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Showing 961-990 of 14019
Journal Article
Gupta, Indrani, and Deepa Sankar.
Health of the elderly in India: A multivariate analysis
(2003) J. Health Population in Dev. Countries.
Working Paper
Navaneetham, K., M. Kabir, and C.S. Krishnakumar.
Morbidity patterns in Kerala: Levels and determinants
Journal Article
Jankovic, Janko, Snezana Simic, and Jalena Marinkovic.
Inequalities that hurt: demographic, socio-economic and health status inequalities in the utilization of health services in Serbia
The European Journal of Public Health 20, no. 4 (2010): 389.
Journal Article
Baez, Javier Eduardo, and Andrew Mason.
Dealing with climate change: household risk management and adaptation in Latin America
(2008) SSRN eLibrary.
Sharma, Kishor.
Economic policy and civil war in Nepal
: Charles Sturt University, 2004.
Journal Article
Thang, Nguyen M, and Barry M Popkin.
In an era of economic growth, is inequity holding back reductions in child malnutrition in Vietnam?
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 12, no. 4 (2003): 405-410.
Journal Article
Tarp, Fin, David Roland-Holst, and John Rand.
Economic structure and development in an emergent Asian economy: evidence from a social accounting matrix for Vietnam
Journal of Asian Economics 13, no. 6 (2003): 847-8.
Songco A, Jocelyn.
Do rural infrastructure investments benefit the poor? Evaluating linkages: a global view, a focus on Vietnam
Journal Article
van der Merwe, Theo.
The case for social security in South Africa: An economic perspective
Development Southern Africa 17, no. 5 (2000): 717-735.
Working Paper
Oosthuizen, Morné, and Pranushka Naidoo.
Internal migration to the Gauteng Province
DPRU Working Paper 04/88 , no. 04/88 (2004).
Pasnicu, Daniela, and David H Fretwell.
Country report on Romania
: World Bank, 2003.
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, Pranushka Naidoo, Laura Poswell, Matthew Welch, and Ingrid Woolard.
South African poverty and inequality: Measuring the changes
(2004) Economic Transformation Audit .
Journal Article
Pronyk, Paul M, James R Hargreaves, Julia C Kim, Linda A Morison, Godfrey Phetla, Charlotte Watts, Joanna Busza, and John D Porter.
Effect of a structural intervention for the prevention of intimate-partner violence and HIV in rural South Africa: A cluster randomised trial
The Lancet 368, no. 9551 (2006): 1973-1983.
Working Paper
Koch F, Steven.
Trends in South African household alcohol consumption risk factors
University of Pretoria, Department of Economics Working Paper Series , no. 2006-19 (2006).
Working Paper
Lekorwe, Mogopodi, Mpho Molomo, Wilford Molefe, and Kabelo Moseki.
Public attitudes toward democracy, governance, and economic development in Botswana
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 14 , no. 14 (2001).
Working Paper
Lewis, Peter, Etannibi Alemika, and Michael Bratton.
Down to Earth: Changes in attitudes toward democracy and markets in Nigeria
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 20 , no. 20 (2002).
Journal Article
Bratton, Michael, and Robert Mattes.
Support for economic reform? Popular attitudes in Southern Africa
World Development 31, no. 2 (2003): 303-323.
Yu, Derek, and Sihaam Nieftagodien.
Poverty and migration: Evidence from the Khayelitsha/Mitchells’ Plain
Working Paper
Oosthuizen, Morne, and Pranushka Naidoo.
Internal migration to the Gauteng province
Journal Article
van der Berg, Servaas.
Apartheid's enduring legacy: Inequalities in education
J Afr Econ 16, no. 5 (2007): 849-880.
Working Paper
Vink, Nick, and Johan van Rooyen.
The economic performance of agriculture in South Africa since 1994: Implications for food security
Development Planning Division Working Paper Series (DBSA) , no. 17 (2009).
Journal Article
Saayman, Melville, and Riaan Rossouw.
The Cape Town international jazz festival: More than just jazz
Development Southern Africa 27, no. 02 (2010): 255-272.
Journal Article
Turok, Ivan.
Towards a developmental state? Provincial economic policy in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 27, no. 4 (2010): 497-515.
Fan, Qimiao, José Guilherme Reis, Michael Jarvis, Andrew Beath, and Kathrin Frauscher.
The investment climate in Brazil, India and South Africa: A comparison of approaches for sustaining economic growth in emerging economies
1 ed. Vol. 1. Washington DC, United Sates of America: World Bank, 2008.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald, and Wayne E Baker.
Modernization, cultural change, and the persistence of traditional values
American Sociological Review 65, no. 1 (2000): 19-51.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald.
The renaissance of political culture
The American Political Science Review 82, no. 4 (1998): 1203-1230.
Journal Article
McCleary, Rachel M, and Robert J Barro.
Religion and economy
Journal of Economic Perspectives 20, no. 2 (2006): 49-72.
Conference Paper
Onsomu, Eldah N, George Kosimbei, and Moses W Ngware.
Impact of gender and socio-economic factors on primary education performance in Kenya: Empirical evidence
International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference, Paris, France, 2005.
Paris, France, 2005.
Conference Paper
Polaki, Mokaeane V, and Makhala B Khoeli.
A cross-national comparison of primary school children’s performance in mathematics using SACMEQ II data for Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland
International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference, Paris, France, 2005.
Paris, France, 2005.
Journal Article
Heinemann, Friedrich, and Benjamin Tanz.
The impact of trust on reforms
Journal of Economic Policy Reform 11, no. 3 (2008): 173-185.
Showing 961-990 of 14019