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Showing 541-570 of 808
Journal Article
Sofer, Michael.
Uneven regional development and internal labor migration in Fiji
World Development 21, no. 2 (1993): 301-310.
Journal Article
Sofer, Michael.
Twenty years of change in the Fijian periphery: The case of the Kadavu Island
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 30, no. 3 (2009): 343-357.
Journal Article
Sofer, Michael.
Kadavu Island: adaptation and stagnation in the Fijian periphery
Miscellanea Geographica 19, no. 2 (2015): 14-20.
Journal Article
Manjengwa, Jeanette, Collen Matema, and Doreen Tirivanhu.
Understanding Urban Poverty inTwo High-density Suburbs of Harare, Zimbabwe
Development Southern Africa 33, no. 1 (2016): 23-38.
Journal Article
Gessesew, WS.
Onion (Allium cepa l. Var. Cepa) Bulb Traits as Affected by Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates and Intra-Row Spacing under Irrigation in Gode, South-Eastern Ethiopia
(2015) Journal of Horticulture.
Grant, FFP.
Household Expenditure/Consumption Survey Baseline Survey Final Report For
Working Paper
Morgandi, Matteo, Victoria Strokova, Tomas Damerau, Bojana Naceva, Zlatko Nikoloski, and Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski.
Activation and Smart Safety Nets in FYR Macedonia: Constraints in Beneficiary Profile, Benefit Design, and Institutional Capacity
Journal Article
Pica-Ciamarra, D Baker, N Morgan, C Ly, and S Nouala.
Business and livelihoods in the livestock sector in Africa: Investments to overcome information gaps
(2014) Livestock Data Innovation in Africa Project.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gobena K, Geremew.
Analysis of Smallholder Farmer’s Participation in Production and Marketing of Export Potential Crops: The Case of Sesame in Diga District, East Wollega Zone of Oromia Regional State
Master Thesis, Addis Ababa University, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mushi M, Prosper.
A study on lactose intolerance and milk intake among people in Mgeta and Njombe areas, Tanzania
Master of Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences , 2014.
Journal Article
Gebeyehu, Arse, Feyisa Hundessa, Gurmessa Umeta, Merga Muleta, and Girma Debele.
Assessment on challenges and opportunities of goat farming system in Adami Tulu, Arsi Negelle and Fantale districts of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
African Journal of Agricultural Research 8, no. 1 (2013): 26-31.
Thesis or Dissertation
Abrha K, Bihon.
Factors affecting agricultural production in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia
PhD Thesis, University of South Africa, 2015.
Journal Article
Gale H, Frederick.
Commercialization of food consumption in rural China
USDA-ERS Economic Research Report , no. 8 (2005).
Working Paper
Pudasaini, Roshan, Pashupati Chaudhary, Ram Bahadur Rana, and Suman Manandhar.
Integrated home garden for building resilience of migrant families in Nepal
Journal Article
Tipuri, Darko, Veljko Trivun, Domagoj Hruka, Vedad Silajdi, Fatima Mahmutehaji, Marina Mein, and Mia Mrgud.
Some relevant corporate governance issues in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
International Journal of Management Cases 14, no. 3 (2012): 81-89.
Working Paper
Tafere, Yisak, and Tassew Woldehanna.
Beyond Food Security: Transforming the Productive Safety Net Programme in Ethiopia for the Well-being of Children
Young Lives Working Paper , no. 83 (2012).
Working Paper
Robertson, Raymond.
Economic Perspectives on Falling Inequality in Brazil
Journal Article
Belay, K., and T. Getahun.
Production and Utilization of Camel Milk in Eastern Ethiopia: The Case of Jijiga and Shinile Zones (A Survey)
Folia Veterinaria 46, no. 2 (2002): 75-82.
Journal Article
Visser, Thea, Gideon Nieman, and Emsi Heerden.
Financial Administration and Small and Medium Enterprises: A Study Conducted in South Africa
Athens Journal of Business and Economics .
Conference Paper
Woldeamanuel G, Shumete.
Poverty, Food Insecurity and Livelihood Strategies in Rural Gedeo: The Case of Haroressa and Chichu PAs, SNNP
16th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies.
Journal Article
Kidman, Rachel, and Tonya R Thurman.
Caregiver burden among adults caring for orphaned children in rural South Africa
Vulnerable children and youth studies 9, no. 3 (2014): 234-246.
Working Paper
Veneziani, Mario.
School Attendance, Child Labour and Gender Bias in Morocco
Thesis or Dissertation
Rwizi, Tandanai.
Canonical correlation analysis of aggravated robbery and poverty in Limpopo province
Master of science, University of South Africa, 2014.
Working Paper
Manyatsi, Absalom M, Timothy S Thomas, Michael T Masarirambi, Sepo Hachigonta, and Lindiwe Majele Sibanda.
Conference Paper
Lopes, Modesto, and Harry Nesbitt.
Improving food security in Timor-Leste with higher yield crop Varieties
56th Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society annual conference, Fremantle, Western Australia.
Porter, Douglas, and Habib Rab.
Timor-Leste’s Recovery from the 2006 Crisis: Some Lessons
Working Paper
Luebker, Malte.
Employment, unemployment and informality in Zimbabwe: Concepts and data for coherent policy-making
Journal Article
Thangata, PH, M Mudhara, C Grier, and PE Hildebrand.
Potential for Agroforestry Adoption in Southern Africa: A comparative study of improved fallow and green manure adoption in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe
(2007) Ethnobotany Research and Applications.
Working Paper
Smith W, James.
Tanzania - Poverty, Growth, and Public Transfers: Options for a National Productive Safety Net Program
Social Protection and Labor; World Bank , no. 1414 (2011).
Journal Article
Allen G, Matthew.
Framing food security in the Pacific Islands: empirical evidence from an island in the Western Pacific
Regional Environmental Change 15, no. 7 (2015): 1341-1353.
Showing 541-570 of 808