
Showing 31-60 of 67
Journal Article
Black, Antony P, Phonethipsavanh Nouanthong, Naphavan Nanthavong, Chanthasone Souvannaso, Keooudomphone Vilivong, Prapan Jutavijittum, Bounthome Samountry, Nina Lütteke, Judith M Hübschen, Sylvie Goossens, Fabrice Quet, Yves Buisson, and Claude P Muller. "Hepatitis B virus in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic: a cross sectional serosurvey in different cohorts." (2014) BMC Infectious Diseases.
Journal Article
Bourne, Paul A, and Joan Rhule. "Good Health Status of Rural Women in the Reproductive Ages IJCRIMPH articles are provided for free based on an Open Access policy." International Journal 1, no. 5 (2009): 132-155.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mugabo R, Josaphat. "Farm-level incentives for fertilizer use in Rwanda’s Kigali Rural Province: a financial analysis." Master of Science, Michigan State University, 2003.
Journal Article
Zhllima, Edvin, Davide Viaggi, and Daniel Muller. "Property rights of land and its perception in rural part of central Albania." NEW MEDIT Journal , no. 3 (2010).
Thesis or Dissertation
Müller, Daniele. "O Envelhecimento ea Inclusão Digital de Idosos." Titulo de Graduada , Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 2012.
Journal Article
Muller, Deise K, Juvenal S Dias-da-Costa, A. M Luz, and M. T Olinto. "Cobertura do Exame Citopatológico do Colo do Utero na Cidade de São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil." Cad. Saúde Pública 24, no. 11 (2008): 2511-20.
Working Paper
Nanthavong, Naphavanh, Antony P Black, Phonethipsavanh Nouanthong, Chanthasone Souvannaso, Keooudomphone Vilivong, Claude P Muller, Sylvie Goossens, Fabrice Quet, and Yves Buisson. "Diphtheria in Lao PDR: Insufficient Coverage or Ineffective Vaccine?." (2015)
Journal Article
Luevano-Gurrola, Sergio, Angelica Perez-Tapia, Carmelo Pinedo-Alvarez, Jorge Carrillo-Flores, Maria Elena Montero-Cabrera, and Marusia Renteria-Villalobos. "Lifetime Effective Dose Assessment Based on Background Outdoor Gamma Exposure in Chihuahua City, Mexico." International journal of environmental research and public health 12, no. 10 (2015): 12324-12339.
Journal Article
Luyt, Catherine D, Roman Tandlich, Wilhelmine J Muller, and Brendan S Wilhelmi. "Microbial monitoring of surface water in South Africa: an overview." International journal of environmental research and public health 9, no. 8 (2012): 2669-2693.
Journal Article
Webster, Jianming Cai, Larissa Muller, and Binyi Luo. "Emerging third stage peri-urbanization: Functional specialization in the Hangzhou peri-urban region." (2003) Research Monograph. Stanford, CA: Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University.
Journal Article
Allanson, Emma R, Mari Muller, and Robert C Pattinson. "Causes of perinatal mortality and associated maternal complications in a South African province: challenges in predicting poor outcomes." BMC pregnancy and childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Maqutu, Tholang, and Bonita Kleyn-Magolie. "Degrees or Diplomas? Two Scenarios in an Environmental Management Programme in a Faculty of Applied Sciences." Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5, no. 23 (2014): 1419-1425.
Journal Article
De Allegri, Manuela, Justin Tiendrebeogo, Olaf Muller, Maurice Ye, Albrecht Jahn, and Valery Ridde. "Understanding home delivery in a context of user fee reduction: a cross-sectional mixed methods study in rural Burkina Faso." BMC pregnancy and childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Lewellyn, Krista B, and Maureen I Muller-Kahle. "A configurational approach to understanding gender differences in entrepreneurial activity: a fuzzy set analysis of 40 countries." (2015) International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.
Working Paper
Müller, Esther, Mathias Schluep, Rolf Widmer, Fadri Gottschalk, and Heinz Böni. "Assessment of e-waste flows: a probabilistic approach to quantify e-waste based on world ICT and development indicators." (2009)
Journal Article
Muller, Yvonne, and Sanja Ljevskovic. "Illegal construction in Montenegro." (2008) Techika Chronika Scientific Journal TCG.
Muller, Christophe. A Nutritional Poverty Profile in Mauritius 2006-07. 2009.
Working Paper
Müller, Eva. "Understanding forest tenure in Africa: opportunities and challenges for forest tenure diversification." (2008) Forestry Policy and Institutions Working Paper.
Journal Article
Gebhardt, Markus, Christine Sälzer, Julia Mang, Katharina Müller, and Manfred Prenzel. "Performance of Students With Special Educational Needs in Germany: Findings From Programme for International Student Assessment 2012." Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 14, no. 3 (2015): 343-356.
Working Paper
Acosta, Pablo, Noel Muller, and Miguel Alonso Sarzosa. "Beyond qualifications: returns to cognitive and socio-emotional skills in Colombia." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7430 (2015).
Book Section
Liehr, Stefan, Marian Brenda, Peter Cornel, Jutta Deffner, Jörg Felmeden, Alexander Jokisch, Thomas Kluge, Katharina Müller, Julia Röhrig, and Vanessa Stibitz. "Integrated Water Resources Management: Concept, Research and Implementation." (2016) From the Concept to the Tap—Integrated Water Resources Management in Northern Namibia.
Journal Article
Boansi, David, Justice A Tambo, and Marc Muller. "Analysis of farmers’ adaptation to weather extremes in West African Sudan Savanna." (2017) Weather and Climate Extremes.
Journal Article
Sam, Anu Susan, Ranjit Kumar, Harald Kächele, and Klaus Müller. "Quantifying household vulnerability triggered by drought: evidence from rural India." (2016) Climate and Development.
Journal Article
Zileni, Barbara Debra, Pauline Glover, Meril Jones, Kung-Keat Teoh, Chisomo WaaZileni Zileni, and Amanda Muller. "Malawi women's knowledge and use of labour and birthing positions: A cross-sectional descriptive survey." Women and Birth 30, no. 1 (2017): e1-e8.
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