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Showing 13351-13380 of 14019
Journal Article
Karimli, Leyla, Fred M Ssewamala, and Leyla Ismayilova.
Extended families and perceived caregiver support to AIDS orphans in Rakai district of Uganda
Children and youth services review 34, no. 7 (2012): 1351-1358.
Journal Article
Daniels, Lisa, and Nicholas Minot.
Is poverty reduction over-stated in Uganda? Evidence from alternative poverty measures
Social Indicators Research 121, no. 1 (2015): 115-133.
Journal Article
Tenge, Albino JM, Immaculate O Gillo, and Felister L Mberege.
Impact of climate variability and change on the livelihood of the barbaig pastoral community in Hanang district, Tanzania
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences 4, no. 5 (2014): 72-84.
Journal Article
Maheu-Giroux, Mathieu, and Marcia C Castro.
Cost-effectiveness of larviciding for urban malaria control in Tanzania
Malaria Journal 13, no. 1 (2014): 477.
Thesis or Dissertation
Buhori, Johnas Amon.
The Exclusion of People living with disabilities from Employment in mainland Tanzania
Master of Social Work, The Open University of Tanzania, 2014.
Journal Article
Mashenene, Robert Galan, Joyce Lyimo G Macha, and Leo Donge.
Socio-Cultural Determinants and Enterprise Financial Sources among the Chagga and Sukuma Small and Medium Enterprises in Tanzania
International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy 1, no. 5 (2014): 265-284.
Journal Article
Nyamhanga, Tumaini, Gasto Frumence, Mughwira Mwangu, and Anna-Karin Hurtig.
‘We do not do any activity until there is an outbreak’: barriers to disease prevention and health promotion at the community level in Kongwa District, Tanzania
Global Health Action 7, no. 1 (2014): 23878.
Journal Article
Kasteng, Frida, Stella Settumba, Karin Kallander, and Anna Vassall.
Valuing the work of unpaid community health workers and exploring the incentives to volunteering in rural Africa
Health policy and planning 31, no. 2 (2015): 205-216.
Journal Article
Kassile, Telemu.
Pass rates in primary school leaving examination in Tanzania: implication for efficient allocation of resources
South African Journal of Education 34, no. 2 (2014): 01-21.
Journal Article
Adams, Melissa K, Elizabeth Salazar, and Rebecka Lundgren.
Tell them you are planning for the future: gender norms and family planning among adolescents in northern Uganda
(2013) International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics.
Journal Article
Vermeiren, Karolien, Els Verachtert, Peter Kasaija, Maarten Loopmans, Jean Poesen, and Anton Van Rompaey.
Who could benefit from a bus rapid transit system in cities from developing countries? A case study from Kampala, Uganda
(2015) Journal of Transport Geography.
Journal Article
Asiimwe, Godfrey B, and Resty Naiga.
Towards understanding challenges to water access in Uganda
(2015) Water is life.
Book Section
Hasaba, Sarah.
Education, creativity, and economic empowerment in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan
(2014) Women and poverty eradication efforts in Uganda: Why is ending gendered poverty still far-fetched.
Journal Article
Curley, Jami, Fred M Ssewamala, Proscovia Nabunya, Vilma Ilic, and Han Chang Keun.
Child development accounts (CDAs): An asset-building strategy to empower girls in Uganda
International social work 59, no. 1 (2016): 18-31.
Poghosyan, Meri.
Baseline Report for the Evaluation of BRAC Uganda’s ‘Microfinance Multiplied’Approach
Thesis or Dissertation
Bingwa, Fidele.
A quantitative analysis of the impact of land use changes on floods in the Manafwa River Basin
Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013.
Journal Article
Esuruku, Robert Senath.
Youth Identity, National Unity and Development in Uganda: Prospects and Options
Journal of Development Studies 3, no. 2 (2013): 5-20.
Journal Article
Geyer, Hermanus S, and DJ Du Plessis.
Existence level differences and spatial industrial restructuring in South Africa: RDP imperatives
Development Southern Africa 11, no. 4 (1994): 599-616.
Thesis or Dissertation
Carnow, Jacobus Johannes.
Older persons' care as life care: a pastoral assessment of the ecclesia praxis within the African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Africa
Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Journal Article
Bagonza Asaba, Richard, Honor Fagan, and Consolata Kabonesa.
Women’s access to safe water and participation in community management of supply
(2015) Practical Action Publishing.
Conference Paper
Bidandi, Fred, and John J Williams.
The Challenges Facing Urbanisation Processes in Kampala
Urban Forum.
Journal Article
Hauck, Maria, and NA Sweijd.
A case study of abalone poaching in South Africa and its impact on fisheries management
ICES Journal of Marine Science 56, no. 6 (1999): 1024-1032.
Thesis or Dissertation
Felista, Musana, and Abdulkadir Osman Farah.
Analysis of the Persistence of Poverty in some regions of Uganda, case study of the Karamoja Sub-region in North Eastern Uganda
MSc. Thesis, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Working Paper
Gustafsson, Siv, and Seble Y Worku.
Marriage markets and single motherhood in South Africa
Thesis or Dissertation
Edward, Tanyma.
Economic Evaluation of Soybean Genotypes under Soil Fertility Variability on Northern and Eastern Uganda
Master of science, Makerere University., 2015.
Working Paper
Adam, Susanna.
Skills development for secure livelihoods
(2012) Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA).
Working Paper
Waeyenberge, Elisa, and Hannah Bargawi.
Employment Sector Employment Working Paper No. 91
(2011) International Labour Organization.
Thesis or Dissertation
Frijters, EM.
Family planning in rural Uganda: can mobile communication make a difference?
Master Thesis, Utrecht University, 2013.
Working Paper
Fox, Louise, and Obert Pimhidzai.
Different dreams, same bed: collecting, using, and interpreting employment statistics in Sub-Saharan Africa - the case of Uganda
(2013) Policy Research Working Paper.
Thesis or Dissertation
Munuo, Catherine.
Agricultural Financing Initiatives in Developing Countries: Can Microfinance Fill The Gap? The Case of Iringa Rural District, Tanzania.
Master of Economics in Project Planning and Management, Mzumbe University, 2013.
Showing 13351-13380 of 14019