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Showing 961-990 of 1915
Journal Article
Ardington, Cally, David Lam, Murray Leibbrandt, and Matthew Welch.
The sensitivity to key data imputations of recent estimates of income poverty and inequality in South Africa
Economic Modelling 23, no. 5 (2006): 822-835.
Working Paper
Lam, David, Murray V Leibbrandt, and Vimal Ranchhod.
Labour force withdrawal of the elderly in South Africa
CSSR Working Paper 118 , no. 118 (2005).
Working Paper
Ardington, Cally, David Lam, Murray Leibbrandt, and Matthew Welch.
The sensitivity of estimates of post-apartheid changes in South African poverty and inequality to key data imputations
CSSR Working Paper 106 , no. 106 (2005).
Swanepoel, Rene, and David J Stoker.
The estimation and presentation of standard errors in a survey report
South Africa: Statistics South Africa, 2000.
Journal Article
Ndegwa, David, Dudley Horner, and Faldie Esau.
The links between migration, poverty and health: Evidence from Khayelitsha and Mitchell's Plain
Social Indicators Research 81, no. 2 (2007): 223-234.
Working Paper
Ardington, Cally, David Lam, and James Levinsohn.
Savings, insurance and debt over the post-Apatheid period
CSSR Working Paper , no. 65 (2003).
Conference Paper
Lam, David, and Jeremy Seekings.
Transitions to adulthood in urban South Africa: Evidence from a panel survey
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) General Conference, Tours, France, 2005.
June, 2005.
Working Paper
Bird, Kate, David Hulme, Karen Moore, and Andrew Shepherd.
Chronic poverty and remote rural areas
Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper No 13 , no. 13 (2002).
Journal Article
Dinkelman, Taryn, David Lam, and Murray Leibbrandt.
Household and community income, economic shocks and risky sexual behavior of young adults: Evidence from the Cape Area Panel Study 2002 and 2005
AIDS 21, no. supplement (2007): S49-S56.
Journal Article
Dinkelman, Taryn, David Lam, and Murray Leibbrandt.
Linking poverty and income shocks to risky sexual behavior: Evidence from a panel study of young adults in Cape Town
South African Journal of Economics 76, no. supplement (S1) (2008): S52-S74.
Journal Article
Lam, David, Cally Ardington, and Murray Leibbrandt.
Schooling as a lottery: Racial differences in school advancement in urban South Africa
Journal of Development Economics 95, no. 2 (2011): 121-136.
Conference Paper
Lam, David, Leticia J Marteleto, and Vimal Ranchhod.
The dynamics of adolescent childbearing and schooling in urban South Africa
Annual meeting of the Population Association of America, New York, New York, 2007.
September, 2006.
Marteleto, Leticia J, David Lam, and Vimal Ranchhod.
Schooling and early childbearing in urban South Africa
Ann Arbor, Michigan: Population Studies Center, University of Michigan, 2006.
Journal Article
Mattes, Robert, and Jennifer Christie.
Personal versus collective quality of life and South Africans' evaluations of democratic government
(1997) Social Indicators Research.
Conference Paper
Anderson, Kermyt G, and David Lam.
Dynamics of family structure and progress through school in South Africa: Evidence from retrospective histories
Annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2003.
Steinberg, Malcolm, Saul Johnson, Gill Schierhout, and David Ndegwa.
Hitting home: How households cope with the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic: A survey of households affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Washington DC, United States of America: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2002.
Working Paper
Branson, Nicola, and David Lam.
Education: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset
(2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.3.
Journal Article
Branson, Nicola, and David Lam.
Education inequality in South Africa: Evidence from the National Income Dynamics Study
Studies in Economics and Econometrics 34, no. 3 (2010): 85-109.
Journal Article
Fields, Gary S, Paul L Cichello, Samuel Freije, Marta Menendez, and David Newhouse.
Household income dynamics: A four-country story
The Journal of Development Studies 40, no. 2 (2003): 30-54.
Working Paper
Stasavage, David.
Democracy and primary school attendance: Aggregate and individual level evidence from Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 54 , no. 54 (2005).
Working Paper
Bhavnani, Ravi, and David Backer.
Social capital and political violence in sub-Saharan Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 90 , no. 90 (2007).
Journal Article
Kucera, David, Leanne Roncolato, and Erik Von Uexkull.
Trade contraction and employment in India and South Africa during the global crisis
World Development , no. 0 (2012).
Journal Article
Cox, Kevin R, David Hemson, and Alison Todes.
Urbanization in South Africa and the changing character of migrant labour
South African Geographical Journal 86, no. 1 (2004): 7-16.
Book Section
Lam, David A, Cally Ardington, and Murray V Leibbrandt.
2011 Children & Youth in Crisis Paper
(2011) The Impact of Household Shocks on Adolescent School Outcomes in South Africa.
Journal Article
Ardington, Cally, Anne Case, Mahnaz Islam, David Lam, Murray Leibbrandt, Alicia Menendez, and Analia Olgiati.
The impact of AIDS on intergenerational support in South Africa: Evidence from the Cape Area Panel Study
Research on Aging 32, no. 1 (2009): 97-121.
Journal Article
Karuri-Sebina, Geci, David Hemson , and Jonathan Carter.
Putting people first versus embedding autonomy: Responsiveness of the democratic developmental state to effective demand side governance in South Africa’s service delivery
Systemic Practice and Action Research 23, no. 1 (2010): 87-100.
Working Paper
Ranchhod, Vimal, David Lam, Murray Leibbrandt, and Leticia Marteleto.
Estimating the effect of adolescent fertility on educational attainment in Cape Town using a propensity score weighted regression
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 59 (2011).
Working Paper
Lam, David, Murray Leibbrandt, and Cecil Mlatsheni.
Education and youth unemployment in South Africa
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 22 (2008).
Journal Article
Carr L, David.
Forest clearing among farm households in the Maya Biosphere Reserve
The Professional Geographer 57, no. 2 (2005): 157-168.
Journal Article
Carr, David Carr.
Population, rural development, and land use among settler households in an agricultural frontier in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve
(2007) Geographical Review.
Showing 961-990 of 1915