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Showing 61-90 of 689
Working Paper
Dimova, Ralitza, Ira N Gang, Monnet Gbakou, and Daniel Hoffman.
Can economic crises be good for your diet?
(2011) Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Institute for the Study of Labor.
Journal Article
Chandramohan, Daniel, Jayne Webster, Lucy Smith, Timothy Awine, Seth Owusu-Agyei, and Ilona Carneiro.
Is the expanded programme on immunisation the most appropriate delivery system for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in West Africa?
Tropical Medicine & International Health 12, no. 6 (2007): 743-750.
Muller, Daniel.
From agricultural expansion to intensification rural development and determinants of land-use change in the Central Highlands of Vietnam
: Eschborn : GTZ,, 2004.
Journal Article
Goodkind, Daniel, Troung Si Anh, and Bui The Coung.
Vietnam's old age security system: recent transformations and their relevance for upcoming changes in China
(2000) Social security reform: options for China.
Journal Article
Goodkind, Daniel, and Phan T Anh.
Reasons for rising condom use in Vietnam
(1997) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Coppard, Daniel.
The rural non-farm economy in India: A review of the literature
Greenwich, UK: Natural Resources Institute, 2001.
Journal Article
Gasparini, Leonardo, Daniel Artana, Florencia Castro-Leal, and Miriam Montenegro.
Nicaragua: the impact of the fiscal equity law reform
(2006) Poverty and social impact analysis of reforms: lessons and examples from implementation.
Journal Article
Corsi, Daniel, Hmwe H Kyu, and S.V. Subramanian.
Socioeconomic and geographic patterning of under-and overnutrition among women in Bangladesh
The Journal of nutrition 141, no. 4 (2011): 631.
Journal Article
Corsi, Daniel J, Jocelyn E Finlay, and S V Subramanian.
Global burden of double malnutrition: Has anyone seen it?
PLoS ONE 6, no. 9 (2011): e2512.
Journal Article
Halperin, Daniel, Antonio de Moya, Eddy Pérez-Then, Gregory Pappas, and Jesus Garcia Calleja.
Understanding the HIV epidemic in the Dominican Republic: a prevention success story in the Caribbean?
(2009) JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
Book Section
Daniel, John, Roger Southall, and Sarah Dippenaar.
South African social attitudes: Changing times, diverse voices
(2006) Issues of democracy and governance.
Journal Article
García, Sandra, Freddy Tinajeros, Rita Revollo, Eileen Yam, Kara Richmond, Claudia Diaz-Olavarrieta, and Daniel Grossman.
Demonstrating public health at work: A demonstration project of congenital syphilis prevention efforts in Bolivia
Sexually transmitted diseases 34, no. 7 (2007): S37.
Journal Article
Pollet, Thomas, and Daniel Nettle.
No evidence for the generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis from British and rural Guatemalan data
Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 8, no. 1 (2010): 57-74.
Journal Article
Pollet, Thomas, and Daniel Nettle.
Taller women do better in a stressed environment: Height and reproductive success in rural Guatemalan women
American Journal of Human Biology 20, no. 3 (2008): 264-269.
Working Paper
Goodkind, Daniel.
Sex-selective abortion, reproductive rights, and the greater locus of gender discrimination in family formation: Cairo's unresolved questions
(1997) PSC Research Report Series.
Working Paper
O. Gilligan, Daniel, and John Hoddinott.
Is there persistence in the impact of emergency food aid? evidence on consumption, food security, and assets in rural Ethiopia
Book Section
Ayalew, Daniel, and Stefan Dercon.
Demobilization in sub-Saharan Africa: The development and security impacts
(2000) 'From the gun to the plough': The macro- and micro-level impact of demobilization in Ethiopia.
Working Paper
Suryadarma, Daniel, Asep Suryahadi, and Sudarno Sumarto.
Causes of low secondary school enrollment in Indonesia
(2006) SMERU.
Horst, Heather, and Daniel Miller.
The cell phone: An anthropology of communication
New York, USA/NY: Berg, 2006.
Journal Article
Katz, Itamar, and Daniel Low-Beer.
Why has HIV stabilized in South Africa, yet not declined further? Age and sexual behavior patterns among youth
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 35, no. 10 (2008): 837.
Journal Article
Ansong-Tornui, Janet, Margaret Armar-Klemesu, Daniel Arhinful, Suzanne Penfold, and Julia Hussein.
Hospital based maternity care in Ghana-findings of a confidential enquiry into maternal deaths
Ghana medical journal 41, no. 3 (2010).
Journal Article
Van Eijk, Anna M, Hanneke Bles, Frank Odhiambo, John G Ayisi, Isle E Blokland, Daniel Rosen, Kubaje Adazu, Laurence Slutsker, and Kim A Lindblade.
Use of antenatal services and delivery care among women in rural western Kenya: a community based survey
Reproductive Health 3, no. 1 (2006): 2.
Working Paper
Contreras Pulache, Hans, Elizabeth Mori Quispe, and Daniel Enrique Rojas Bolívar.
Cuando los padres están ausentes el involucramiento de la pareja y la estigmatización en la embarazada adolescente de Lima Metropolitana
Book Section
Senahoun, Jean, Franz Heidhues, and Daniel Deybe.
Sustaining the Global Farm: Strategic Issues, Principles, and Approaches
(2001) Structural adjustment programs and soil erosion: a bio-economic modelling approach for Northern Benin.
Working Paper
Senahoun, Jean, Franz Heidhues, and Daniel Deybe.
Impact of Agricultural Policy on Food Security: An Agricultural Sector Modelling Approach for Benin
Agrarwirtschaft 49, no. 9/10 (2000): 335-341.
Journal Article
Agyepong, Irene A, Patricia Anafi, Ebenezer Asiamah, Evelyn K Ansah, Daniel A Ashon, and Christiana Narh-Dometey.
Health worker (internal customer) satisfaction and motivation in the public sector in Ghana
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 19, no. 4 (2004): 319-336.
Journal Article
Fiaveh, Daniel Yaw.
Male perspective (s) on condom use: Context of STI/HIV prevention in the University of Ghana community
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 3, no. 1 (2011): 17-27.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ananga, Eric Daniel.
The drop out experience of basic school children in rural Ghana: implications for universal basic education policy
PhD, University of Sussex, 2011.
Working Paper
Badillo, Daniel, Fernando Carrera, María Castro, Vivian Guzmán, and Jonathan Menkos.
Financiamiento de la Protección Social de las Pensiones en Honduras
Cotlear, Daniel, and Leopoldo Tornarolli.
Envejecimiento de la población: ¿está preparada América Latina?
Showing 61-90 of 689