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Showing 181-210 of 1440
Journal Article
Lindstrom, David, and Eliza Muñoz-Franco.
Migration and the diffusion of modern contraceptive knowledge and use in rural Guatemala
Studies in Family Planning 36, no. 4 (2005): 277-288.
Journal Article
Seiber, Eric, David Hotchkiss, Jeffrey Rous, and Andrés Berruti.
Maternal and child health and family planning service utilization in Guatemala: implications for service integration
Social Science & Medicine 61, no. 2 (2005): 279-291.
Journal Article
Roland-Holst, David.
External liberalization, poverty, and inequality in Vietnam: the role of price dispersion
Glewwe, Paul, Nisha Agrawal, and David Dollar.
Economic growth, poverty, and household welfare in Vietnam
: World Bank Publications, 2004.
Conference Paper
Fujii, Tomoki, and David Roland-Holst.
How does Vietnam's accession to the world trade organization change the spatial incidence of poverty and inequality?
The Impact of Globalization on the Poor in Asia.
Tokyo, Japan, 2005.
Journal Article
Christiaensen, Luc, Peter Lanjouw, Jill Luoto, and David Stifel.
Small area estimation-based prediction methods to track poverty: validation and applications
(2011) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5683.
Journal Article
Danis, Marion, Erika Binnendijk, Sukumar Vellakkal, Alexander Ost, Ruth Koren, and David M Dror.
Eliciting health insurance benefit choices of low income groups
(2007) Economic and Political Weekly.
Book Section
Bauer, Armin, Nina Boschmann, David Green, and Kathleen Kuehnast.
A generation at risk: children in the Central Asia republics of Kazakstan and Kyrgyzstan
(1998) Growing Social Problems and Especially Vulnerable Children.
Mckenzie, David, and Dilip Mookherjee.
The distributive impact of privatization in Latin America: evidence from four countries
Working Paper
Mayer-Foulkes, David, and Carlos Larrea.
Racial and ethnic health Inequities: Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Peru
(2007) División de Economía, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas.
Stasavage, David.
Democracy and primary school attendance in Africa
UK: Economic and Social Research Council, 2006.
Journal Article
Bloom, David, and Jaypee Sevilla.
Health, wealth, AIDS and poverty - the case of Cambodia
Journal Article
Crookston, Benjamin A, Kirk T Dearden, Ketsana Chan, Theary Chan, and David D Stoker.
Buddhist nuns on the move: an innovative approach to improving breastfeeding practices in Cambodia
Maternal & Child Nutrition 3, no. 1 (2007): 10-24.
Working Paper
Lerman, Zvi, and David Sedik.
The economic effects of land reform in Central Asia: the case of Tajikistan
(2008) Discussion Papers.
Journal Article
Van Kinh, Hoang, Hana Ross, David Levy, Nguyen Thac Minh, and Vu Thi Bich Ngoc.
The effect of imposing a higher, uniform tobacco tax in Vietnam
Health Research Policy and Systems 4, no. 1 (2006): 6.
Mills, Bradford, Juan Munoz, David Sahn, and Christopher Scott.
Design of the Romanian integrated household survey
Ithica, USA/New York: Cornell University, 1992.
Journal Article
Anderson, Kermyt G, Anne Case, and David Lam.
Causes and consequences of schooling outcomes in South Africa: Evidence from survey data
Social Dynamics 27, no. 1 (2001): 37-59.
Ntuli, Antoinette, Solani Khosa, and David McCoy.
The equity gauge
South Africa: Health Systems Trust, 1999.
Everatt, David, and Geetesh Solanki.
A nation of givers: Social giving among South Africans
South Africa: Strategy & Tactics, 2005.
Working Paper
Polimeni, Rachel, and David Levine.
Adverse selection based on observable and unobservable factors in health insurance
Journal Article
El-Tagy, Ahmed, Ezzat Sakr, David Sokal, and Adel Issa.
Safety and acceptability of post-abortal IUD insertion and the importance of counseling
Contraception 67, no. 3 (2003): 229-234.
Journal Article
Pelletier, David L, and Edward A Frongillo.
Changes in child survival are strongly associated with changes in malnutrition in developing countries
The Journal of nutrition 133, no. 1 (2003): 107.
Book Section
Lam, David, Murray Leibbrandt, and Cecil Mlatsheni.
Labour markets and economic development
(2009) Education and youth unemployment in South Africa .
Conference Paper
Thornton, Rebecca L, and David Lam.
Measuring subjective life expectancy in developing countries: The case of Malawi and South Africa
Subjective probabilities and expectations: Methodological issues and empirical applications to economic decision-making, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, September 2007.
Journal Article
Hemson, David.
Can participation make a difference? Prospects for people's participation in planning
Critical Dialogue.
Book Section
Hemson, David, and Kwame Owusu-Ampomah.
State of the nation: South Africa 2004-2005
(2004) A better life for all? Service delivery and poverty alleviation.
Book Section
Hemson, David, and Kwame Owusu-Ampomah.
South African social attitudes: Changing times, diverse voices
(2006) The 'vexed question': Interruptions, cut-offs and water services in South Africa.
Journal Article
Mansour, Shawky, David Martin, and Jim Wright.
Problems of spatial linkage of a geo-referenced Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) dataset to a population census: A case study of Egypt
(2011) Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
Khalifa, Mona, Julie DaVanzo, and David M Adamson.
Population growth in Egypt. A continuing policy Challenge
Journal Article
Kelly-Hope, Louise, Brent C Thomas, Moses J Bockarie, and David H Molyneux.
Lymphatic filariasis in the Democratic Republic of Congo; micro-stratification overlap mapping (MOM) as a prerequisite for control and surveillance
(2011) Parasites & vectors.
Showing 181-210 of 1440