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Showing 1621-1650 of 14019
Journal Article
Madise, Nyovani J, and Mabel Mpoma.
Child malnutrition and feeding practices in Malawi
(1997) Food and nutrition bulletin - United Nations University-.
Ngwira, Naomi, and Esnat Mkandawire.
Cost of gender disparities in access to socio-economic services in Malawi
Journal Article
Kimani, Murungaru.
Trends in contraceptive use in Kenya, 1989-1998: The role of socio-economic, cultural and family planning factors
African Population Studies 21, no. 2 (2006): 3-21.
Journal Article
Sallah, Abdoulie, and Colin C Williams.
The illusion of capitalism in contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa: A case study of The Gambia
Foresight 13, no. 3 (2011): 50-63.
Corporate Author
Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia.
Household income, consumption and expenditure survey analytical report 2004-2005
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia, 2007.
Corporate Author
Central Statistical Agency.
Report on the 2006 urban employment unemployment survey
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Central Statistical Agency, 2006.
Corporate Author
Central Statistical Agency.
Statistical report on urban employment unemployment survey
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Central Statistical Agency, 2009.
Corporate Author
Central Statistical Agency.
Statistical report on the 2010 urban employment unemployment survey
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Central Statistical Agency, 2010.
Corporate Author
Central Statistical Agency.
Analytical report on the 2010 urban employment unemployment survey
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Central Statistical Agency, 2010.
Journal Article
Feldacker, Caryl, Susan T Ennett, and Ilene Speizer.
It's not just who you are but where you live: An exploration of community influences on individual HIV status in rural Malawi
(2011) Social Science & Medicine.
Journal Article
Ibrahim, Sabiha.
Anthropometric patterns and correlates of growth attainment in under-five Pakistani children
Pakistan Development Review 38, no. 2 (1999): 131-152.
Journal Article
Shehzad, Shafqat.
The determinants of child health in Pakistan: an economic analysis
Social indicators research 78, no. 3 (2006): 531-556.
Journal Article
Durevall, Dick, and Annika Lindskog.
Economic Inequality and HIV in Malawi
(2012) World Development.
Journal Article
Hamid, Abdul, and Aisha M Ahmed.
An analysis of multi-dimensional gender inequality in Pakistan
Asian Journal of Business Management 3, no. 3 (2011): 166-177.
Escobal, Javier, Patricia Ames, Santiago Cueto, Mary Penny, and Eva Flores.
Young lives: Peru round 2 survey
Oxford, UK: University of Oxford, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kyi Kyi, Aye.
Factors affecting breast-feeding in the Philippines: an analysis of 1998 NDHS data
Masters, Mahidol University, 2000.
Conference Paper
Mapa, Dennis S, Michael Lucagbo, and Czarina L Ignacio.
Is income growth enough to reduce fertility rate in the Philippines? Empirical evidence from regional panel data
11th National Convention on Statistics (NCS) .
Journal Article
Antai, Diddy, Sara Wedrén, Rino Bellocco, and Tahereh Moradi.
Migration and child health inequities in Nigeria: a multilevel analysis of contextual-and individual-level factors
Tropical Medicine & International Health 15, no. 12 (2010): 1464-1474.
Journal Article
Uthman, Olalekan.
Using extended concentration and achievement indices to study socioeconomic inequality in chronic childhood malnutrition: the case of Nigeria
International journal for equity in health 8, no. 1 (2009): 22.
Journal Article
Kolawole, A.O.D., and Anke van de Kwaak.
A review of determinants of female genital mutilation in Nigeria
Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 1, no. 11 (2010): 510-515.
Conference Paper
Hallman, Kelly.
Gender, relative poverty, and orphanhood as factors for youth HIV risk behaviors in South Africa
Reproductive Health Priorities Conference.
Sun City, South Africa, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bester, Marwyn.
Factors influencing high socio-economic class mothers’ decision regarding formula feeding practices in the Cape Metropole
Masters, Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch, 2006.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ntuli, Abigail.
An examination of the role of antenatal care attendance in preventing adverse birth outcomes in South Africa
Masters, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2010.
de Silva, Angela, and Sunethra Atukorala.
Effects of the global financial crisis on the food security of poor urban households; Case study Columbo, Sri Lanka
: RUAF Foundation, 2010.
Journal Article
Anuranga, C., R. Wickramasinghe, R. P Rannan-Eliya, S. m Hossain, and A. Abeykoon.
Trends, inequalities and determinants of low birth weight in Sri Lanka
Ceylon Medical Journal 57, no. 2 (2012): 61-69.
Thesis or Dissertation
Anh, Duong Thuy.
An analysis of the cost pattern of injury in public health facilities in Bavi District, Vietnam
Masters, Umeå International School of Public Health , 2006.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sikwibele, Kelvin.
The socioeconomic and demographic situation of youth in Zambia: An analysis of the 2001-2002 Zambia Demographic Health Survey
Masters, University of the Witwatersrand, 2008.
Working Paper
Croke, Kevin.
Politics, child mortality, and health system development in Tanzania and Uganda, 1995-2009
Conference Paper
MADULU, Ndalahwa.
Changing water needs and uses in rural communities of Mwanza region, Tanzania
1st WARFSA/WaterNet Symposium: Sustainable Use of Water Resources.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, November, 2000.
Thesis or Dissertation
Poyah, Glenrose.
Safe Sex Practice in the Context of HIV/AIDS: an Analysis of the 1988 and 1994 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Surveys
Ph.D., Mahidol University, 2000.
Showing 1621-1650 of 14019