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Showing 1081-1110 of 10666
Journal Article
Srinivasan, T.N.
China and India: economic performance, competition and cooperation: an update
Journal of Asian Economics 15, no. 4 (2004): 613-636.
Journal Article
Gaiha, Raghav, Katsushi Imai, and P.D. Kaushik.
On the targeting and cost-effectiveness of anti-poverty programmes in Rural India
Development and Change 32, no. 2 (2001): 309-342.
Journal Article
Chaudhuri, Sarbajit, and Dibyendu Banerjee.
Foreign Capital Inflow, Skilled-Unskilled Wage Inequality and Unemployment of Unskilled Labour in a Fair Wage Model
Economic Modelling 27, no. 1 (2010): 477-486.
Journal Article
John, Rijo M, and Rohit Mutatkar.
Statewise estimates of poverty among religious groups in India
(2005) Economic and political weekly.
Journal Article
Patnaik, Uina.
Neoliberalism and rural poverty in India
(2007) Economic and Political Weekly.
Thesis or Dissertation
Abdulai, Martha.
Factors influencing condom use among women in rural Ghana: A cross-sectional survey
Master of Public Health, Vrije Universiteit. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hussein A, Shereen.
An exploration of nuptiality patterns in Egypt and the Maghreb countries
University of London, 2002.
Journal Article
Upadhyay, Heena, and Rajni Pathania.
Consumer expenditure behaviour in India: A case of rural and urban consumer
International Journal of Business and Management Invention 2, no. 2 (2013).
Mazumdar, Dipak, and Sandip Sarkar.
Globalization, labor markets and inequality in India
: IDRC, 2008.
Journal Article
Ghosh, Jayati.
Assessing poverty alleviation strategies for their impact on poor women (a study with special reference to India)
(1998) United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Discussion paper.
Journal Article
Chaudhuri, S., and N. Gupta.
Levels of living and poverty patterns: a District-Wise analysis for india
(2009) Economic and Political Weekly.
Journal Article
Vepa S, Swarna.
Gender equity & human development
Indian Journal of Medical Research 126, no. 4 (2007): 328-340.
Journal Article
Ghani, Ejaz, William Kerr, and Stephen O'Connell.
What makes cities more competitive? spatial determinants of entrepreneurship in India
Spatial Determinants of Entrepreneurship in India (September 1, 2012). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 6198 (2012).
Conference Paper
Polaski, Sandra, Manoj Panda, A. Ganesh Kumar, Scott McDonald, and Sherman Robins.
Policy dilemmas in India: The impact of changes in agricultural prices on rural and urban poverty
11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis .
Helsinki, Finland, 2012.
Journal Article
Bandopadhyay, Titas Kumar, and Sarbajit Chaudhuri.
Endogenous Skill Formation: Labor Market Integration by an Immigration
Journal of Economic Integration 28, no. 1 (2013): 183-200.
Working Paper
Sahu, Partha Pratim.
Subcontracting in India's Small Manufacturing Enterprises
(2007) Institute for Studies in Industrial Development.
Journal Article
Majumdar, Ashima.
Productivity growth in the urban informal manufacturing sector in Assam: A comparison to india
(2012) International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research.
Journal Article
Marjit, Sugata, and Dibyendu Maiti.
Informal Wage and Formal Sector Productivity
(2008) Available at SSRN 1232282.
Working Paper
Imai, Katsushi S, and Takahiro Sato.
Fertility, parental education and development in India in 1992-2006
(2009) (unpublished draft).
Working Paper
Badri Narayanan, G., and Pankaj Vashisht.
Determinants of Competitiveness of the Indian Auto Industry
(2008) Indian Council for Research on International; Economics Relations.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gmatieyindu S, Peter.
Demographic and social correlates differentiating Ghanaian women receiving optimal versus sub-optimal antenatal care; the 2008 Measure DHS+ Project.
Master, University of Bergen, 2012.
Conference Paper
Mukherjee, Anirban, and Sourabh B Paul.
Community identity and skill mismatch: A study on Indian labour market
8th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development.
New Delhi, India, December 17-19, 2012.
Working Paper
Imai, Katsushi S, Raghav Gaiha, and Ganesh Thapa.
Does non-farm sector employment reduce rural poverty and vulnerability? Evidence from Vietnam and India
Working Paper
Mukherjee, Dipa.
Changing role of women: A Study of small manufacturing enterprises in India
(2005) Munich Personal RePEc Archive Working Papers.
Working Paper
Gang, Ira N, Kunal Sen, and Myeong-Su Yun.
Caste, ethnicity and poverty in rural India
(2002) IZA Discussion paper series.
Wagstaff, Adam.
Decomposing changes in income inequality into vertical and horizontal redistribution and reranking, with applications to China and Vietnam
Pfau, Wade D, and Giang Thanh Long.
Gender and remittance flows in Vietnam during economic transformation
Journal Article
Chaudhuri, Anoshua, and Kakoli Roy.
Changes in out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in Vietnam and its impact on equity in payments, 1992-2002
Health Policy 88, no. 1 (2008): 38-48.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Phong, Dominique Haughton, Irene Hudson, and John Boland.
Multilevel models and small area estimation in the context of Vietnam living standards surveys
Journal Article
Figuie, Muriel.
Vegetable consumption behaviour in Vietnam
Showing 1081-1110 of 10666