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Showing 12751-12780 of 14019
Journal Article
Rawlani, M.V., and A.M. Vaidya.
A Review on Productivity Enhancement Techniques in MSME
Pratibha: international journal of science, spirituality, business and technology (IJSSBT) 4, no. 2 (2016).
Journal Article
Yawson, AE, J Welbeck, BJ Agyenim, G Mensah, N Minicuci, N Naidoo, S Chatterji, P Kowal, and RB Biritwum.
Sociodemographic and Socioeconomic Correlates of Alcohol Use among Older Adults in Ghana
(2015) Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence.
Journal Article
Alatinga, Kennedy A, and John J Williams.
Towards universal health coverage: exploring the determinants of household enrolment into National Health Insurance in the Kassena Nankana District, Ghana
Ghana Journal of Development Studies 12, no. 1-2 (2015): 88-105.
Journal Article
Gbagbo, Fred Yao, Joshua Amo-Adjei, and Amos Laar.
Decision-making for induced abortion in the Accra Metropolis, Ghana
African Journal of Reproductive Health 19, no. 2 (2015): 34-42.
Journal Article
Fuseini, Kamil, and Ishmael Kalule-Sabiti.
Women's Autonomy in Ghana: Does Religion Matter?
Etude de la Population Africaine 29, no. 2 (2015): 831-842.
Journal Article
Addai, Isaac, Chris Opoku-Agyeman, and Sarah K Amanfu.
Marriage and subjective well-being in Ghana
African Review of Economics and Finance 7, no. 1 (2015): 53-79.
Journal Article
Bhandari, Anup Kumar, and V Vipin.
Efficiency and related technological aspects of the Indian food processing industry: A non-parametric analysis
The Journal of Developing Areas 50, no. 6 (2016): 227-243.
Journal Article
McCartney, Matthew.
Costs, Capabilities, Conflict and Cash: The Problem of Technology and Sustainable Economic Growth in Pakistan
(2016) The Lahore Journal of Economics.
Journal Article
Bal, Chakradhar, Amarendra Das, and Subas Chandra Kumar.
Silver Lining in Odisha’s Organised Manufacturing Sector
Economic & Political Weekly 50, no. 15 (2015): 69-79.
Thesis or Dissertation
Haiyambo, Emma.
An impact assessment of the regulation of microfinance institutions in Namibia
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Finance, Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Journal Article
Teweldemedhin, MY, and B Chiripanhura.
Market diversification opportunities for namibian fish and fish products
Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 7, no. 12 (2015): 400-409.
Journal Article
Christiansen, Thomas.
Assessing Namibia’s performance two decades after independence. Part 2: Sectoral analysis
(2014) Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture.
Journal Article
Jauch, Herbert, and Bronwyn King.
THE BASIC INCOME GRANT (BIG) as a strategy to reduce poverty and gender inequalities, and enhance educational outcomes in Namibia
(2016) A Journal on African Women's Experiences.
Thesis or Dissertation
Singh, Shiv Raj.
Economic analysis of Indian dairy processing industry.
Degree of doctor of philosophy in agricultural economics, NDRI, Karnal, 2014.
Journal Article
Botha, Ferdi, and Jen Snowball.
Subjective well-being in Africa
African Review of Economics and Finance 7, no. 1 (2015): 1-5.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wang, Shu.
The Alleviation of Vitamin A Deficiency in Ghana: An Application of Multivariate Probit Model
Master of Science, University of Georgia, 2015.
Journal Article
Darteh, Eugene Kofuor Maafo, David Teye Doku, and Kobina Esia-Donkoh.
Reproductive health decision making among Ghanaian women
Reproductive Health 11, no. 1 (2014): 23.
Journal Article
Eliason, Sebastian, John K Awoonor-Williams, Cecilia Eliason, Jacob Novignon, Justice Nonvignon, and Moses Aikins.
Determinants of modern family planning use among women of reproductive age in the Nkwanta district of Ghana: a case-control study
Reproductive Health 11, no. 1 (2014): 65.
Journal Article
Frank, Laura K, Janine Kroger, Matthias B Schulze, George Bedu-Addo, Frank P Mockenhaupt, and Ina Danquah.
Dietary patterns in urban Ghana and risk of type 2 diabetes
British Journal of Nutrition 112, no. 1 (2014): 89-98.
Journal Article
Marquis, Grace S, and Esi K Colecraft.
Community interventions for dietary improvement in Ghana
(2014) Food and Nutrition Bulletin.
Journal Article
Tanle, Augustine.
Assessing livelihood status of migrants from northern Ghana resident in the Obuasi Municipality
GeoJournal 79, no. 5 (2014): 577-590.
Journal Article
Kumi-Kyereme, Akwasi, Fred Yao Gbagbo, and Joshua Amo-Adjei.
Role-players in abortion decision-making in the Accra Metropolis, Ghana
Reproductive Health 11, no. 1 (2014): 70.
Conference Paper
Ross, Kara, Aleksan Shanoyan, and Yacob Zereyesus.
Longitudinal analysis of child malnutrition trends in Ghana
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014. .
Working Paper
Branson, Nicola, and Amy Kahn.
The Post Matriculation Enrolment Decision: Do Public Colleges Provide Students with a Viable Alternative? Evidence from the First Four Waves of the National Income Dynamics Study
SALDRU WP; NIDS Discussion Paper 2016/9 , no. 182 (2016).
Working Paper
Posel, Dorrit.
Inter-household transfers in South Africa: Prevalence, patterns and poverty
SALDRU WP; NIDS Discussion Paper 2016/7 , no. 180 (2016).
Journal Article
Deo, Krishna K, Yuba R Paudel, Resham B Khatri, Ravi K Bhaskar, Rajan Paudel, Suresh Mehata, and Rajendra R Wagle.
Barriers to utilization of antenatal care services in Eastern Nepal
Front Public Health 3, no. 197 (2015).
Journal Article
Målqvist, Mats, Chahana Singh, and Ashish Kc.
Care seeking for children with fever/cough or diarrhoea in Nepal: equity trends over the last 15 years
Scandinavian journal of public health 45, no. 2 (2017): 195-201.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lhoest, Donald.
Is industrial ecology a promising path towards sustainable development of a developing country? The case of India.
Master en ingénieur de gestion, Universite Catholique de Louvain, 2015.
Das, Deb Kusum, Abdul Azeez Erumban, Suresh Aggarwaland, and Pilu Chandra Das.
Measuring Productivity at the Industry Level. The India KLEMS database
Journal Article
Jauch, Herbert, and Ellison Tjirera.
The need for a developmental state intervention in Namibia
(2016) Towards Democratic Development States in Southern Africa.
Showing 12751-12780 of 14019