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Showing 1-30 of 927
Journal Article
Meyer, Natanya, Daniel Francois Meyer, and KN Molefe.
Barriers to small informal business development and entrepreneurship: the case of the Emfuleni region
Polish Journal of Management Studies 13, no. 1 (2016): 121-133.
Journal Article
Meyer, Daniel Francois.
The Impact of Housing and Basic Service Delivery on Low-Income Communities in South Africa: The Case of the northern Free State Region
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5, no. 13 (2014): 11-20.
Journal Article
Yadegari, Tahereh.
From Modernization of Daniel Lerner (1950s) to Present Day Modernization of Tehran, Iran
International Journal of Research and Review 1, no. 3 (2014): 22-30.
Journal Article
Harambat, Jerome, Paricia Fassinou, Renaud Becquet, Pety Toure, François Rouet, François Dabis, Phillipe Msellati, François Blanche, Marguerite Timite-Konan, Roger Salamon, and Valériane Leroy.
18-month occurrence of severe events among early diagnosed HIV-infected children before antiretroviral therapy in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: A cohort study
BMC public health 8, no. 1 (2008): 169.
Meyer, Christian, and Nancy Birdsall.
New estimates of India’s middle class
: Center for Global Development , 2012.
Working Paper
Meyer B, Peter.
Updated unified category system for 1960-2000 Census occupations
Journal Article
De Jongh, JJ, N Meyer, and DF Meyer.
Perceptions of local businesses on the Employment Tax Incentive Act: the case of the Vaal Triangle region
Journal of Contemporary Management 13, no. 1 (2016): 409-432.
Journal Article
Petzer, Daniel, Christine De Meyer, Göran Svensson, Banjo Roxas, Doren Chadee, and Ronel Erwee.
Effects of rule of law on firm performance in South Africa
European Business Review 24, no. 5 (2012): 478-492.
Working Paper
Meyer-Rath, Gesine, Mead Over, Daniel J Klein, and Anna Bershteyn.
The Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Strategies to Expand Treatment to HIV-Positive South Africans: Scale Economies and Outreach Costs
Center for Global Development Working Paper , no. 401 (2015).
Journal Article
Behets, Frieda, Andrew Edmonds, François Kitenge, François Crabbe, and Marie Laga.
Heterogeneous and decreasing HIV prevalence among women seeking antenatal care in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
International journal of epidemiology 39, no. 4 (2010): 1066.
Breisinger, Clemens Ecker, Jean-François Maystadt, Jean-François Trinh Tan, Al-Riffai Perrihan, Khalida Bouzar, Abdelkarim Sma, and Mohamed Abdelgadir.
Building resilience to conflict through food security policies and programs: Evidence from four case studies
: Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Orihuela, Tony Alejandro.
Evaluación de la calidad de atención del Servicio de Planificación Familiar del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión - Callao
Tesis para optar el Titulo Profesional de Médico Cirujano, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad De Medicina Humana. E.A.P. De Medicina Humana , 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wajajay Nuñez, Walter Yossi.
Percepción de la calidad de atención del parto en usuarias del servicio de centro obstétrico del hospital nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión. Enero - Febrero 2013
Tesis Para optar el Título Profesional de Médico Cirujano, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad de Medicina Humana. E.A.P. de Medicina Humana, 2013.
Borraz, Fernando, José María Cabrera, Alejandro Cid, Daniel Daniel Ferrés, and Daniel Miles.
Pobreza, educacion y salarios en America Latina
Journal Article
John, Gregor, Diana Ollo, Patrick Meyer, Caroline F Samer, and Alexandra Calmy.
Pulmonary embolism and iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome after co-administration of injected-triamcinolone and ritonavir
AIDS 27, no. 17 (2013): 2827-2828.
Conference Paper
Mollers, Judith, Wiebke Meyer, Gertrud Buchenrieder, and Sherif Xhema.
The contribution of migration to poverty reduction in rural households in Kosovo
World Bank International Conference on Poverty and Social Inclusion in the Western Balkans, Brussels, Belgium, December 14-15, 2010 .
Working Paper
Meyer, Maureen, and Ximena S Enríquez.
Misión No Cumplida: El nuevo sistema de justicia penal en México es un proyecto en progreso
(2016) WOLA.
Working Paper
Meyer, Maureen.
La policía en México. Muchas Reformas, Pocos Avances
(2014) WOLA.
Meyer, Maureen, and Ximena S Enríquez.
Mission Unaccomplished. Mexico’s New Criminal Justice System Is Still a Work in Progress
: WOLA, 2016.
Meyer, Maureen.
Mexico's Police: Many Reforms, Little Progress
: WOLA, 2014.
Journal Article
Brewis, Alexander, and Mary Meyer.
Marital coitus across the life course
Journal of biosocial science 37, no. 4 (2005): 499-518.
Journal Article
Meyer, Aila, Dorothy Van Der Spuy, and Lisanne M Du Plessis.
The rationale for adopting current international breastfeeding guidelines in South Africa
Maternal & child nutrition 3, no. 4 (2007): 271-280.
Working Paper
Kapur, Shilpi.
Trade liberalization in India: Impact on occupational sex segregation
(2008) (unpublished draft).
Journal Article
Meyer-Weitz, Anna.
Understanding fatalism in HIV/AIDS protection: The individual in dialogue with contextual factors
African Journal of AIDS Research 4, no. 2 (2005): 75-82.
Journal Article
Venter, Dawid.
Globalization and the cultural effects of the world-economy in a semiperiphery: The emergence of African Indigenous Churches in South Africa
(1999) Journal of World-Systems Research.
Journal Article
Mollers, Judith, and Wiebke Meyer.
The effects of migration on poverty and inequality in rural Kosovo
IZA Journal of Labor & Development 3, no. 1 (2014): 16.
Working Paper
Mollers, Judith, Wiebke Meyer, Sherif Xhema, and Gertrud Buchenrieder.
A socio-economic picture of Kosovar migrants and their origin farm households
Discussion Paper, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe , no. 140 (2013).
Working Paper
Birdsall, Nancy, and Christian J Meyer.
The Median Is the Message: A Good-Enough Measure of Material Well-Being and Shared Development Progress
Journal Article
Meyer, Paul, and Ann Larson.
The 1985 Intercensal Survey of Indonesia: 7. Education
Journal Article
Davalos, Maria E, and Moritz Meyer.
Moldova: a story of upward economic mobility
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7167 (2015).
Showing 1-30 of 927