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Showing 181-210 of 244
Journal Article
Hernández Pacheco, Alejandro, María Cristina Enríquez Reyna, Rosa María Cruz Castruita, Blanca Rangel Colmenero, and Hugo Aguirre Zuazua.
Aptitud física de adultos mayores: cambios basales generados por dos tipos de entrenamiento
Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio FOD 10, no. 10 (2015): 1-15.
Working Paper
Pantiru, Maria Cristina, Richard Black, and Rachel Sabates-Wheeler.
Migration and poverty reduction in Moldova
(2007) Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty, Working Paper C.
Journal Article
Barna, Cristina, and Ancuta Vamesu.
Credit Unions in Romania – A Strong Social Enterprise Model to Combat Financial exclusion and Over Indebtedness
CIRIEC WP , no. 2015/11 (2015).
Journal Article
Cattaneo, Cristina, and Emanuele Massetti.
Migration and Climate Change in Rural Africa
CESifo Working Paper , no. 5224 (2015).
Working Paper
Craciun, Sabau, and Nagy Cristina Mihaela.
Comparative study on the procedures and costs of setting up a limited-liability company in the EU
Working Paper
Mihaela, Nagy Cristina, and Sabau Craciun.
Comparative analysis of the indicators used in insolvency procedures at European Union level
Working Paper
Batista, Isabel Cristina Bilro.
A module for solving point location problems in a GIS environment
(2010) Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa.
Journal Article
Upadhyaya, Hari K, Keijiro Otsuka, and Cristina C David.
Differential adoption of modern rice technology and regional wage differential in Nepal
The Journal of Development Studies 26, no. 3 (2007): 450-468.
Working Paper
Janssens, Wendy, Cristina Rosemberg, and Jeroen van Spijk.
The impact of a home-visiting Early Childhood intervention in the Caribbean on cognitive and socio-emotional child development
Journal Article
Romeiras, Maria, Maria Cristina Duarte, Bucar Indjai, and Luis Catarino.
Medicinal plants used to treat neurological disorders in West Africa: a case study with Guinea-Bissau flora
(2012) American Journal of Plant Sciences.
Journal Article
Watts, Nathaniel S, Monica Pajuelo, Taryn Clark, Maria-Cristina I Loader, Manuela R Verastegui, Charles Sterling, Jon S Friedland, Hector H Garcia, and Robert H Gilman.
Taenia solium Infection in Peru: A Collaboration between Peace Corps Volunteers and Researchers in a Community Based Study
PloS one 9, no. 12 (2014).
Working Paper
Valencia, Cristina.
Institucionalidad y marco legislativo de la discapacidad en Haití
Thesis or Dissertation
Bradatan, Cristina.
Below replacement fertility in Eastern Europe: a Case Study
Doctor of Philosophy , The Pennsylvania State University, 2004.
Journal Article
Bradatan, Cristina, and Glenn Firebaugh.
History, Population Policies, and Fertility Decline in Eastern Europe A Case Study
Journal of family history 32, no. 2 (2007): 179-192.
Working Paper
Carlos, Silvia, Miguel Á Martínez-González, Eduardo Burgueño, Cristina L Burgo, Miguel Ruíz-Canela, Adolphe Ndarabu, Léon Tshilolo, Philomène Tshiswaka, Pablo Labarga, and Jokin Irala.
Misconceptions about HIV infection in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo): a case-control study on knowledge, attitudes and practices
(2014) Sexually transmitted infections.
Thesis or Dissertation
Silva Reis, Andreia Cristina.
Impacto de dois programas de escritas inventadas, desenvolvidos em pequeno grupo com crianccas do pre-escolar, na aprendizagem da escrita e da leitura
Mestre em psicologia, Instituto Universitário, 2015.
Book Section
Montiel, Cristina J, Rudy B Rodil, and Judith M Guzman.
The Moro Struggle in Southern Philippines
(2012) The Moro Struggle and the Challenge to Peace Building in Mindanao, Southern Philippines.
Working Paper
Ocello, Cristina, A Petrucci , and M.Rita Testa.
Inter-regional migration in Tanzania: The role of socio-demographic and environmental factors
Journal Article
Neagu, Cristina.
Career placement of skilled migrants in the US labor market: A dynamic approach
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series , no. 4891 (2009).
Journal Article
Orso, Cristina Elisa, and Enrico Fabrizi.
The Determinants of Women’s Empowerment in Bangladesh: The Role of Partner’s Attitudes and Participation in Microcredit Programmes
The Journal of Development Studies 52, no. 6 (2016): 1-18.
Working Paper
Menéndez, María Cristina.
La innovación tecnológica: ¿Una vía para la reconstrucción online de una sociedad democrática?
Journal Article
Carlos, Silvia, Francis Nzakimuena, Gabriel Reina, Cristina Lopez-del Burgo, Eduardo Burgueño, Adolphe Ndarabu, Alfonso Osorio, and Jokin Irala.
Factors that lead to changes in sexual behaviours after a negative HIV test: protocol for a prospective cohort study in Kinshasa
BMC Public Health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Escobar B, Cristina.
Estudio anaítico de la oferta local de autopartes requeridas en procesos de mantenimiento preventivo para vehìculos livianos que se encuentran ubicados en el Ecuador
Título de Ingeniería Mecánica Automotriz, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sánchez B, Cristina Viteri.
Análisis de estrategias de sostenibilidad en la cadena de sumiistros de las pymes ecuatorianas. Aplicación al sector de restaurantes y de servicio móvil de comidas en la provincia del Pichincha-Ecuador, ciudad de Quito
Master Thesis, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Yugsi M, Cristina Gancino.
La gestión financiera y la rentabilidad de la distribuidora Santa Anita del cantón Ambato
Título de Ingeniera Financiera, Universidad Técnica de Ambato, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Aldás, María A, and Cristina R Calderón.
Exploración Laparoscópica de Vía Biliar Hospital "José Carrasco Arteaga" Período Enero 2006-Diciembre 2009
Titulo de Medico, Universidad del Azuay, 2010.
Journal Article
Aldás, Angeles, Cristina Ruilova, Rubén Duque, and Gustavo C Hinojosa.
Exploración Laparoscópica de la Vía Biliar
Revista Médica HJCA 3, no. 2 (2011): 161-164.
Thesis or Dissertation
Castillo Morejon, Guisella Giovana, and Andrea Cristina Heras Abad.
Impacto de la reforma 011-2015 en la disminucion de las ventas del sector manufacturero textil del canton Quito, periodo 2015-2016.
título de ingeniero en finanzas y auditoría, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Carrera de Ingenieria en Finanzas y Auditoria., 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pazmino Mayorga, Cristina Elizabeth.
El campo ocupacional del profesional graduado de la Carrera de Contabilidad y Auditoria de la Universidad Tecnica de Ambato y los indices de empleabilidad, periodo 2013 a Junio 2016
Título de Ingeniera en Contabilidad y Auditoría CPA, Universidad Tecnica de Ambato. Facultad de Contabilidad y Auditoria. Carrera Contabilidad y Auditoria, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
O'Leary, Maureen Cristina.
Low birth weight as a risk factor for undervaccination in Ghana: evidence from a population-based cohort.
Doctor of Philosophy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 2017.
Showing 181-210 of 244