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Showing 1-30 of 1601
Thesis or Dissertation
Jamesa, Salome Candida.
Effect of foreign direct investment on the growth of real estate firms in Kenya
Master of Business Administration, University of Nairobi.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ouma, Amos Otieno.
Effect of macroeconomic variales on real estate prices in Kenya
Master of Business Administration, University of Nairobi, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kaputo, Collins Chileshe.
Macroeconomic Policy and Domestic Private investment: The case of Zambia, 1980-2008
Master of Arts, University of Zambia, 2011.
Alam, Md Mahbub.
Measuring the effectiveness of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) on real estate business: a study on Concord Real Estate Ltd.
Thesis or Dissertation
Karoki, Rita Wachera.
Determinants of residential real estate prices in Kenya
Master of Business Administration, Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi, 2013.
Ram, Yenteshwar.
An Empirical Examination of the export-led growth hypothesis in Fiji
Suva, Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji, 2003.
Journal Article
Narayan, Paresh K, and Russel Smyth.
Temporal causality and the dynamics of democracy, emigration and real income in Fiji
International Review of Applied Economics 19, no. 2 (2007): 245-261.
Working Paper
Magno-Ballesteros, Marife.
Land use planning in Metro Manila and the urban fringe: Implications on the land and real estate market
Working Paper
Broeck, Mark, Anastasia Guscina, and Gil Mehrez.
Assessing competitiveness using industry unit labor costs: An application to Slovakia
Journal Article
Irfan, Mohammad.
Pakistan’s Wage Structure During 1990/91 - 2006/07
(2008) Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.
Conference Paper
Faganel, Armand.
Real Estate Market and the Accession of Slovenia to the European Union
5th International conference "Economic Integration, competition and cooperation".
Opatija, Croatia, March 26, 2013.
Working Paper
Duc, Dam Tran, and Benjamin John Sesay.
Creating Residential Real Estate Customers' Perceptions: Using E-commerce in Hanoi, Vietnam
Journal Article
Granero, Ricardo, Esteban S Poni, Bertha C Escobar-Poni, and Judith Escobar.
Trends of Violence among 7th, 8th and 9th Grade Students in the State of Lara, Venezuela: The Global School Health Survey 2004 and 2008
Archives of Public Health 69, no. 1 (2011): 1-6.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chavez Yuqui, Alexandra P, and Claudia R Real Escobar.
Evaluación Integral: Económica, Social y Ambiental de la Actividad Petrolera en las Provincias de Orellana y Sucumbíos
Thesis, Escuela Politecnica Nacional, 2011.
Journal Article
Cosse, Isabella.
Claudia: la revista de la mujer moderna en la Argentina de los años sesenta (1957-1973)
Mora (Buenos Aires) 17, no. 1 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Harahap R, Faisal.
Estimating long-run elasticities of rural wage determinants in Indonesia: the Johansen cointegration method
Master of Science - MSc, The University of British Columbia, 2012.
Lal, Deepak.
Trends in Real Wages in Rural India, 1880-1980
: Development Research Department, Economics and Research Staff, World Bank, 1984.
Journal Article
Marsiglia, Flavio F, Jaime M Booth, Stephanie L Ayers, Bertha L Nuno-Gutierrez, Stephen Kulis, and Steven Hoffman.
Short-term effects on substance use of the keepin’it REAL pilot prevention program: Linguistically adapted for youth in Jalisco, Mexico
Prevention Science 15, no. 5 (2014): 694-704.
Thesis or Dissertation
Moraes P, Leandro.
Análise do Salário Mínimo no Brasil entre Julho de 1994 a Dezembro de 2004
Mestre, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2014.
Working Paper
Beck, Ulrik.
Keep it real, Measuring real inequality using survey data from developing countries
WIDER Working Paper , no. 2015/133 (2015).
Working Paper
Dadson, Nick.
The Real Immigrant-Native Wage Inequality
Metropolis British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Diversity No , no. 12-16 (2012).
Journal Article
Emengini, Ebele Josephine, Kingsley Idhoko, and Chinelo Priscilia Igwe.
Development of Real Estate Decision Support System for Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria
International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology 4, no. 8 (2014): 19-22.
Thesis or Dissertation
Beck, Ulrik.
Essays in Development Economics: Inequality Measurement and Household Factor Allocations
PhD Thesis, University o f Copenhagen, 2016.
Journal Article
Acevedo, Leidis, Carol Barrios, Carmen Caraballo, Aoriana Durango, Alvaro Diaz, Beatriz Escobar, Claudia Isaza, Skarlyn Munive, Diana Paz, and Edgardo Orozco.
Estudio de intervención y acción participativa de la lúdica, como estrategia educativa para disminuir el inicio temprano de las relaciones sexuales en los adolescentes entre los 10 y 18 años del colegio nacional José Eusebio Caro de Barranquilla
PSICOGENTE 8, no. 14 (2015): 27-37.
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam, Marcel Bilger, Zurab Sajaia, and Michael Lokshin.
Interpreting the Tables and Graphs
Health Equity and Financial Protection.
Journal Article
Talukder, Dayal, and Love Chile.
Agricultural Trade Liberalisation and Growth in Income of Rural Household in Bangladesh: A Quintile-Growth Approach to the Analysis of Distributional Consequences
Economic and Business Review 15, no. 3 (2013): 233-258.
Working Paper
Klugman, Jeni, Paul Dorosh, and Josef Loening.
Explaining Food Price Inflation
Journal Article
Koprencka, Luciana, Edmira Cakrani, and Migena Petani.
Real Estate Taxes in Albania
European Journal of Sustainable Development 2, no. 4 (2013): 243-252.
Working Paper
Said, Mona.
he fall and rise of earnings and inequality in Egypt: New evidence from the ELMPS, 2006
Economic Research Forum. Working Paper , no. 0708 (2007).
Kongela, Sophia Marcian.
Framework and Value Drivers for Real Estate Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessment of the Tanzanian Real Estate Sector in the Context of the Competitiveness Model
: Immobilien Manager Verlag IMV, 2013.
Showing 1-30 of 1601