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Showing 2221-2250 of 14019
Journal Article
Chitiyo, Morgan.
Challenges Affecting the Education of Children in Zimbabwe
Childhood Education 90, no. 6 (2014): 414-417.
Journal Article
Dziva, Cowen, and Winmore Kusena.
Return Migration from South Africa: Piece of Good Fortune or Menace to Human Security in Mberengwa Rural District of Zimbabwe?
Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research 2, no. 9 (2013).
Journal Article
Dube, Thulani.
The Socio-Economic Effects of Cross-Border Migration on Zimbabwe's Border Lying Communities-A Case Study of Beitbridge and Plumtree
International Journal of Development and Sustainability 3, no. 1 (2014): 89-107.
Journal Article
Stiperski, Zoran.
The influence of war on the dynamics of unemployment in Banovina (Croatia)
Revija za geografijo-Journal for Geography 4, no. 2 (2009): 103-112.
Journal Article
Chinamatira, Luckson, Spikelele Mtetwa, and George Nyamadzawo.
Causes of wildland fires, associated socio-economic impacts and challenges with policing, in Chakari resettlement area, Kadoma, Zimbabwe
Fire Science Reviews 5, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Babos, Pavol.
Adjustment the crisis: Institutional buffers on the Eastern European Labour Markets
Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences.
Journal Article
Ogowewo, Bridget Oghenekome.
Integrating Entrepreneurship Education into Vocational and Technical Education Curricula.
International Journal of Learning 18, no. 9 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Mqoqi, Nomathamsanqa.
Can the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) of South Africa emulate the success of the Brazilian Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) in financing enterprises and boosting manufacturung?
Master of Management in Finance & Investment, 2014.
Conference Paper
Mvukiyehe, Eric, and Cyrus Samii.
Laying a Foundation for Peace? Micro-Effects of Peacekeeping in Cote d’Ivoire
Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
Toronto, August 27, 2009.
Working Paper
Bender, Jennifer.
Emerging Markets: Balancing Growth Opportunities with Risk
Working Paper
Ahmed, Junaid, and Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso.
Blessing or Curse: The Stabilizing Role of Remittance, Foreign Aid and FDI to Pakistan
Working Paper
Kruja, Alba.
The Contribution of SMEs to the Economic Growth (Case of Albania)
Working Paper
Michalski, Bartosz.
Miedzynarodowa konkurencyjnosc gospodarek Brazylii i Meksyku. Analiza porównawcza
Journal Article
George, Sarah N, Sarita Peter, and Thomas Nelson.
Saint Lucia
(2012) Review of current fisheries management performance and conservation measures in the WECAFC area.
Thesis or Dissertation
Quenneh, Taiyee Nelson.
Insecticide Treated Nets as an Effective Malaria Control Strategy in Liberia
Doctor of Philosophy , Walden University , 2016.
Tukhashvili, Mirian, and Mzia Shelia.
The impact of labor emigration on the demographic and economic development of Georgia in the post-Soviet period
: CARIM-East, 2012.
Journal Article
Betchoo, Nirmal Kumar.
Youth empowerment as a human resource development strategy in Mauritius
Issues in Business Management and Economics 1, no. 8 (2013): 218-229.
Working Paper
Ulukan, Nihan Cigerci, and Umut Ulukan.
Cross-Border Labour Mobility Within Georgia and Turkey
Journal Article
Linkow, Benjamin, and Hyun Lee.
Economic Impact Evaluation Of Highway Improvements In The Republic Of Georgia Using A Robust Quasi-Experimental Design And Gis 2
geography 20, no. 21 (2015).
Journal Article
Oprea, Florin, Seyed Mehdian, and Ovidiu Stoica.
Fiscal and Financial Stability in Romania-An Overview
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences 9, no. 40 (2013): 159-182.
Journal Article
Sehat, Mojtaba, Kourosh Holakouie Naieni, Mohsen Asadi-Lari, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, and Hossein Malek-Afzali.
Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Traffic Accidents in Metropolitan Tehran: A Population based Study
International journal of preventive medicine 3, no. 3 (2012).
Journal Article
Veghari, Gholamreza, Mehdi Sedaghat, Siavash Maghsodlo, Samieh Banihashem, Pooneh Moharloei, Abdolhamid Angizeh, Ebrahim Tazik, and Abbas Moghaddami.
Influence of education in the prevalence of obesity in Iranian northern adults
Journal of cardiovascular disease research 4, no. 1 (2013): 30-33.
Thesis or Dissertation
Attuquayefio, Philip Kortey.
Institutions and Human Security in the Post-Conflict Development of Liberia, 2003-2011
University of Ghana, 2012.
Journal Article
Saber M E, Momeni.
Determining the developmental level of Nain city in Esfahan province
Geography and Environmental Planning Journal 45, no. 1 (2012): 53-58.
Lambo, Eyitayo, Denis Garand, J Wipf, and Sophie Witter.
Pre-feasibility Study of Social Health Insurance in Liberia
: Oxford: Oxford Policy Management for MOHSW, Monrovia, 2011.
Journal Article
Veghari, Gholamreza.
The Comparative Study of Obesity Differences for Schoolchildren between Turkman and Sisstanish Ethnic Groups in the North of Iran
Iranian journal of health sciences 3, no. 1 (2015): 52-59.
Journal Article
Veghari, Gholamreza, Abdoljalal Marjani, Shima Kazemi, Masoumeh Bemani, Mansoreh Shabdin, and Aida Hashimifard.
The comparison of under-5-year nutritional status among Fars-Native, Turkman and Sistani ethnic groups in the North of Iran
(2015) International journal of preventive medicine.
Journal Article
Soltani, Arezoo, Prem L Sankhayan, and Ole Hofstad.
A recipe for co-management of forest and livestock—Results of bio-economic model at a village level in Iran
(2015) Agricultural Systems.
Journal Article
Ghimire, Rabindra.
Foreign Direct Investment in Nepal
Journal of Finance and Management Review 2, no. 1 (2011): 208-220.
Book Section
Gill, Indermit, and Martin Raiser.
Restoring Europe’s Luster
(2014) Wealth, Income Inequalities, and Demography.
Showing 2221-2250 of 14019