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Showing 1591-1620 of 3588
Journal Article
Porras, Maria Paula Salcedo.
Independencia vs. Educación: ¿cuál predomina en la trayectoria de los jóvenes? Hacia una política de arrendamiento para los jóvenes
Coleccion Articulos Sectoriales.
Journal Article
Garcia, Sandra, Daio Maldonado, and Luis Eduardo Jaramillo.
Graduacion de la Educacion Media, Asistencia e Inasistencia a la Educacion Media (Upper Secondary Graduation, Attendance and Non-Attendance to Upper Secondary Education in Colombia)
(2016) Universidad de los Andes - Escuela de Gobierno Alberto Lleras Camargo.
Working Paper
Pettit, Becky, and Jennifer Hook.
The structure of women's employment in comparative perspective
Social Forces 84, no. 2 (2005): 779-801.
Journal Article
Hoopes, Andrea J, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Petrus Steyn, Tlangelani Shilubane, and Melanie Pleaner.
An Analysis of Adolescent Content in South Africa's Contraception Policy Using a Human Rights Framework
Journal of Adolescent Health 57, no. 6 (2015): 617-623.
Journal Article
De Wet, Nicole.
Parent absenteeism and adolescent work in South Africa: An analysis of the levels and determinants of adolescents who work 10 or more hours a week
Etude de la Population Africaine 27, no. 1 (2013).
Working Paper
Bigenius, Therese.
Youth unemployment in Namibia A qualitative study among young unemployed in Katutura
Journal Article
Reddy, Ravichandra, Gangaraj Subba, and Sudip Dutta.
Infant and young child feeding practices: a cross sectional study in Sikkim
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 3, no. 4 (2016): 1244-1248.
Journal Article
Jemide, Julie Omaghomi, Henrietta Nkechi Ene-Obong, Emmanuel Effiong Edet, and Ekerette Emmanuel Udoh.
Association of maternal nutrition knowledge and child feeding practices with nutritional status of children in Calabar South Local Government Area, Cross River State. Nigeria
International Journal of Home Science 2, no. 1 (2016): 293-298.
Journal Article
Manyaapelo, Thabang, Anam Nyembezi, Robert AC Ruiter, Bart Borne, Sibusiso Sifunda, and Priscilla Reddy.
Understanding the Psychosocial Correlates of the Intention to Use Condoms among Young Men in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, no. 4 (2017): 339.
Thesis or Dissertation
Liccardo, Sabrina.
Re-imagining scientific communities in post-apartheid South Africa: a dialectical narrative of black women’s relational selves and intersectional bodies
Doctor of Philosophy, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016.
Journal Article
Amaral, Michelle M, William E Herrin, and Grace Bulenzi Gulere.
Using the Uganda National Panel Survey to analyze the effect of staple food consumption on undernourishment in Ugandan children
BMC Public Health 18, no. 1 (2017): 32.
Briefs, Youth PolicY.
Youth and Public Policy in Uganda
Thesis or Dissertation
Kibira B, Henry.
An Assessment of the Impact of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Campaign on Curbing The Spread of HIV and AIDs: A Case Study of Karateng'Location In Kisumu County
Master in Communication, University of Nairobi, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sharma, Monisha.
Evaluating the efficiency of community-based HIV testing and counseling strategies to decrease HIV burden in sub-Saharan Africa
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Washington, 2016.
Journal Article
Youniss, James, Brian K Barber, and Rhett M Billen.
Children in the garden of democracy: The meaning of civic engagement in today’s Egypt
Journal of Social Science Education 12, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Badran, Mona Farid.
Young people and the digital divide in Egypt: an empirical study
Eurasian Economic Review 4, no. 2 (2014): 223-250.
Conference Paper
Buchbinder, Susan P, and Albert Y Liu.
CROI 2014: New Tools to Track the Epidemic and Prevent HIV Infections
2014 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI).
Working Paper
Shehata, Dina.
Youth mobilization in Egypt: New trends and opportunities
(2011) A Generation on the Move: Insights into the Conditions, Aspirations and Activism of Arab Youth.
Journal Article
Assaad, Ragui, and Caroline Krafft.
Is free basic education in Egypt a reality or a myth?
(2015) International Journal of Educational Development.
Assaad, Ragui, and Caroline Krafft.
The social background and attitudes of higher education students and graduates in Egypt
Working Paper
Sieverding, Maia.
A Life Course Perspective on Social Protection among the Working Poor in Egypt
Gender and Work in the MENA Region Working Paper Series , no. 24 (2012).
Haider, Huma.
’Helpdesk Research Report: Youth (un) employment in MENA-Egypt
Working Paper
Barsoum, Ghada, Bruno Crepon, Drew Gardiner, Bastien Michel, Marwa Moaz, and William Pariente.
Evaluating the Effects of Entrepreneurship Edutainment in Egypt
Journal Article
Vakulenko, Elena Sergeevna, and Enrico Marelli.
Youth unemployment in Italy and Russia: Aggregate trends and the role of individual determinants
(2014) Economics. EC.
Journal Article
Lata, Divya, and Anahit Stepanyan.
Enabling childhoods: a unique opportunity for early childhood in Armenia
International Journal of Inclusive Education 17, no. 4 (2013): 406-419.
Working Paper
Barsoum, Ghada.
Youth and the Fertility Plateau in Egypt: The Alignment of Two Policy Objectives
Journal Article
Ahorlu, Collins K, Constanze Pfeiffer, and Brigit Obrist.
Socio-cultural and economic factors influencing adolescents’ resilience against the threat of teenage pregnancy: a cross-sectional survey in Accra, Ghana
Reproductive Health 12, no. 1 (2015): 117.
Thesis or Dissertation
Andago, Angela Adhiambo.
Improving the Iron status of children in Kisumu County Kenya using porridge flour enriched with bovine blood
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Nairobi, 2015.
Journal Article
Saaka, Mahama, Anthony Wemakor, Abdul-Razak Abizari, and Paul Aryee.
How well do WHO complementary feeding indicators relate to nutritional status of children aged 6-23 months in rural Northern Ghana?
BMC Public Health 15, no. 1 (2015).
Conference Paper
Ross, Kara, Aleksan Shanoyan, and Yacob Zereyesus.
Longitudinal analysis of child malnutrition trends in Ghana
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014. .
Showing 1591-1620 of 3588