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Showing 12271-12300 of 14019
Thesis or Dissertation
Chiza, Chicaiza, and Eduardo Paul.
Analisis del comercio informal y su incidencia a los comerciantes regularizados en la parroquia de Cotocollao, canton Quito en el ano 2015.
título de economista, Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2017.
Journal Article
Asiedu, Berchie, FKE Nunoo, and Seidu Iddrisu.
Prospects and sustainability of aquaculture development in Ghana, West Africa
(2017) Cogent Food & Agriculture.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gallegos Irigoyen, Ana Paula.
Analisis de la pobreza por Necesidades Basica Insatisfechas en el Ecuador durante el periodo 2008-2015. Informe de Investigacion
título de economista, Universidad de Los Hemisferios , 2017.
Journal Article
Essah, Emmanuel A, and Eng L Ofetotse.
Energy supply, consumption and access dynamics in Botswana
(2014) Sustainable Cities and Society.
Journal Article
Mosha, AC.
Influence of Western Style Planning on Botswana’s Traditional Urban Settlement Development Patterns
African Resources Development Journal 1, no. 1 (2014): 39-57.
Journal Article
Kolawole, Oluwatoyin Dare, Piotr Wolski, Barbara Ngwenya, Gagoitseope Mmopelwa, and Olekae Thakadu.
Responding to climate change through joint partnership: Insights from the Okavango Delta of Botswana
World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 11, no. 3 (2014): 170-181.
Thesis or Dissertation
Oto Calero, Evelyn Abigail.
Evolucion de la remuneracion basica unificada y su incidencia sobre el empleo, canton La Mana, periodo 2013-2015
título de Economista, Quevedo: Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
MacFarlane, Kevin.
The Ecology and Management of Kalahari lions in a Conflict Area in Central Botswana
Doctor of Philosophy, The Australian National University, 2014.
Journal Article
Monyatsi, Pedzani Perci, and OS Phibion.
Facilitating access to higher education for students with disabilities: Strategies and support services at the University of Botswana
(2015) Knowledge for a Sustainable World: A Southern African-Nordic contribution.
Journal Article
Moswete, Naomi, Jarkko Saarinen, and Masego J Monare.
Perspectives on Cultural Tourism: A Case Study of Bahurutshe Cultural Village for Tourism in Botswana.
Nordic Journal of African Studies 24, no. 3\&4 (2015): 279-300.
Thesis or Dissertation
Proano Verdesoto, Maria Gabriela.
Analisis del empleo en el sector publico ecuatoriano y su relacion con el Presupuesto General del Estado y el Producto Interno Bruto en el periodo 2007-2016
título de Economista, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuado, 2017.
Journal Article
Krugu, John Kingsley, Fraukje Mevissen, Meret Munkel, and Robert Ruiter.
Beyond love: a qualitative analysis of factors associated with teenage pregnancy among young women with pregnancy experience in Bolgatanga, Ghana
Culture, health & sexuality 19, no. 3 (2017): 293-307.
Situational analysis of adolescent girls and young women in Ghana – Synthesizing Data to Identify and Work with the Most Vulnerable Young Women
: UNFPA, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sawadogo, Kiswendsida Aida.
Universal Coverage in Developing Countries: A Summative Evaluation of Maternal Policies in Ghana and Burkina Faso
Doctor of Public Health, Georgia Southern University, 2017.
Journal Article
Gamboa, Eco Roberto Javier, Mg Ana Consuelo Cordova Pacheco, Mayra Bedoya, and Mg Joselito Naranjo.
Comercio informal: un estudio en el municipio de Píllaro provincia Tungurahua – Ecuador.
Revista digital de Medio Ambiente “Ojeando la agenda , no. 44 (2016).
Journal Article
Simona, Simona J, Mazuba Muchindu, and Harriet Ntalasha.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) in Zambia: Sociodemographic determinants and association with use of maternal health care.
(2015) PopLine.
Journal Article
Kapesa, Robby, Jacob Mwitwa, and DC Chikumbi.
Social Conflict in the Context of the Development of New Mining Concessions in Zambia
Southern African Peace and Security Studies 4, no. 2 (2015): 41-62.
Journal Article
Chanda-Kapata, Pascalina, Doris Osei-Afriyie, Connrad Mwansa, and Nathan Kapata.
Tuberculosis in the mines of Zambia: A case for intervention
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 6, no. 9 (2016): 803-807.
Journal Article
Weiss, Ingrid, Serena Stepanovic, Ulembe Chinyemba, Jessica Bateman, Carolyn Hemminger, and Emily Burrows.
Use of a nutrition Behavior change counseling Tool: lessons from a rapid Qualitative assessment in eastern Zambia
(2016) Frontiers in Public Health.
Journal Article
Sebudubudu, David, Patricia M Makepe, Kgomotso Montsi, and Keratilwe Bodilenyane.
Governance of Land and Natural Resource for Sustainable Development in Botswana: Possible Lessons for the Agricultural and Tourism Sectors
International Journal of African Development 2, no. 1 (2014): 81-100.
Thesis or Dissertation
Silverthorne, Jessica.
Evaluation of Community-led Complementary Feeding and Learning Sessions
Master of Public Health , University of Washington , 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mosarwana, Ketlabareng Peaceful.
The impact of the Okavango River on the health of the community of Sepopa Village in the Okavango District, Botswana
Master of Public Health, University of Limpopo, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Banda, Joshua HK.
Impacts of congregation-based HIV/AIDS programmes In Lusaka, Zambia: how abstinence and marital fidelity efforts function in overall strategies addressing HIV/AIDS
Doctor of Philosophy, Middlesex University, 2017.
Journal Article
Matsoga, Joseph.
Inter-institutional/joint degree curriculum experiences in higher education
(2016) Perspectives in Transnational Higher Education.
Tateyama, Yukiko.
Pilot Study: Socio-epidemiological study on risk factors of non-communicable diseases among adult population in selected urban and rural districts of Zambia
Thesis or Dissertation
Sandoval Vallejo, Irma Gabriela, and Luis Renato Vargas Rivadeneira.
Determinar el comportamiento de compra del consumidor que vive en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, mayor a 45 anos de edad con respecto al sector de la moda textil, que pertenezcan a los niveles Socioeconomicos medio y alto
titulo de magíster en marketing, QUITO/Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dikgola, Kobamelo.
Spatial and temporal variation of inundation in the Okavango Delta, Botswana; with special reference to areas used for flood recession cultivation
Doctor of Philosophy, University of the Westwrn Cape, 2015.
Journal Article
Haileslassie, Amare, Joerg A Priess, Edzo Veldkamp, and Jan Peter Lesschen.
Nutrient flows and balances at the field and farm scale: Exploring effects of land-use strategies and access to resources
Agricultural systems 94, no. 2 (2007): 459-470.
Journal Article
Kocho, Tsedeke, and Endrias Geta.
Agro-ecologic mapping of livestock system in smallholder crop-livestock mixed farming of Wolaita and Dawuro districts, Southern Ethiopia
Livestock research for rural development 22, no. 3 (2011).
Working Paper
Geda, Alemayehu, and Befekadu Degefe.
Explaining African Growth Performance: The Case of Ethiopia
Showing 12271-12300 of 14019