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Showing 91-120 of 1438
Journal Article
Kalaichandran, Amitha, and David Zakus.
The obstetric pathology of poverty: maternal mortality in Kep province, Cambodia
World Health and Population 9, no. 2 (2007): 38-47.
Journal Article
Cohen, Clara K, David E Horlacher, and F L MacKellar.
Is urbanization good for a nation’s health?
Collins, David, Elizabeth Lewis, and Karen Stenberg.
Scaling up child survival interventions in Cambodia: The cost of national programme resource needs
Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2007.
Ballard, Brett, Christian Sloth, David Wharton, Ingrida FitzGerald, K. Murshid, Kasper Hansen, Phim Runsinarith , and Lim Sovannara.
We are living with worry all the time: A participatory poverty assessment of the Tonle Sap
Working Paper
Freeman, Richard B, and David Lindauer.
Why Not Africa?
NBER Working Paper , no. W6942 (1999).
Working Paper
Chowa, Gina A, David Ansong, and Rainier Masa.
Assets and child well-being in developing countries: A research review
Center for Social Development (CSD) Working Paper No. 09-38 , no. 09-38 (2009).
Working Paper
Chowa, Gina A. N., David Ansong, and Habiba Ibrahim.
Asset outcomes for women and children. A research review
Center for Social Development (CSD) Working Papers , no. 07-28 (2007).
Journal Article
Tipple, Graham, David Korboe, Guy Garrod, and Ken Willis.
Housing supply in Ghana: a study of Accra, Kumasi and Berekum
Progress in Planning 51, no. 4 (1999): 255-324.
Journal Article
Perry, Henry B, David S Shanklin, and Dirk G Schroeder.
Impact of a community-based comprehensive primary healthcare programme on infant and child mortality in Bolivia
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 21, no. 4 (2003): 383-395.
Journal Article
Perry, Henry, Nathan Robison, Dardo Chavez, Orlando Taja, Carolina Hilari, David Shanklin, and John Wyon.
The census-based, impact-oriented approach: its effectiveness in promoting child health in Bolivia
Health Policy and Planning 13, no. 2 (1998): 140-151.
Working Paper
Vidal-Zeballos, David.
Social strata and its influence on the determinants of reproductive behaviour in Bolivia
(1994) DHS Working Papers.
Working Paper
Sahn, David E, and Stephen D Younger.
Improvements in children’s health: Does inequality matter?
SAGA Working Paper 3, no. 2 (2005): 125-143.
Angeles, Gustavo, Jason Dietrich, David Guilkey, Dominic Mancini, Thomas Mroz, Amy Tsui, and Feng Y Zhang.
A meta-analysis of the impact of family planning programs on fertility preferences, contraceptive method choice and fertility
Chapel Hill, USA: Carolina Population Center, 2001.
Working Paper
Maceira, Daniel, David Mayer, and Martín Valdivia.
Health and growth: An international and regional analysis
(2002) PAHO Call for Proposals on Health, Human Capital and Economic Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (Phase II).
Journal Article
Sibanda, Amson, Zewdu Woubalem, Dennis P Hogan, and David P Lindstrom.
The proximate determinants of the decline to below-replacement fertility in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Studies in family planning 34, no. 1 (2003): 1-7.
Working Paper
Sahn, David E, and Stephen D Younger.
Fiscal Incidence in Africa: Microeconomic Evidence
Journal Article
Bryngelsson, David K, Anders Åhlén, Christian Azar, and U M Persson.
The effect of food-price movements on African households-An investigation of food production and consumption patterns in four African countries
(2009) Food Policy.
Journal Article
Akachi, Yoko, and David Canning.
The height of women in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of health, nutrition, and income in childhood
Annals of Human Biology 34, no. 4 (2007): 397-410.
Tumavick, Nancy, Annette Binnendijk, David Calder, Edith Houston, and Saha AmaraSingham.
Child Survival Programs in Egypt
: Agency for International Development, 1990.
Journal Article
Adlakha, Arjun, and David J Rudolph.
Aging trends: Indonesia
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 9, no. 1 (1994): 99-108.
Book Section
Conteh, Al-Hassan, Patricia H David, and Evasius K Bauni.
Determinants of health and mortality in Africa
(1990) Environmental risk factors of childhood mortality in Liberia: Evidence and policy implications.
Working Paper
Olaleye O, David.
Ideal family size: A comparative study of numerical and non-numerical fertility desires of woman in two sub- saharan African countries
(1993) DHS Working Paper.
Working Paper
Xu, Ke, Priyanka Saksena, and David B Evans.
Health financing and access to effective interventions
(2010) World Heath Report Background Paper.
Working Paper
Sahn, David E, and Stephen D Younger.
Living standards in Africa
(2007) SAGA Working Paper.
Sahn, David E, and Stephen D Younger.
Inequality and poverty in Africa in an era of globalization: Looking beyond income to health and education
: United Nations University, 2007.
Working Paper
Haggblade, Steven, Steven Longabaugh, and David Tschirley.
Spatial patterns of food staple production and marketing in South East Africa: Implications for trade policy and emergency response
Working Paper
Akachi, Yoko, and David Canning.
Mortality and morbidity transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from adult height
(2008) European University Institute (EUI) Working Paper No. 208/41.
Journal Article
Sahn, David E, and Stephen D Younger.
Measuring intra-household health inequality: Explorations using the body mass index
Health Economics 18, no. S1 (2009): 13-36.
Journal Article
Gibson, John, and David McKenzie.
Using global positioning systems in household surveys for better economics and better policy
World Bank Research Observer 22, no. 2 (2007): 217-241.
Bowen, David, Nestor Shivute, Cheryle G Faye, Solomon Akpata, Suzanne M Konate, Patricia Kennedy, and Ron Mponda.
Common Country Assesment: The Gambia
: United Nations, 2005.
Showing 91-120 of 1438