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Showing 661-690 of 14019
Conference Paper
Keskinen, Marko, Jorma Kopenen, Matti Kummu, Jussi Nikula, Juha Sarkkula, and Olli Varis.
Integration of socio-economic and hydrological information in the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia
International Conference on Simulation and Modeling, SimMod.
Working Paper
Perera, Roshan.
Advancing financial inclusive systems for the next decade: the case for Sri Lanka
Working Paper
Fisher, Rano, Florent Zwiers, and Likanan Luch.
The Impacts of Dam Construction on Cambodia’s Environmental and Socio-Economic Development
Journal Article
Roy, Mallika, and Faria Hossain Borsha.
Pragmatic Steps towards Sustainable Development in the Economic Arena in Bangladesh
(2013) Journal Of Humanities And Social Science.
Journal Article
Wuyts, Marc, and Blandina Kilama.
Planning for Agricultural Change and Economic Transformation in Tanzania?
(2015) Journal of Agrarian Change.
Wuyts, Marc Eric, and Blandina Kilama.
The Changing Economy of Tanzania: Patterns of Accumulation and Structural Change
: Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 2014.
Journal Article
Holz A, Carsten.
China’s economic growth 1978-2025: what we know today about China’s economic growth tomorrow
World Development 36, no. 10 (2008): 1665-1691.
Working Paper
Khechoyan, Tereza.
Public policy of small and medium sized enterprises training support in Armenia
Journal Article
Chuma, Jane, Vincent Okungu, and Catherine Molyneux.
Research The economic costs of malaria in four Kenyan districts: do household costs differ by disease endemicity?
(2010) Malaria Journal.
Journal Article
Akachi, Yoko, and David Canning.
Inferring the economic standard of living and health from cohort height: Evidence from modern populations in developing countries
(2015) Economics & Human Biology.
Bahaaur sU, Ram.
Land reform: progress and prospects in Nepal
Conference Paper
Ghosh, RC.
Biological and sociological basis for a rational use of forest resources for energy and organics: an international workshop
East Lansing, Michigan, May 6-11, 1979.
Journal Article
Koon, Heng Pek.
Chinese Responses to Malay Hegemony in Peninsular Malaysia 1957-96
Southeast Asian Studies 34, no. 3 (1996): 32-55.
Journal Article
Phouxay, Kabmanivanh, Gunnar Malmberg, and Aina Tollefsen.
Internal migration and socio-economic change in Laos
Migration Letters 7, no. 1 (2010): 91-104.
Working Paper
Costache, Andra.
The influence of the disadvantaged zones policy on the local economic environment in the Jiu Valley
Working Paper
Valeriu, Ioan-Franc, and Marius Andrei Diamescu.
Some Opinions on the Relation between Security Economy and Economic Security
Working Paper
Braga Macedo, Jorge, Luis Brites Pereira, and Manuel Caldeira Cabral.
Cape Verde and Mozambique as development successes in Sub-Saharan Africa
Journal Article
Laine, Elsa.
Urban Development and New Actors in Lao PDR in the Context of Regionalization: Case Studies of two Border Towns
Moussons. Recherche en sciences humaines sur l’Asie du Sud-Est , no. 25 (2015).
Conference Paper
Alldén, Susanne.
Microfinancial Entrepreneurship: A Tool for Peacebuilding and Empowerment in Timor-Leste and Cambodia?
Annual International Studies Association Convention.
San Francisco, California, March 26-29, 2008.
Journal Article
Twumasi, Yaw A, and Edmund C Merem.
GIS and remote sensing applications in the assessment of change within a coastal environment in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria
International journal of environmental research and public health 3, no. 1 (2006): 98-106.
Working Paper
Klomp, Jeroen, and Jakob Haan.
Political Institutions and Economic Volatility
Journal Article
Adekanye, Adetoun Elizabeth.
Information Needs, Utilization and Socio-economic Empowerment of Textile Market Women in Southern Nigeria
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 3, no. 25 (2014): 1-22.
Journal Article
Gyimah-Brempong, Kwabena, and Jeffrey S Racine.
Aid and Economic Growth: A Robust Approach
Journal of African Development 16, no. 1 (2014): 1-35.
Journal Article
Sirbu, Olga.
Economic and social aspects of the demographic ageing process in the Republic of Moldova
Scientific Papers Series Management , Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development 13, no. 1 (2013): 353-360.
Working Paper
Porta, Rafael La, and Andrei Shleifer.
The Unofficial Economy in Africa
(2011) NBER Africa Project.
Journal Article
Beck, Thorsten, and Luc Laeven.
Institution building and growth in transition economies
Journal of Economic Growth 11, no. 2 (2006): 157-186.
Working Paper
O'Connor, James.
State Building, Infrastructure Development and Chinese Energy Projects in Myanmar
(2011) The Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia.
Journal Article
Rheingans, Richard D, Dagna Constenla, Lynn Antil, Bruce L Innis, and Thomas Breuer.
Economic and health burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis for the 2003 birth cohort in eight Latin American and Caribbean countries
Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 21, no. 4 (2007): 192-204.
Journal Article
Aghajanian, Akbar, and Amir H Mehryar.
The pace of fertility decline in Iran: Finding from the demographic and Health Survey
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 38, no. 2 (2007): 255-264.
Thesis or Dissertation
Geospatial Economics
Doctor of Philosophy, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, 2014.
Showing 661-690 of 14019