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Showing 631-660 of 1006
Journal Article
Kaljee, Linda M, Mackenzie S Green, Min Zhan, Rosemary Riel, Porntip Lerdboon, Ty W Lostutter, Vo Van Luong, and Truong Tan Minh.
Gender, Alcohol Consumption Patterns, and Engagement in Sexually Intimate Behaviors Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Nha Trang, Viet Nam
Youth & Society 43, no. 1 (2011): 118-141.
Journal Article
Giang, Kim B, Hoang Van Minh, and Peter Allebeck.
Alcohol Consumption and Household Expenditure on Alcohol in a Rural District in Vietnam
(2013) Global Health Action.
Rodríguez Herrera, Adolfo.
La reforma de salud en Honduras
: CEPAL, 2006.
Journal Article
Merson, Laura, Tran V Phong, Nguyen T Dung, Ta Dieu T Ngan, Nguyen Van Kinh, Michael Parker, and Susan Bull.
Trust, Respect, and Reciprocity Informing Culturally Appropriate Data-Sharing Practice in Vietnam
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 10, no. 3 (2015): 251-263.
Journal Article
Tong, Van T, Reina M Turcios-Ruiz, Patricia M Dietz, and Lucinda J England.
Patterns and predictors of current cigarette smoking in women and men of reproductive age-Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 30, no. 3 (2011): 240-247.
Journal Article
Hoang, Huong Thu T, Veerle Vanacker, Anton Van Rompaey, Kim C Vu, and An Thinh Nguyen.
Changing Human - Landscape Interactions after Development of Tourism in the Northern Vietnamese Highlands
(2014) Anthropocene.
Journal Article
Kompas, Tom, Hoa Minh T Nguyen, and Pham Van Ha.
Food and Biosecurity: Livestock Production and Towards a World Free of Foot-and-mouth Disease
Food Security 7, no. 2 (2015): 291-302.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Vinh T, Juan J Carrique-Mas, Thi Hoa Ngo, Huynh M Ho, Thanh T Ha, James I Campbell, Thi Nhung Nguyen, Ngoc N Hoang, Van Minh Pham, Jaap A Wagenaar, Anita Hardon, Thai Q Hieu, and Constance Schultsz.
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Carriage of Antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia Coli on Household and Small-scale Chicken Farms in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 70, no. 7 (2015): 2144-2152.
Journal Article
Van Doorslaer, Eddy, Owen O'Donnell, Ravi P Rannan-Eliya, Aparnaa Somanathan, Shiva Raj Adhikari, Charu C Garg, Deni Harbianto, Alejandro N Herrin, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, and Shamsia Ibragimova.
Effect of payments for health care on poverty estimates in 11 countries in Asia: an analysis of household survey data
The lancet 368, no. 9544 (2006): 1357-1364.
Journal Article
Van der Hoek, Wim.
Analysis of 8000 hospital admissions for acute poisoning in a rural area of Sri Lanka
Clinical Toxicology 44, no. 3 (2006): 225-231.
Journal Article
Van Hear, Nicholas, Frank Pieke, Steven Vertovec, and others.
The contribution of UK-based diasporas to development and poverty reduction
(2004) COMPAS (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society), University of Oxford.
Journal Article
Ratnayeke, Shyamala, Frank T Van Manen, Rohan Pieris, and VSJ Pragash.
Landscape characteristics of sloth bear range in Sri Lanka
Ursus 18, no. 2 (2007): 189-202.
Journal Article
Van Blerk, Lorraine.
Poverty, Migration and Sex Work: Youth Transitions in Ethiopia
Area 40, no. 2 (2008): 245-253.
Journal Article
Urbiola Solis E, Alejandra.
Aproximaciones para el estudio del lenguaje en las prácticas de emprendimiento desde una perspectiva de género
Revista Científica de UCES 19, no. 1 (2015): 166-191.
Journal Article
Wolde-Gebriel, Zewdie, Teshome Demeke, Clive E Westa, and Frits Van Der Haar.
