
Showing 1171-1172 of 1172
Journal Article
Mlacha, Yeromin P, Prosper P Chaki, Victoria M Mwakalinga, Nicodem J Govella, Alex J Limwagu, John M Paliga, Daniel F Msellemu, Zawadi D Mageni, Dianne J Terlouw, and Gerry F Killeen. "Fine scale mapping of malaria infection clusters by using routinely collected health facility data in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." Geospatial Health 12, no. 1 (2017): 74-83.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ntanga, Pius Daniel. "Assessment of microbial contamination in beef from abattoir to retail meat outlets in Morogoro municipality, Tanzania." Master of Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2013.
Showing 1171-1172 of 1172