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Showing 12901-12930 of 14019
Journal Article
Apanga, Paschal Awingura, and John Koku Awoonor-Williams.
Improving Skilled Birth Attendance in Ghana: An Evidence-Based Policy Brief
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 28, no. 3 (2017): 1056-1065.
Journal Article
Bulled, Nicola, and Edward C Green.
Making voluntary medical male circumcision a viable HIV prevention strategy in high-prevalence countries by engaging the traditional sector
Critical public health 26, no. 3 (2016): 258-268.
Thesis or Dissertation
Feidiib, Paul Jamani.
Assessing the effects of socio-cultural factors on maternal health care delivery in the East Mamprusi District of Northern Ghana
Master of Philosophy, University for Development Studies, 2017.
Rolleston, Caine, Zoe James, Laure Pasquier-Doumer, and Tran Ngo Thi Minh Tam.
Making progress: Report of the Young Lives school survey in Vietnam
Independent Mid “Survey of Enterprises in Selected ACP Regions”
Journal Article
French, Matthew, Jan Turkstra, and Mohammad Farid.
Vacant Land Plots in Afghan Cities: A Problem and an Opportunity
Urbanisation 1, no. 2 (2016): 79-94.
Thesis or Dissertation
Njuguna, Rose Wambui.
Accesibility to information and communication technology (ICT) among persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Nairobi County
Master of Arts in Communication Studies , University of Nairobi, 2016.
Conference Paper
Ndung’u, Catherine Waithera.
English Language Literacy for Deaf Learners
First International Research and Innovation Conference, 28-30 August 2013, Nairobi, Kenya.
Journal Article
Ntamack, Simon Alain Song.
Education, Experience and Profits: An Application for the Job of Non Wage-earners
International Journal of Business and Management 7, no. 4 (2012): 57-68.
Roseth, Viviana V, Alexandria Valerio, and Marcela Gutiérrez.
Education, Skills, and Labor Market Outcomes
Washington DC: The World Bank Group, 2016.
Journal Article
Wolfe, Marcus T, and Pankaj C Patel.
Instant gratification: temporal discounting and self-employment
Small Business Economics 48, no. 4 (2017): 861-882.
Working Paper
Kupets, Olga.
Education in transition and job mismatch: Evidence from the skills survey in non-EU transition economies
Journal Article
Valerio, Alexandria, Maria Laura Sanchez Puerta, Namrata Tognatta, and Sebastian Monroy-Taborda.
Are there skills payoffs in low-and middle-income countries? empirical evidence using STEP data
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7879 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Hasari, Henna Elina.
Inclusion of youth with disabilities – facing the challenges and utilizing the opportunities: The experiences of young people with physical disabilities in Thika, Kenya
Bachelor of Social Sciences, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, 2011.
Working Paper
Hlasny, Vladimir.
Evolution of Opportunities for Early Childhood Development in Arab Countries
Thesis or Dissertation
Tanui, Philomena Jepkemboi.
Community-Based Rehabilitation Supports for Social Inclusion and Work Participation of Young Adults with Visual Impairment in Kenya: A Case Study
Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation , University of Arkansas, 2015.
Journal Article
Mourad, Tayser Abu, Samir Radi, Suzanne Shashaa, Christos Lionis, and Anastas Philalithis.
Palestinian primary health care in light of the National Strategic Health Plan 1999-2003
Public health 122, no. 2 (2008): 125-139.
Journal Article
Pell, Stephanie.
Reproductive decisions in the lives of West Bank Palestinian women: dimensions and contradictions
Global public health 12, no. 2 (2017): 135-155.
Journal Article
Corral, Alvaro, Francisco Izurieta, Veronica Guayanlema, Juan P Díaz, Henry Acurio, and Paola Quintana.
Assessment opportunities for energy efficiency in Ecuadorian road transport
Dyna 84, no. 200 (2017): 309-315.
Ahmed, Vaqar, and Asif Javed.
National Study on Agriculture Investment in Pakistan
Thesis or Dissertation
Brechbühl, Sandra.
Female Waste Pickers in Cote D’ivoire. A Study of Women’s Livelihoods in the Informal Waste Management Sector of Abidjan.
Master of Arts, University of Berne, Switzerland , 2011.
Conference Paper
Gulati, Ashok, Nicholas Minot, Chris Delgado, and Saswati Bora.
Growth in high-value agriculture in Asia and the emergence of vertical links with farmers
“Linking Small-Scale Producers to Markets: Old and New Challenges” The World Bank, 15 December 2005 .
Journal Article
Anwar, Talat, Sarfraz K Qureshi, Hammad Ali, and Munir Ahmad.
Landlessness and rural poverty in Pakistan [with comments]
(2004) The Pakistan Development Review.
Journal Article
Jenkins, Rachel, Caleb Othieno, Linnet Ongeri, Peter Sifuna, Michael Ongecha, James Kingora, David Kiima, Raymond Omollo, and Bernhards Ogutu.
Common mental disorder in Nyanza province, Kenya in 2013 and its associated risk factors - an assessment of change since 2004, using a repeat household survey in a demographic surveillance site
(2015) BMC psychiatry.
Book Section
Stoeffler, Quentin, Pierre Nguetse-Tegoum, and Bradford Mills.
Safety Nets in Africa Effective Mechanisms to Reach the Poor and Most Vulnerable
(2015) Generating a system for targeting unconditional cash transfers in Cameroon .
Journal Article
Ali, SM, A Fareed, SM Humail, A Basit, MY Ahmedani, A Fawwad, and Z Miyan.
The personal cost of diabetic foot disease in the developing world—a study from Pakistan
Diabetic Medicine 25, no. 10 (2008): 1231-1233.
Working Paper
Ghaus-Pasha, Aisha, Haroon Jamal, and Muhammad Asif Iqbal.
Dimensions of the nonprofit sector in Pakistan
(2002) Social Policy and Development center.
Journal Article
Nasir, Zaheer Ahmad, Fowad Murtaza, and Ian Colbeck.
Role of poverty in fuel choice and exposure to indoor air pollution in Pakistan
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 12, no. 2 (2015): 107-117.
Journal Article
Chaudhry, Imran Sharif, Muhammad Zahir Faridi, and Imran Hanif.
The whimsical trends of rural poverty in Pakistan: some diversifications
(2012) International Research Journal of Finance and Economics.
Journal Article
Spielman, David J, Hina Nazli, Xingliang Ma, Patricia Zambrano, and Fatima Zaidi.
Technological opportunity, regulatory uncertainty, and Bt cotton in Pakistan
AgBioForum 18, no. 1 (2015).
Showing 12901-12930 of 14019