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Showing 61-90 of 109
Working Paper
Alvarez, Roberto, Claudio Bravo Ortega, and Lucas Navarro.
The Effect of Product Mix Changes on Productivity among Chilean Manufacturing Plants
Working Paper
Loser, Claudio.
Latin America in the Age of Globalization: A Follower or a Force of its Own?
Book Section
Montenegro, Claudio E, and Carmen Pagés.
Law and employment: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean
(2004) Who Benefits from Labor Market Regulations? Chile, 1960–1998.
Chacón, Gabriela, Claudia Babini, Claudio Velasco, André A Devaux, and Jorge Andrade.
Innovación agrícola pro-pobre para la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria en la región andina: el caso IssAndes en Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador: Centro Internacional de la Papa, 2015.
Journal Article
Stronen, Iselin Asedotter, Osvaldo Silva, Margaret Nangacovie, and Claudio Fortuna.
Perpetual Hardships: Female Poverty in Rural Malanje, Angola
CMI Brief 16, no. 4 (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Gálvez Santamaría, Maira M, and Claudio I Méndez Maldonado.
Efectos del programa Fondos del Milenio I en la condición de pobreza de los hogares de Chalatenango en el período 2007-2014
Grado de licenciado, Universidad de El Salvador, 2017.
Journal Article
Verona, Ana Paula de Andrade, Robert Hummer, Cláudio Santiago Dias Júnior, and Luciana Conceição Lima.
Infant mortality and mothers' religious involvement in Brazil
Revista brasileira de estudos de populacao 27, no. 1 (2010): 59-74.
Working Paper
Fares, Jean, Claudio E Montenegro, and Peter F Orazem.
How are youth faring in the labor market? Evidence from around the world
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 4071 (2006).
Journal Article
Mispireta, Monica L, Angel M Rosas, José Velásquez, Andrès G Lescano, and Claudio F Lanata.
Transición nutricional en el Perú, 1991 - 2005
Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica 24, no. 2 (2007).
Journal Article
Dop, Claude, Clodomir Pereira, Lorenza Mistura, Claudio Martinez, and Edith Cardoso.
Using Household Consumption and Expenditures Survey (HCES) data to assess dietary intake in relation to the nutrition transition: A case study from Cape Verde
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 33, no. Supplement 2 (2012): 221S-227S.
Journal Article
Melo, Hildete P, Claudio M Considera, and Alberto D Sabbato.
Os Afazeres Domésticos Contam
Economia e Sociedade 16, no. 3 (31) (2007): 435-454.
Journal Article
Esteves J, Cláudio Oliveira.
Desenvolvimento Regional: A 1. Conferência Nacional em Perspectiva
Caderno IPARDES-Estudos e Pesquisas 3, no. 1 (2013): 60-80.
Journal Article
Balestrieri, Alessandro, Simone Messina, Francesca Pella, Claudio Prigioni, Nicola Saino, and Mauro Fasola.
Eurasian otter Lutra lutra in developing countries: a resurvey of Albania 22 years after the fall of communism
(2013) Methods.
Journal Article
Schwartzman, Simon, and Claudio M Castro.
Ensino, Formação Profissional e a Questão da Mão de Obra
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação 21, no. 80 (2013): 563-623.
Journal Article
Damacena, Claudio, Caio B Raposo, and Bruna S Melo.
O Lado “D” do Mercado de Consumo Brasileiro
Dialogo , no. 27 (2014).
Journal Article
Vasquez Martinez, Claudio Rafael, Angelica Beatriz Contreras Cueva, Enrique Cuevas Rodriguez, and Graciela Esperanza Giron Villacis.
Repercusiones en la formacion y los ingresos en Mexico
El Agora USB 10, no. 2 (2015): 399-410.
Journal Article
Saldivar-Iglesias, Pedro, Antonio Laguna-Cerda, Claudio Esquivel-Alvarez, and Carlos Gonzaez-Esquivel.
Sostenibilidad de Dalea lutea en bosque mixto y pastizal en Tenancingo, Estado de Mexico.
Agronomia mesoamericana 23, no. 1 (2012): 129-139.
Journal Article
Gain, Animesh K, Vahid Mojtahed, Claudio Biscaro, Stefano Balbi, and Carlo Giupponi.
An integrated approach of flood risk assessment in the eastern part of Dhaka City
(2015) Natural Hazards.
Journal Article
Bracco, Oswaldo L, E. M Fortes, Maurício P Raffaelli, Denizar V Araújo, Cláudio Santili, and Marise Lazaretti-Castro.
Custo Hospitalar para Tratamento da Fratura Aguda do Fêmur por Osteoporose em Dois Hospitais-Escola Conveniados ao Sistema Único de Saúde
J Bras Econ Saude 1, no. 1 (2009): 3-10.
Journal Article
Agudelo-Botero, Marcela, and Claudio Alberto Davila-Cervantes.
Efecto de las muertes evitables y no evitables en la esperanza de vida en Mexico, 1998-2000 y 2008-2010
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 35, no. 2 (2014): 121-127.
Journal Article
Carmo, Claudio C, and Ronir R Luiz.
Survival of a Cohort of Women with Cervical Cancer Diagnosed in a Brazilian Cancer Center
Revista de Saúde Pública 45, no. 4 (2011): 661-667.
Journal Article
Bahia, Ligia, Ronir Raggio R Luiz, Cláudio Salm, Antonio Leal J Costa, Pauline L Kale, and Maria Lourdes T Cavalcanti.
O Mercado de Planos e Seguros de Saúde no Brasil: Uma Abordagem Exploratória Sobre a Estratificação das Demandas Segundo a PNAD 2003
Cien Saude Colet 11, no. 4 (2006): 951-965.
Working Paper
Vila, Claudio.
Aspectos demograficos de la mano de obra: un analisis de la encuesta nacional continua de mano de obra de Chile (VII-X, 1966)
(1971) CELADE.
Journal Article
Delang O, Claudio.
The role of medicinal plants in the provision of health care in Lao PDR
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 1, no. 3 (2007): 50-59.
Journal Article
Delang, Claudio O, Matthew Toro, and Marieke Charlet-Phommachanh.
Coffee, mines and dams: conflicts over land in the Bolaven Plateau, southern Lao PDR
The Geographical Journal 179, no. 2 (2013): 150-164.
Journal Article
Selowsky, Marcelo, and Claudio Loser.
Improving Microeconomic Efficiency of Latin American Economies
Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies 7, no. 2 (2015): 121-149.
Journal Article
Bravo-Ortega, Claudio, and Alvaro Garcia Marin.
R&D and Productivity: A Two Way Avenue?
World Development 39, no. 7 (2011): 1090-1107.
Working Paper
Alvarez, Roberto, Claudio Bravo-Ortega, and Lucas Navarro.
Innovation, R&D investment and productivity in Chile
Journal Article
Alvarez, Roberto, Claudio Bravo-Ortega, and Lucas Navarro.
Innovación, investigación y desarrollo, y productividad en Chile
Revista CEPAL , no. 104 (2011).
Journal Article
Wilken, Lynne R, Rachel Novotny, Marie K Fialkowski, Carol J Boushey, Claudio Nigg, Yvette Paulino, Rachael Leon Guerrero, Andrea Bersamin, Don Vargo, and Jang Kim.
Children’s Healthy Living (CHL) Program for remote underserved minority populations in the Pacific region: rationale and design of a community randomized trial to prevent early childhood obesity
BMC public health 13, no. 1 (2013).
Showing 61-90 of 109