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Showing 1501-1530 of 14019
Journal Article
Liyanage, Uditha.
Emerging Patterns of Income Distribution and Social Exclusion in Sri Lanka
South Asian Journal of Management 11, no. 3 (2004): 21.
Journal Article
Cieślik, Andrzej, and Bartłomiej Rokicki.
Regional wage determinants in Poland: The empirical verification of the NEG approach
Bank i Kredyt 44, no. 2 (2013): 159-174.
Working Paper
Bech Padrosa, Sara.
Infrastructures in Africa: Analysis and evolution of the road network in Sierra Leone
Journal Article
Kargbo, John Abdul.
Public library services in the knowledge economy: the Sierra Leone experience
Public Library Quarterly 30, no. 1 (2011): 62-75.
Journal Article
Oyewale, Faloye, and Bakare Abiodun Musiliu.
Empirical assessment of economic growth on poverty reduction in Nigeria
American Journal of Economics 5, no. 6 (2015): 565-573.
Journal Article
Musa, Aliyu, and Hauwa Ali.
Education, science and technology: A triadic process for promoting socio-economic skills in Nigeria
Issues in Scientific Research 1, no. 4 (2016): 52-60.
Journal Article
Sigdel, Tej Prasad.
Socio-Economic Impact of Tourism in Sauraha Chitwan, Nepal
(2014) The Third Pole: Journal of Geography Education.
Journal Article
Flessa, Steffen, and Anika Zembok.
Costing of diabetes mellitus type II in Cambodia
Health Economics Review 4, no. 1 (2014): 24.
Conference Paper
Stroesser, Laetitia, Eric Penot, Isabelle Michel, Uraiwan Tongkaemkaew, and Benedicte Chambon.
Income diversification for rubber farmers through agro-forestry practices: How to overcome rubber prices volatility in Phatthalung province, Thailand
CRRI & IRRDB International Rubber Conference 2016, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Working Paper
Posel, Dorrit, and Michael Rogan.
Measured as poor versus feeling poor: Comparing objective and subjective poverty rates in South Africa
WIDER Working Paper , no. 2014/133 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Kanza, Mary Geoffrey.
Evaluation of Feasibility of NGO Activities to Strengthen Social Economic Status of Youth Living with HIV: A Case of PASADA in Temeke Municipality
Master in Social Work, The Open University of Tanzania, 2014.
Dietz, Ton, Andre Leliveld, Dick Foeken, Blandina Kilama, and Wijnand Klaver.
Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Tanzania
Thesis or Dissertation
Kitenana, Jose Stanslaus.
Access to Tourism Market Pro-ject for Sustainable Economic Development of Community around Protected Areas in Natta Mbiso village-Serengeti District
Master in Community Development, The Open University of Tanzania, 2013.
Journal Article
Straneo, Manuela, Piera Fogliati, Gaetano Azzimonti, Sabina Mangi, and Firma Kisika.
Where do the rural poor deliver when high coverage of health facility delivery is achieved? Findings from a community and hospital survey in Tanzania
PLoS One 9, no. 12 (2014): e113995.
Journal Article
Fang, Cheng, Eliamoni Titus Lyatuu, and Fengying Nie.
The Role of Agriculture in the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 6, no. 14 (2015): 154-165.
Working Paper
Lincoln, Joel Silas, Wilhelm Ngasa, and Eliab Luvanda.
Opportunities for Harnessing the Demographic Dividend in Tanzania
Journal Article
Manyerere J, David.
Social Capital: A Neglected Resource to Create Viable and Sustainable Youth Economic Groups in Urban Tanzania.
Journal of Education and Practice 7, no. 3 (2015): 136-146.
Journal Article
Ananta, Aris, and Udi H Pungut.
Population change and economic development in Indonesia
ASEAN Economic Bulletin. Population dynamics and economic transition: Asia-Pacific towards the Year 2000 9, no. 1 (1992): 55-65.
Journal Article
Chandra, Nirmal Kumar.
China and India: Convergence in economic growth and social tensions?
(2009) Economic and Political Weekly.
Journal Article
Suryanarayana, M. H.
Economic reforms, nature and poverty
(1996) Economic and Political Weekly.
Working Paper
Afrobarometer Network,.
Surging economic optimism amid enduring poverty
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper no. 42 , no. 42 (2006).
Journal Article
Smith, James P, Duncan Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Kathleen Beegle, and Graciela Teruel.
Wages, employment and economic shocks: Evidence from Indonesia
Journal of Population Economics 15, no. 1 (2002): 161-193.
Journal Article
Gibson, John.
Recent shocks and long-term change in the Samoan economy
(2010) Pacific Economic Bulletin.
Journal Article
Hope Sr, Kempe Ronald, and Wayne A Edge.
Growth with uneven development: urban-rural socio-economic disparities in Botswana
Geoforum 27, no. 1 (1996): 53-62.
Book Section
Geyer S, H.
Global Regionalization: Core Peripheral Trends
(2006) The Extended Pacific Rim an awakening giant.
Journal Article
Shaljan, AM.
Population, Gender and Development in Maldives
Economic and Political Weekly 39, no. 18 (2004): 1835-1840.
Working Paper
Smith Thompson, Robert.
People’s Republic of CHINA
(2006) Asian Development Bank.
Book Section
Dallago, Bruno.
Decentralization and Local Development in South East Europe
(2013) Puzzles in Local Development and Transformation in South East Europe .
Gunatilaka, Ramani.
To work or not to work?: Factors holding women back from market work in Sri Lanka
: ILO, 2013.
Wever, Lara.
Assessing management challenges and options in the coastal zone of Timor-Leste
: Griffith University, 2008.
Showing 1501-1530 of 14019