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Showing 1471-1500 of 14019
Thesis or Dissertation
Nonyana, Jeanette Zandile.
Statistical modeling of unemployment duration in South Africa
Master of science, University of South Africa, 2015.
Working Paper
Freitas Belo, Abílio António.
Timor Leste government initiatives and civil society in contributing to the prevention of domestic violence
Journal Article
Grant J, Richard.
Economic Freedom of the World
(2017) Economic Freedom in South Africa and Constraints on Economic Policy.
Conference Paper
O’Carroll, Sarah, Lauren Basson, Jarrod Lyons, Sam Smout, and Henry Nuwarinda.
The nature and role of industrial symbiosis in South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa, 06, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Stojanoska, Dominika.
Gender equality and human development in Macedonia during transition (1991-2006)
Doctor of Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Bologna , 2008.
Working Paper
Penev, Slagan, and Borce Trenovski.
Policy on Balanced Regional Development in Macedonia-Goals, Challenges, Trends
Conference Paper
Jakovlev, Zlatko, and Biljana Petrevska.
Tourism development in the East Region of Macedonia: Economic perspective
International scientific conference CHALLENGES OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY 12 November 2015 Skopje, R. Macedonia.
Journal Article
Loku, Afrim, and Nadire Shehu Loku.
Privatising Socially Owned Enterprises, The Case of Kosovo
Asian Economic and Financial Review 6, no. 5 (2016): 261-276.
Journal Article
Baruti, Blerta Haliti.
Global Economic Crisis and Its Reflection in Kosovo Financial System
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 5, no. 3 (2016): 163-172.
Journal Article
Cuci, Qëndresë.
The Impact of Remittances on Socio-Economic Development-The Case of Kosova
(2016) EJES European Journal of Economics and Business Studies Articles.
Journal Article
Chamberlin, Jordan, TS Jayne, and Derek Headey.
Scarcity amidst abundance? Reassessing the potential for cropland expansion in Africa
(2014) Food Policy.
Working Paper
Behrendt, C, and K Hagemejer.
Can Low-Income Countries Afford Basic Social Security?
Journal Article
Stavropoulou, Charitini, Divya Parmar, and John PA Ioannidis.
The individual level cost of pregnancy termination in Zambia: a comparison of safe and unsafe abortion
(2016) British Medical Journal.
Journal Article
Wetengere, Kitojo.
Impact of Higher Learning Institutions in Provision of Quality Socio-Economic Development in Tanzania
African Journal of Economic Review 4, no. 1 (2016): 195-216.
Journal Article
Kemiso, Onkarabile, and Oluwatoyin Dare Kolawole.
Energetic But Jobless: Socio-Economic and Institutional Drivers of Youth Unemployment in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
(2017) Botswana Notes and Records.
Journal Article
Husain M, Jami.
A SAM-based Multiplier Model to Track Growth-Poverty-Inequality Nexus in Bangladesh
(2006) Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
Thesis or Dissertation
Setlhogile, Tshepo, Jaap Arntzen, Collin Mabiza, and Reneth Mano.
Economic valuation of selected direct and indirect use values of the Makgadikgadi wetland system, Botswana
Master of Science, University of Zimbabwe, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gupta, Anjali Clare.
Conservation's Complexities: A Study of Livelihoods and People-Park Relations around Chobe National Park, Botswana
Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, 2012.
Journal Article
Poteete R, Amy.
Is development path dependent or political? A reinterpretation of mineral-dependent development in Botswana
The Journal of Development Studies 45, no. 4 (2009): 544-571.
Thesis or Dissertation
McPeake, Heather Ann.
Poverty and illness: socio-economic factors influencing the health-seeking behaviour of TB patients in West Africa (the Gambia)
Master’s in Intemational Development Studies, Saint Mary’s University, 2005.
Working Paper
Shaibu, Sheila, and Nana Adu-Pipim Boaduo.
What Contribution Can Senior Citizens Make Towards The Economic And Social Development Of Botswana?
(2007) The African Symposium.
Thesis or Dissertation
Motlopi, Kgomotsego.
Privatisation of rangelands, ranch development, management and equity: the case of area 4B, Botswana
Master of Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway , 2006.
Working Paper
Hellmuth, M, J Sendzimir, Yates David, Strzepek Kenneth, and Sanderson Warren.
Addressing Sustainability, HIV-AIDS, and Water Resource Questions in Botswana
Sunny, Grace.
Structural Change, Employment, and Small Business: Lessons of Experience from Botswana
: Tasalls Pub. \& Bks., 2000.
Journal Article
Jefferis, Keith R, and TF Kelly.
Botswana: Poverty amid plenty
Oxford Development Studies 27, no. 2 (1999): 211-231.
Journal Article
Hassan, Abo, Shahnawaz Malik, Imran Sharif Chaudhry, and Sadia Khalil.
Poverty-Health Nexus: The Case of Pakistan
Middle Eastern Finance and Economics , no. 11 (2011).
Book Section
Shakya, Deepa.
Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in Asia/Pacific and Africa
(2010) Education, Economic and Cultural Modernization, and the Newars of Nepal.
Working Paper
Manel P, D. Kanthi.
A study of the factors determining change in the employment of women in Sri Lanka
Thesis or Dissertation
Lavu, Esther.
The Demographic Behaviour of an Indigenous Population in Urban Papua New Guinea: the Motu Koitabu of Hanuabada
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Papua New Guinea, 2012.
Journal Article
Edirisinghe S, Damayanthi.
Informal Economic Activities among Rural Women: with special reference to Southern Sri Lanka
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 6, no. 4 (2016): 435-439.
Showing 1471-1500 of 14019