Goitre in Ethiopia
British Journal of Nutrition 69, no. 01 (1993): 257-268.
Journal Article
Niëns, LM, Ellen Van de Poel, A Cameron, M Ewen, R Laing, and WBF Brouwer.
Practical measurement of affordability: an application to medicines
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 90, no. 3 (2012): 219-227.
Journal Article
Van Ginneken, Jeroen K, and George Groenewold.
A single-vs. multi-item self-rated health status measure: a 21-country study
(2012) Open Public Health Journal.
Journal Article
Mebratie, Anagaw, Ellen Van de Poel, Zelalem Debebe, Degnet Abebaw Ejigie, Getnet Alemu, and Arjun Singh Bedi.
Self-reported health care seeking behavior in rural Ethiopia: Evidence from clinical vignettes
ISS Working Paper Series/General Series 551, no. 551 (2013): 1-30.
Journal Article
Tudor, Carrie, Martie Van der Walt, Bruce Margot, Susan E Dorman, William K Pan, Gayane Yenokyan, and Jason E Farley.
Tuberculosis among health care workers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a retrospective cohort analysis
BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Dietrich, Janan, Kathleen Sikkema, Kennedy N Otwombe, Amy Sanchez, Busisiwe Nkala, Guy Bruyn, Martin Van Der Watt, and Glenda E Gray.
Multiple levels of influence in predicting sexual activity and condom use among adolescents in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa
Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services 12, no. 3-4 (2013): 404-423.
Journal Article
Coetzee, H Van Zyl, and M Tait.
Perceptions of service quality by clients and contact-personnel in the South African retail banking sector
Southern African Business Review 17, no. 1 (2013): 1-22.
Journal Article
Van Baalen, SM, CSL Schutte, and K Von Leipzig.
Capacity self-assessment as a catalyst for improved municipal service delivery
Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 57, no. 1 (2015): 2-15.
Journal Article
Teppo, Annika.
“Poor Whites” Do Matter
(2013) Africa Spectrum.
Working Paper
Van der Wal, Hans, Juan Suárez-Sánchez, Alejandro Alcudia-Aguilar, Martha Cerino-Zabala, Veronica Cruz-Arias, Javier Isidro-Hernández, Isidra Pérez-Ramírez, Pedro Antonio Santiago-Montejo, and Manuel Vargas-Domínguez.
Estrategias de supervivencia, funciones de huertos familiares y su adaptación en la cuenca baja del río Grijalva
Journal Article
Pathak, Raghuvar Dutt, Vinit Singh Chauhan, Upinder Dhar, and Bernadine Van Gramberg.
Managerial effectiveness as a function of culture and tolerance of ambiguity: a cross-cultural study of India and Fiji
International Employment Relations Review 15, no. 1 (2009): 73-90.
Thesis or Dissertation
Duaibe, Katalaine.
Human activities and flood hazards and risks in the South West Pacific: A case study of the Navua Catchment area, Fiji Islands
Master in Science in Physical Geography , Victoria University of Wellington, 2008.
Journal Article
Van der Merwe, Petrus, Melville Saayman, and Riaan Rossouw.
The economic impact of hunting: A regional approach
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 17, no. 4 (2014): 379-395.
Pillay-Van Wyk, Victoria, Ria Laubscher, William Msemburi, Rob E Dorrington, Pam Groenewald, Theo Vos, Richard Matzopoulos, Megan Prinsloo, Beatrice Nojilana, and Nadine Nannan.
Second South African National Burden of Disease Study: Data cleaning, validation and SA NBD List
: Burden of Disease Research Unit, 2014.
Journal Article
Van der Linde, Jeannie, De Wet Swanepoel, Frances Page Glascoe, EM Louw, and Bart Vinck.
Developmental screening in South Africa: comparing the national developmental checklist to a standardized tool
African health sciences 15, no. 1 (2015): 188-196.
Working Paper
Barlow-Jones, Glenda, and Duan Van der Westhuizen.
Digital literacy in the 21st century: fact or fiction?
Showing 631-660 of 1006