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Thesis or Dissertation
Ferreira P, Regina Timbo. "A Influência da Televisão nas Brincadeiras Infantis: Uma Reflexão Sobre a Cultura da Violência." Tesi Doctoral, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mwansa, Regina Tembo. "(Dis) empowerment?: A study on the influence of discourses on gender in the lives of rural Zambian women." Master of Philosophy, University of Oslo, 2013.
Journal Article
Guthold, Regina, Melanie J Cowan, Christine S Autenrieth, Laura Kann, and Leanne M Riley. "Physical activity and sedentary behavior among schoolchildren: a 34-country comparison." The Journal of Pediatrics 157, no. 1 (2010): 43-49.
Journal Article
Ramirez-Jimenez, Rocio, Rebeca Mejia-Saucedo, Jaqueline Calderon-Hernandez, Regina Montero-Montoya, and Leticia Yanez-Estrada. "Concentraciones urinarias de metabolitos de plaguicidas organofosforados en niños y adolescentes de una zona agrícola de México." Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias 1, no. 4 (2014): 87-97.
Journal Article
Costa, Regina T, and Carlos M Figueiredo Antunes. "O Gerenciamento do Cuidado Multidisciplinar no Acompanhamento de Pacientes Portadores de Doenças Crônicas." Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade 4, no. 13 (2008): 013-017.
Journal Article
Souza, Neila S, Eliane T Neves, and Regina Hirooka I Borba. "Ser Cuidadora Familiar de Criança com Asma: Análise do Discurso e Estudo de Suas Significações." (2014) Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM.
Journal Article
Dossa, Luc Hippolyte, Barbara Rischkowsky, Regina Birner, and Clemens Wollny. "Socio-economic determinants of keeping goats and sheep by rural people in southern Benin." Journal of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society 25, no. 4 (2008): 581-592.
Journal Article
Bernal, Regina, and Nilza N Silva. "Cobertura de Linhas Telefônicas Residenciais e Vícios Potenciais em Estudos Epidemiológicos." Rev Saude Publica 43, no. 3 (2009): 421-6.
Journal Article
Malta, Deborah C, Betine Moehlecke P Iser, Rafael M Claro, Lenildo Moura, Regina Ivata T Bernal, Andréia F Nascimento, Jarbas B Silva Jr, and Carlos A Monteiro. "Prevalência de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis em Adultos: Estudo Transversal, Brasil, 2011." Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde 22, no. 3 (2013): 423-434.
Journal Article
Ferreira, Aline D, Cibele C César, Deborah C Malta, Amanda S. C Andrade, Cynthia Carvalho G Ramos, Fernando A Proietti, Regina Ivata T Bernal, and Waleska T Caiaffa. "Validade de Estimativas Obtidas por Inquérito Telefônico: Comparação entre VIGITEL 2008 e Inquérito Saúde em Beagá." Rev Bras Epidemiol 14, no. 1 (2011): 16-30.
Zhuang, Ping, and SK Regina. The Traffic in Women for Marriage in China: Problems and Perspectives. : Social Policy Research Unit, University of Regina, 1998.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cameron, Craig Daniel. "A Theoretical Model of Development Partnership and Identity: Sport-For-Development Partnership in Trinidad and Tobago." Doctor of Philosophy In Kinesiology and Health Studies, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Regina, 2013.
Journal Article
Wirth, James P, Arnaud Laillou, Fabian Rohner, Christine A Northrop-Clewes, Barbara Macdonald, and Regina Moench-Pfanner. "Lessons learned from national food fortification projects: Experiences from Morocco, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam." Food and Nutrition Bulletin 33, no. 4 suppl3 (2012): S281-S292.
Thesis or Dissertation
Delgado, Sónia Regina Soares. "Cooperação internacional e desenvolvimento em Cabo Verde." Dissertações de Mestrado, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 2012.
Journal Article
Ademuyiwa, Oladipo, Regina N Ugbaja, and Solomon O Rotimi. "Plasma lipid profile, atherogenic and coronary risk indices in some residents of Abeokuta in south-western Nigeria." Biokemistri 20, no. 2 (2008): 85-91.
