
Showing 12781-12810 of 14019
Thesis or Dissertation
Pohamba-Ndume N, Kaleinasho. "An investigation into the poverty situation of the Hai/Om people resettle at Okongo constituency in the Ohangwena region." Master of Public Administration, University of Namibia, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Amadhila, Elina Muuwike. "Financing agricultural small-and medium-scale enterprises in Namibia." Doctor of Philosophy in Development Finance, Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Journal Article
Goldar, Bishwanath, and Amit Sadhukhan. "Employment and wages in Indian manufacturing: Post-reform performance." Employment Policy Department EMPLOYMENT Working Paper , no. 185 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Kazauana, Bertha. "The impact of Namibian reclassification as an upper-middle income country on Official Development Assistance.." Master of International Business, Polytechnic of Namibia, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Helao, Tuhafeni. "An evaluation of good governance and service delivery at Sub-national level in Namibia: the case of the Oshana region." Doctor of Public Administration, University of South Africa, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hamukoto K, Maria. "Informal food vending in Okuryangava, Windhoek: entrepreneurial knowledge enhancement strategies and aspirations of the self-employed." Master of Arts, University of Namibia, 2016.
Maruthi I,. Documentation of success stories of food processing units in Karnataka. Bengaluru, India: Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC).
Nageswaran, Anantha V, and Gulzar Natarajan. Can India grow? Challenges, opportunities, and the way forward..
Journal Article
Hosseinpoor, Ahmad R, Jennifer A Stewart Williams, Jeny Gautam, Aleksandra Posarac, Alana Officer, Emese Verdes, Nenad Kostanjsek, and Somnath Chatterji. "Socioeconomic inequality in disability among adults: a multicountry study using the World Health Survey." American journal of public health 103, no. 7 (2013): 1278-1286.
Journal Article
Miszkurka, Malgorzata, Slim Haddad, Étienne V Langlois, Ellen E Freeman, Seni Kouanda, and Maria Victoria Zunzunegui. "Heavy burden of non-communicable diseases at early age and gender disparities in an adult population of Burkina Faso: World Health Survey." BMC public health 12, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Wilunda, Calistus, Chiara Scanagatta, Giovanni Putoto, Risa Takahashi, Francesca Montalbetti, Giulia Segafredo, and Ana P Betrán. "Barriers to Institutional Childbirth in Rumbek North County, South Sudan: A Qualitative Study." PloS one 11, no. 12 (2016).
Conference Paper
Jacob, Sergot, Sami Aburoza, Deng Hoc D Yai, Lyndsay Bird, Naoko Arakawa, Anna Azaryeva, Education Peacebuilding, Marie-Claude Rouillard, and Chloé Chimier. "Education & Development Post 2015: Reflecting, Reviewing, Re-Visioning. Rebuilding Resilience In A Changing World: Conflict And Crisis Sensitive Approaches To Planning And Programming For Education Systems." 12th Ukfiet International Conference On Education And Development. September 10-12, 2013.
Working Paper
Tripathi, Sabyasachi, and Shamika Kumar. "Determinants of firm location choice in large cities in India: a binary logit model analysis." Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management 12, no. 3 (2017): 45-62.
Working Paper
Mamgain, Rajendra P, and D.N. Reddy. "Outmigration from the Hill Region of Uttrakhand Magnitude, Challenges and Policy Options." (2016) Giri Institute of Development Studies.
Journal Article
Singh, Rewa, and Ravindra Tripathi. "Food Processing Industries: An Engine for Growth in Uttar Pradesh." Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management 10, no. 3 (2017): 19-34.
Journal Article
Haddad M, Akram. "Demand Analysis for Major Consumer Commodities in Jordan." Journal of Accounting, Business & Management 20, no. 2 (2013): 33-64.
Journal Article
Rajakumar, Dennis J, and S.L. Shetty. "Continuous Revisions Cast Doubts on GDP Advance Estimates." Economic & Political Weekly 51, no. 10 (2016): 70-74.
Journal Article
Jaffrelot, Christophe. "Quota for Patels? The Neo-middle-class Syndrome and the (partial) Return of Caste Politics in Gujarat." Studies in Indian Politics 4, no. 2 (2016): 218-232.
Journal Article
Vélez, Julio Alvarado A, Gardenia Vélez P Bravo, and Francisco M Carvajal. "El sector primario: ¿contribuye al crecimiento económico del Ecuador?/ The primary sector: does it contribute to the economic growth in Ecuador?." Hallazgos21 2, no. 2 (2017).
Journal Article
Kumi-Kyereme, Akwasi, Derek A Tuoyire, and Eugene KM Darteh. "Determinants of unprotected casual heterosexual sex in Ghana." (2013) Journal of Biosocial Science.
Schnitzer, Pascale, Cecilia Tinonin, and Carlo Azzarri. Ghana Agricultural Snapshot 2005/6. 2014.
Journal Article
Esia-Donkoh, Kobina, Kweku Esia-Donkoh, and Hagar Asare. "Coping in Silence: Challenges Faced By Pregnant-Students at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana." International Journal of Education and Practice 2, no. 10 (2014): 222-233.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nyantah, Rahmat Opoku. "Important Determinants of Sexual and Reproductive Health of Female Adolescent and Youth in Ghana." Master of Philosophy, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2014.
Journal Article
DeRose, Laurie F, Gloria Huarcaya, Andres Salazar-Arango, Marcos Agurto, Paul Corcuera, Marga Gonzalvo-Cirac, and Claudia Tarud. "Children’s Living Arrangements and On-time Progression Through School in Latin America and the Caribbean." Journal of Family and Economic Issues 38, no. 2 (2017): 184-203.
Journal Article
Tette, Edem MA, Eric K Sifah, Edmund T Nartey, Peter Nuro-Ameyaw, Pricilla Tete-Donkor, and Richard B Biritwum. "Maternal profiles and social determinants of malnutrition and the MDGs: What have we learnt?." BMC Public Health 16, no. 1 (2016): 214.
Journal Article
Rao, Sambasiva K, and Andualem U Baza. "Barriers to Access to and Usage of Financial Services in Ethiopia." Business and Economic Research 7, no. 1 (2017): 139-148.
Conference Paper
Raudino, Simone. "The Role of Value Formation Processes and Empirical Experiences in Shaping Trade Liberalization Preferences: The Case of Afghanistan." 24th World Congress of Political Science. Poznań, Poland, July 23-28, 2016.
Showing 12781-12810 of 14019