and Debbie Bradshaw.
Levels and differentials in childhood mortality in South Africa 1977-1998
Journal of biosocial science 39, no. 4 (2007): 613.
Journal Article
Peer, Nasheeta, Debbie Bradshaw, Ria Laubscher, and Krisela Steyn.
Trends in adult tobacco use from two South African demographic and health surveys conducted in 1998 and 2003
SAMJ: South African Medical Journal 99, no. 10 (2009): 744-749.
Journal Article
Bradshaw, Debbie, and Krisela Steyn.
Poverty and chronic diseases in South Africa
(2001) Tygerberg, South Africa: Burden of Diseases Research Unit.
Journal Article
Norman, Rosana, Brendon Barnes, Angela Mathee, and Debbie Bradshaw.
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to indoor air pollution from household use of solid fuels in South Africa in 2000
South African Medical Journal 97, no. 8 (2007): 764-771.
Norman, Rosana, Debbie Bradshaw, Michelle Schneider, Desiree Pieterse, and Pam Groenewald.
Revised burden of disease estimates for the comparative risk factor assessment South Africa 2000. Methodological note
Cape Town, South Africa: Medical research council, 2006.
Journal Article
Norman, Rosana, Thomas Gaziano, Ria Laubscher, Krisela Steyn, and Debbie Bradshaw.
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to high blood pressure in South Africa in 2000
South African Medical Journal 97, no. 8 (2007): 692-698.
Journal Article
Schneider, Michelle, Rosana Norman, Charles Parry, Debbie Bradshaw, and Andreas Pluddemann.
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to alcohol use in South Africa in 2000
South African medical journal 97, no. 8 (2007): 664-672.
Groenewald, Pam, Debbie Bradshaw, Johan Daniels, Richard Matzopoulos, David Bourne, David Blease, Nesbert Zinyakatira, and Tracey Naledi.
Cause of death and premature mortality in Cape Town, 2001-2006
Cape Town, South Africa: Medical Research Council, 2008.
Bradshaw, Debbie, Victoria Pillay-Van Wyk, Ria Laubscher, Beatrice Nojilana, Pam Groenewald, Nadine Nannan, and Carol Metcalf.
Cause of death statistics for South Africa: Challenges and possibilities for improvement
Cape Town, South Africa: Medical Research Council, 2010.
Journal Article
Dorrington, Rob, and Debbie Bradshaw.
Maternal mortality in South Africa: lessons from a case study in the use of deaths reported by households in censuses and surveys
Journal of Population Research 28, no. 1 (2011): 49-73.
Journal Article
Bradshaw, Debbie, Pamela Groenewald, David E Bourne, Hassan Mahomed, Beatrice Nojilana, Johan Daniels, and Jo Nixon.
Making COD statistics useful for public health at local level in the city of Cape Town
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 84, no. 3 (2006): 211-217.
Showing 1-30 of 106