Journal Article
Mutave James, Regina, Loice W Gathece, and Arthur M Kemoli. "Association of fever and diarrhea with infant teething among mothers attending two health centres in Nairobi." Journal of the Kenya Dental Association 6, no. 2 (2015): 265-272.
Journal Article
Oladokun, Adesina, Oyedunni Arulogun, Regina Oladokun, Imran O Morhason-Bello, Elijah A Bamgboye, Isaac F Adewole, and Oladosu A Ojengbede. "Acceptability of child adoption as management option for infertility in Nigeria: Evidence from focus group discussions." African journal of reproductive health 13, no. 1 (2009): 79-92.
Journal Article
Ezedinachi, Emmanuel, Friday Odey, Soter Ameh, Olabisi Oduwole, Ekpereonne Esu, Regina Ejemot-Nwadiaro, Godwin Ntadom, Aniekan Etokidem, Ekong Udoh, and Vivian Asiegbu. "Factors affecting the uptake of anti-malarial drugs by children in public primary health facilities in Cross River State, Nigeria." (2012) Open Epidemiology Journal.
Journal Article
Godoy, Marcia Regina, and Divanildo Triches. "Effects of physical activity on earnings in the Brazilian labor market." (2016) EconomiA.
Working Paper
Kolavalli, Shashidhara, Regina Birner, Samuel Benin, Leah Horowitz, Suresh Babu, Kwadwo Asenso-Okyere, Nii Moi Thompson, and John Poku. "Institutional and public expenditure review of Ghana's Ministry of Food and Agriculture." (2010)
Journal Article
Batura, Neha, Jolene Skordis-Worrall, Rita Thapa, Regina Basnyat, and Joanna Morrison. "Is the Job Satisfaction Survey a good tool to measure job satisfaction amongst health workers in Nepal? Results of a validation analysis." BMC health services research 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Clark, Rebecca L, Jennifer E Glick, and Regina M Bures. "Immigrant families over the life course: Research directions and needs." Journal of Family Issues 30, no. 6 (2009): 852-872.
Journal Article
Hosseinpoor, Ahmad Reza, Nicole Bergen, Anton Kunst, Sam Harper, Regina Guthold, Dag Rekve, Edouard Tursan, Nirmala Naidoo, and Somnath Chatterji. "Socioeconomic inequalities in risk factors for non communicable diseases in low-income and middle-income countries: results from the World Health Survey." BMC public Health 12, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Kwakye-Opong, Regina. "Archeological and Historic Survey of Ga Costumes: 15 th-18 th century." (2014) Historical Research Letter .
Journal Article
Kwakye-Opong, Regina. "Clothing and Colour Symbolisms in the Homowo Festival: A means to Sociocultural Development.." Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 4, no. 13 (2014): 112-125.
Journal Article
Dominguez-Anaya, Regina, and Yaneth Herazo-Beltran. "Edad de la gestante adolescente como factor de riesgo para complicaciones en el embarazo. Cartagena (Colombia) 2009. Estudio de corte transversal." Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia 62, no. 2 (2015): 141-147.
Journal Article
Moench-Pfanner, Regina, Sok Silo, Arnaud Laillou, Frank Wieringa, Rathamony Hong, Rathavuth Hong, Etienne Poirot, and Jack Bagriansky. "The Economic Burden of Malnutrition in Pregnant Women and Children under 5 Years of Age in Cambodia." Nutrients 8, no. 5 (2016): 292.
Journal Article
Betran, Ana Pilar, Jianfeng Ye, Anne-Beth Moller, Jun Zhang, Metin A Gulmezoglu, and Maria Regina Torloni. "The increasing trend in caesarean section rates: global, regional and national estimates: 1990-2014." PloS one 11, no. 2 (2016).
Journal Article
Mhango, Solomon, Regina Malima, and Elieshi Z Lukumay. "Gender equality in land ownership as a strategy for poverty reduction in Tanzania: A case of Ilala Municipal in Dar Es Salaam City.." Developing Country Studies 4, no. 10 (2014): 73-78.
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